Release v1.9.0
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+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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+name: Bug report
+about: Create a report to help us improve
+title: ''
+labels: ''
+assignees: ''
+The Issues are strictly limited for the reporting of problem encountered with the software provided in this project.
+For any other problem related to the STM32 product, the performance, the hardware characteristics and boards, the tools the environment in general, please post a topic in the [ST Community/STM32 MCUs forum](
+**Describe the set-up**
+ * The board (either ST RPN reference or your custom board)
+ * IDE or at least the compiler and its version
+**Describe the bug**
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+**How To Reproduce**
+1. Indicate the global behavior of your application project
+2. The modules that you suspect to be the cause of the problem (Driver, BSP, MW ...)
+3. The use case that generates the problem
+4. How we can reproduce the problem
+**Additional context**
+If you have a first analysis or patch correction, thank you to share your proposal.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
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+name: 'Other Issue '
+about: Generic issue description
+title: ''
+labels: ''
+assignees: ''
+The Issues are strictly limited for the reporting of problem encountered with the software provided in this project.
+For any other problem related to the STM32 product, the performance, the hardware characteristics and boards, the tools the environment in general, please post a topic in the [ST Community/STM32 MCUs forum](
+**Describe the set-up**
+ * The board (either ST RPN reference or your custom board)
+ * IDE or at least the compiler and its version
+**Additional context**
+If you have a first analysis or a patch proposal, thank you to share your proposal.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
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+### Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
+* The Pull Request feature will be considered by STMicroelectronics only after a **Contributor License Agreement (CLA)** mechanism has been deployed.
+* We are currently working on the set-up of this procedure. 
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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
+level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
+appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+ advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+ address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
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+## Contributing guide
+This document serves as a checklist before contributing to this repository.
+It includes links to read up on if topics are unclear to you.
+This guide mainly focuses on the proper use of Git.
+### 1. Before opening an issue
+To report a bug/request please file an issue in the right repository
+(example for [cmsis_device_l0](
+But check the following boxes before posting an issue:
+- [ ] `Make sure you are using the latest commit (major releases are Tagged, but corrections are available as new commits).`
+- [ ] `Make sure your issue is a question/feedback/suggestions RELATED TO the software provided in this repo.` Otherwise, it should be discussed on the [ST Community/STM32 MCUs forum](
+- [ ] `Make sure your issue is not already reported/fixed on GitHub or discussed on a previous Issue.` Please refer to this [dashboard]( for the list of issues and pull-requests. Do not forget to browse into the **closed** issues.
+### 2. Posting the issue
+When you have checked the previous boxes. You will find two templates Issues (Bug Report or Other Issue) available in the **Issues** tab of the repo
+### 3. Pull Requests
+For the moment, the Pull Request feature is not deployed. STMicrolectronics is working on a Contributor License Agreement procedure
diff --git a/Include/stm32l010x4.h b/Include/stm32l010x4.h
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+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l010x4.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l010x4 devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2018 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l010x4
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L010x4_H
+#define __STM32L010x4_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l010x4 Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn        = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 Interrupts                 */
+  ADC1_IRQn                   = 12,     /*!< ADC1 Interrupt                                          */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x0808007FUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00000800UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 2KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+#define IS_IRDA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (1==0)
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn       DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQn                 ADC1_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ADC1_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L010x4_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l010x6.h b/Include/stm32l010x6.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e7e2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l010x6.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5860 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l010x6.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l010x6 devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2018 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l010x6
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L010x6_H
+#define __STM32L010x6_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l010x6 Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_IRQn                   = 12,     /*!< ADC1 Interrupt                                          */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080800FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+#define IS_IRDA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (1==0)
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQn                 ADC1_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ADC1_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L010x6_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l010x8.h b/Include/stm32l010x8.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0515d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l010x8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5856 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l010x8.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l010x8 devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2018 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l010x8
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L010x8_H
+#define __STM32L010x8_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l010x8 Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_IRQn                   = 12,     /*!< ADC1 Interrupt                                          */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080800FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+#define IS_IRDA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (1==0)
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQn                 ADC1_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ADC1_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L010x8_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l010xb.h b/Include/stm32l010xb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58fab12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l010xb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5932 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l010xb.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l010xb devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2018 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l010xb
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L010xB_H
+#define __STM32L010xB_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l010xb Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_IRQn                   = 12,     /*!< ADC1 Interrupt                                          */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080801FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQn                 ADC1_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ADC1_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L010xB_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l011xx.h b/Include/stm32l011xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81071fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l011xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5945 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l011xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l011xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l011xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L011xx_H
+#define __STM32L011xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l011xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn        = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 Interrupts                 */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080801FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00000800UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 2KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS_Pos            (16U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS                PWR_CR_LPDS_Msk                             /*!< regulator in low power deepsleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT	     /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define USART_TCBGT_SUPPORT                       /*!< Transmission completed before guard time interrupt support */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos         (24U)   
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE             USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk                    /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos           (25U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT               USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk                      /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Completion Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos         (7U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF             USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk                    /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn       DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L011xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l021xx.h b/Include/stm32l021xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff12ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l021xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6085 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l021xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l021xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l021xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L021xx_H
+#define __STM32L021xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l021xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn        = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 Interrupts                 */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< AES and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080801FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00000800UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 2KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS_Pos            (16U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPDS                PWR_CR_LPDS_Msk                             /*!< regulator in low power deepsleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT	     /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define USART_TCBGT_SUPPORT                       /*!< Transmission completed before guard time interrupt support */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos         (24U)   
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE             USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk                    /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos           (25U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TCBGT               USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk                      /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Completion Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos         (7U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF             USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk                    /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn       DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L021xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l031xx.h b/Include/stm32l031xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feb2ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l031xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6090 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l031xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l031xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l031xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L031xx_H
+#define __STM32L031xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l031xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080803FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT	     /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L031xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l041xx.h b/Include/stm32l041xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..988a5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l041xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6230 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l041xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l041xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l041xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L041xx_H
+#define __STM32L041xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             0U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides no MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l041xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< AES and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register,                                 Address offset: 0x18 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080803FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT	     /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                    ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L041xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l051xx.h b/Include/stm32l051xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a573419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l051xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6265 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l051xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l051xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l051xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L051xx_H
+#define __STM32L051xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l051xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_IRQn                   = 17,     /*!< TIM6  Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQn                  TIM6_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            TIM6_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L051xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l052xx.h b/Include/stm32l052xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2596ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l052xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7349 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l052xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l052xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l052xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L052xx_H
+#define __STM32L052xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l052xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  RNG_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED0[6];  /*!<                                                                     0x14-0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!<                                                                          0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L052xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l053xx.h b/Include/stm32l053xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e28ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l053xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7509 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l053xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l053xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l053xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L053xx_H
+#define __STM32L053xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l053xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  RNG_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+  LCD_IRQn                    = 30,     /*!< LCD Interrupt                                           */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED0[6];  /*!<                                                                     0x14-0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!<                                                                          0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief LCD
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;        /*!< LCD control register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t FCR;       /*!< LCD frame control register,        Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< LCD status register,               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CLR;       /*!< LCD clear register,                Address offset: 0x0C */
+  uint32_t RESERVED;       /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RAM[16];   /*!< LCD display memory,                Address offset: 0x14-0x50 */
+} LCD_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define LCD                 ((LCD_TypeDef *) LCD_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos     (16U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk                      /*!< Channel 16 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos         (24U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN             ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk                          /*!< Voltage LCD enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          LCD Controller (LCD)                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos            (0U)      
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN                LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk                           /*!< LCD Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos             (1U)      
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk             (0x1UL << LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL                 LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk                            /*!< Voltage source selector Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos             (2U)      
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY                 LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk                            /*!< DUTY[2:0] bits (Duty selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_2               (0x4UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos             (5U)      
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk             (0x3UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS                 LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk                            /*!< BIAS[1:0] bits (Bias selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos          (7U)      
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk          (0x1UL << LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG              LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk                         /*!< Mux Segment Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos            (8U)
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN                LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk                           /*!< Voltage output buffer enable Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_FCR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_HD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_FCR_HD                  LCD_FCR_HD_Msk                             /*!< High Drive Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos           (1U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE               LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk                          /*!< Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos           (3U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE               LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk                          /*!< Update Display Done Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Pos             (4U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON                 LCD_FCR_PON_Msk                            /*!< PON[2:0] bits (Puls ON Duration) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_0               (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_1               (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_2               (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos            (7U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk            (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000380 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD                LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk                           /*!< DEAD[2:0] bits (DEAD Time) */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_0              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_1              (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_2              (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Pos              (10U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Msk              (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001C00 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC                  LCD_FCR_CC_Msk                             /*!< CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control) */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_0                (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_1                (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_2                (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos          (13U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk          (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF              LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk                         /*!< BLINKF[2:0] bits (Blink Frequency) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_0            (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1            (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_2            (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos           (16U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk           (0x3UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK               LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk                          /*!< BLINK[1:0] bits (Blink Enable) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_0             (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_1             (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos             (18U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk             (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos)                  /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV                 LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk                            /*!< DIV[3:0] bits (Divider) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Pos              (22U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Msk              (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_PS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x03C00000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS                  LCD_FCR_PS_Msk                             /*!< PS[3:0] bits (Prescaler) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_SR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_ENS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_SR_ENS                  LCD_SR_ENS_Msk                             /*!< LCD Enabled Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Pos              (1U)      
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_SOF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF                  LCD_SR_SOF_Msk                             /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Pos              (2U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR                  LCD_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Request Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Pos              (3U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD                  LCD_SR_UDD_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Done Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Pos              (4U)      
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_RDY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY                  LCD_SR_RDY_Msk                             /*!< Ready Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR                LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk                           /*!< LCD FCR Register Synchronization Flag Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CLR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos            (1U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC                LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk                           /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Clear Bit */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos            (3U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC                LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk                           /*!< Update Display Done Flag Clear Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_RAM register  ********************/
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Pos    (0U)      
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA        LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Msk                   /*!< Segment Data Bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC/LCD prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos          (9U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk               /*!< LCD reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN                RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk                 /*!< LCD clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk             /*!< LCD clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos                    (1U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk                    (0x7UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000E */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA                        SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk         /*!< Connection of internal Vlcd rail to external capacitors */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_0                      (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_1                      (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_2                      (0x4UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** LCD Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L053xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l061xx.h b/Include/stm32l061xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d5ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l061xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6405 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l061xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l061xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l061xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L061xx_H
+#define __STM32L061xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l061xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_IRQn                   = 17,     /*!< TIM6  Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< AES and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQn                  TIM6_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            TIM6_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L061xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l062xx.h b/Include/stm32l062xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af44ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l062xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7489 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l062xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l062xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l062xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L062xx_H
+#define __STM32L062xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l062xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn        = 29,     /*!< AES and RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                      */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED0[6];  /*!<                                                                     0x14-0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!<                                                                          0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L062xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l063xx.h b/Include/stm32l063xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f05574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l063xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7649 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l063xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l063xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l063xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L063xx_H
+#define __STM32L063xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l063xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn        = 29,     /*!< AES and RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                      */
+  LCD_IRQn                    = 30,     /*!< LCD Interrupt                                           */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED0[6];  /*!<                                                                     0x14-0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!<                                                                          0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief LCD
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;        /*!< LCD control register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t FCR;       /*!< LCD frame control register,        Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< LCD status register,               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CLR;       /*!< LCD clear register,                Address offset: 0x0C */
+  uint32_t RESERVED;       /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RAM[16];   /*!< LCD display memory,                Address offset: 0x14-0x50 */
+} LCD_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_END        (0x080807FFUL) /*!< DATA EEPROM end address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00002000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 8KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define LCD                 ((LCD_TypeDef *) LCD_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos     (16U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk                      /*!< Channel 16 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos         (24U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN             ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk                          /*!< Voltage LCD enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x36FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x36FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          LCD Controller (LCD)                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos            (0U)      
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN                LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk                           /*!< LCD Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos             (1U)      
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk             (0x1UL << LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL                 LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk                            /*!< Voltage source selector Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos             (2U)      
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY                 LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk                            /*!< DUTY[2:0] bits (Duty selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_2               (0x4UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos             (5U)      
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk             (0x3UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS                 LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk                            /*!< BIAS[1:0] bits (Bias selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos          (7U)      
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk          (0x1UL << LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG              LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk                         /*!< Mux Segment Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos            (8U)
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN                LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk                           /*!< Voltage output buffer enable Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_FCR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_HD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_FCR_HD                  LCD_FCR_HD_Msk                             /*!< High Drive Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos           (1U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE               LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk                          /*!< Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos           (3U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE               LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk                          /*!< Update Display Done Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Pos             (4U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON                 LCD_FCR_PON_Msk                            /*!< PON[2:0] bits (Puls ON Duration) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_0               (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_1               (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_2               (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos            (7U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk            (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000380 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD                LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk                           /*!< DEAD[2:0] bits (DEAD Time) */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_0              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_1              (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_2              (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Pos              (10U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Msk              (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001C00 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC                  LCD_FCR_CC_Msk                             /*!< CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control) */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_0                (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_1                (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_2                (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos          (13U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk          (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF              LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk                         /*!< BLINKF[2:0] bits (Blink Frequency) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_0            (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1            (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_2            (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos           (16U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk           (0x3UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK               LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk                          /*!< BLINK[1:0] bits (Blink Enable) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_0             (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_1             (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos             (18U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk             (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos)                  /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV                 LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk                            /*!< DIV[3:0] bits (Divider) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Pos              (22U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Msk              (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_PS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x03C00000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS                  LCD_FCR_PS_Msk                             /*!< PS[3:0] bits (Prescaler) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_SR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_ENS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_SR_ENS                  LCD_SR_ENS_Msk                             /*!< LCD Enabled Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Pos              (1U)      
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_SOF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF                  LCD_SR_SOF_Msk                             /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Pos              (2U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR                  LCD_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Request Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Pos              (3U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD                  LCD_SR_UDD_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Done Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Pos              (4U)      
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_RDY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY                  LCD_SR_RDY_Msk                             /*!< Ready Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR                LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk                           /*!< LCD FCR Register Synchronization Flag Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CLR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos            (1U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC                LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk                           /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Clear Bit */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos            (3U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC                LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk                           /*!< Update Display Done Flag Clear Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_RAM register  ********************/
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Pos    (0U)      
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA        LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Msk                   /*!< Segment Data Bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC/LCD prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos          (9U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk               /*!< LCD reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN                RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk                 /*!< LCD clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk             /*!< LCD clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos                    (1U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk                    (0x7UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000E */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA                        SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk         /*!< Connection of internal Vlcd rail to external capacitors */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_0                      (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_1                      (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_2                      (0x4UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+    ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) &&                  \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** LCD Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L063xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l071xx.h b/Include/stm32l071xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d34ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l071xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6497 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l071xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l071xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l071xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L071xx_H
+#define __STM32L071xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l071xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_IRQn                   = 17,     /*!< TIM6  Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  LPUART1_IRQn                = 29,     /*!< LPUART1 Interrupt                                       */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQn                  TIM6_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            TIM6_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L071xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l072xx.h b/Include/stm32l072xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..377c44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l072xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7683 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l072xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l072xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l072xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L072xx_H
+#define __STM32L072xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l072xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  RNG_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit right aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R2;        /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit right-aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12RD;       /*!< Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register,     Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12LD;       /*!< DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8RD;        /*!< DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR2;          /*!< DAC channel2 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define DAC_CHANNEL2_SUPPORT                       /*!< DAC feature available only on specific devices: availability of DAC channel 2 */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Pos              (16U)     
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2                  DAC_CR_EN2_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel2 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos            (17U)     
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2                DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel2 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos             (18U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2                 DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel2 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos            (19U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00380000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2                DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk                           /*!< TSEL2[2:0] (DAC channel2 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos            (22U)     
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2                DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk                           /*!< WAVE2[1:0] (DAC channel2 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos            (24U)     
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2                DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk                           /*!< MAMP2[3:0] (DAC channel2 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos           (28U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2               DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel2 DMA enabled */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos        (29U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel12DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos     (1U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (16U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12LD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (20U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFF00000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos     (8U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR2 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR           DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel2 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos          (29U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2              DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel2 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos               (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk               (0xFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk        /*!< Division Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos           (13U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk           (0x3UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID               DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk    /*!< MCD divsion ID is 6 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos     (2U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN         RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk          /*!< HSI 48MHz DIV6 out enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L072xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l073xx.h b/Include/stm32l073xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b98906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l073xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7845 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l073xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l073xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l073xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L073xx_H
+#define __STM32L073xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l073xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  RNG_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+  LCD_IRQn                    = 30,     /*!< LCD Interrupt                                           */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit right aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R2;        /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit right-aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12RD;       /*!< Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register,     Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12LD;       /*!< DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8RD;        /*!< DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR2;          /*!< DAC channel2 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief LCD
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;        /*!< LCD control register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t FCR;       /*!< LCD frame control register,        Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< LCD status register,               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CLR;       /*!< LCD clear register,                Address offset: 0x0C */
+  uint32_t RESERVED;       /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RAM[16];   /*!< LCD display memory,                Address offset: 0x14-0x50 */
+} LCD_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define LCD                 ((LCD_TypeDef *) LCD_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos     (16U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk                      /*!< Channel 16 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos         (24U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN             ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk                          /*!< Voltage LCD enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define DAC_CHANNEL2_SUPPORT                       /*!< DAC feature available only on specific devices: availability of DAC channel 2 */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Pos              (16U)     
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2                  DAC_CR_EN2_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel2 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos            (17U)     
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2                DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel2 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos             (18U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2                 DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel2 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos            (19U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00380000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2                DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk                           /*!< TSEL2[2:0] (DAC channel2 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos            (22U)     
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2                DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk                           /*!< WAVE2[1:0] (DAC channel2 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos            (24U)     
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2                DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk                           /*!< MAMP2[3:0] (DAC channel2 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos           (28U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2               DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel2 DMA enabled */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos        (29U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel12DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos     (1U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (16U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12LD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (20U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFF00000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos     (8U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR2 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR           DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel2 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos          (29U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2              DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel2 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos               (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk               (0xFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk        /*!< Division Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos           (13U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk           (0x3UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID               DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk    /*!< MCD divsion ID is 6 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          LCD Controller (LCD)                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos            (0U)      
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN                LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk                           /*!< LCD Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos             (1U)      
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk             (0x1UL << LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL                 LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk                            /*!< Voltage source selector Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos             (2U)      
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY                 LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk                            /*!< DUTY[2:0] bits (Duty selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_2               (0x4UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos             (5U)      
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk             (0x3UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS                 LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk                            /*!< BIAS[1:0] bits (Bias selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos          (7U)      
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk          (0x1UL << LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG              LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk                         /*!< Mux Segment Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos            (8U)
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN                LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk                           /*!< Voltage output buffer enable Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_FCR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_HD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_FCR_HD                  LCD_FCR_HD_Msk                             /*!< High Drive Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos           (1U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE               LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk                          /*!< Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos           (3U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE               LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk                          /*!< Update Display Done Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Pos             (4U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON                 LCD_FCR_PON_Msk                            /*!< PON[2:0] bits (Puls ON Duration) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_0               (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_1               (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_2               (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos            (7U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk            (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000380 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD                LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk                           /*!< DEAD[2:0] bits (DEAD Time) */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_0              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_1              (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_2              (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Pos              (10U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Msk              (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001C00 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC                  LCD_FCR_CC_Msk                             /*!< CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control) */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_0                (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_1                (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_2                (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos          (13U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk          (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF              LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk                         /*!< BLINKF[2:0] bits (Blink Frequency) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_0            (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1            (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_2            (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos           (16U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk           (0x3UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK               LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk                          /*!< BLINK[1:0] bits (Blink Enable) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_0             (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_1             (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos             (18U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk             (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos)                  /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV                 LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk                            /*!< DIV[3:0] bits (Divider) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Pos              (22U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Msk              (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_PS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x03C00000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS                  LCD_FCR_PS_Msk                             /*!< PS[3:0] bits (Prescaler) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_SR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_ENS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_SR_ENS                  LCD_SR_ENS_Msk                             /*!< LCD Enabled Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Pos              (1U)      
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_SOF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF                  LCD_SR_SOF_Msk                             /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Pos              (2U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR                  LCD_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Request Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Pos              (3U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD                  LCD_SR_UDD_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Done Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Pos              (4U)      
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_RDY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY                  LCD_SR_RDY_Msk                             /*!< Ready Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR                LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk                           /*!< LCD FCR Register Synchronization Flag Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CLR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos            (1U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC                LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk                           /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Clear Bit */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos            (3U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC                LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk                           /*!< Update Display Done Flag Clear Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_RAM register  ********************/
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Pos    (0U)      
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA        LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Msk                   /*!< Segment Data Bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC/LCD prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos     (2U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN         RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk          /*!< HSI 48MHz DIV6 out enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos          (9U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk               /*!< LCD reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN                RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk                 /*!< LCD clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk             /*!< LCD clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos                    (1U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk                    (0x1FUL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x0000003E */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA                        SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk         /*!< Connection of internal Vlcd rail to external capacitors */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_0                      (0x01UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_1                      (0x02UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_2                      (0x04UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_3                      (0x08UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_4                      (0x10UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** LCD Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L073xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l081xx.h b/Include/stm32l081xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2599c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l081xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6637 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l081xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l081xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l081xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L081xx_H
+#define __STM32L081xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l081xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_IRQn                    = 4,      /*!< RCC Interrupt                                           */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_IRQn                   = 17,     /*!< TIM6  Interrupt                                         */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_LPUART1_IRQn            = 29,     /*!< AES and LPUART1 Interrupts                              */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn           AES_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQn                  TIM6_IRQn
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQn                   RCC_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            TIM6_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             RCC_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L081xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l082xx.h b/Include/stm32l082xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94159e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l082xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7823 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l082xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l082xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l082xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L082xx_H
+#define __STM32L082xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l082xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn        = 29,     /*!< AES and RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                      */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit right aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R2;        /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit right-aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12RD;       /*!< Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register,     Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12LD;       /*!< DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8RD;        /*!< DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR2;          /*!< DAC channel2 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define DAC_CHANNEL2_SUPPORT                       /*!< DAC feature available only on specific devices: availability of DAC channel 2 */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Pos              (16U)     
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2                  DAC_CR_EN2_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel2 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos            (17U)     
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2                DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel2 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos             (18U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2                 DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel2 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos            (19U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00380000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2                DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk                           /*!< TSEL2[2:0] (DAC channel2 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos            (22U)     
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2                DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk                           /*!< WAVE2[1:0] (DAC channel2 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos            (24U)     
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2                DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk                           /*!< MAMP2[3:0] (DAC channel2 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos           (28U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2               DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel2 DMA enabled */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos        (29U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel12DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos     (1U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (16U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12LD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (20U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFF00000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos     (8U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR2 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR           DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel2 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos          (29U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2              DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel2 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos               (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk               (0xFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk        /*!< Division Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos           (13U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk           (0x3UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID               DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk    /*!< MCD divsion ID is 6 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos     (2U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN         RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk          /*!< HSI 48MHz DIV6 out enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L082xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l083xx.h b/Include/stm32l083xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b108ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l083xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7985 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l083xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for stm32l083xx devices.  
+  *          
+  *          This file contains:
+  *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
+  *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
+  *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l083xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L083xx_H
+#define __STM32L083xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_section_for_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals 
+  */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV             0U /*!< Core Revision r0p0                            */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1U /*!< STM32L0xx  provides an MPU                    */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U /*!< Vector  Table  Register supported             */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          2U /*!< STM32L0xx uses 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_interrupt_number_definition
+  * @{
+  */
+ * @brief stm32l083xx Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device 
+ *        in @ref Library_configuration_section 
+ */
+/*!< Interrupt Number Definition */
+typedef enum
+/******  Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************************************/
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                */
+  HardFault_IRQn              = -13,    /*!< 3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt                       */
+  SVC_IRQn                    = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt                         */
+  PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt                         */
+  SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt                     */
+/******  STM32L-0 specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/
+  WWDG_IRQn                   = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt                               */
+  PVD_IRQn                    = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detect Interrupt                  */
+  RTC_IRQn                    = 2,      /*!< RTC through EXTI Line Interrupt                         */
+  FLASH_IRQn                  = 3,      /*!< FLASH Interrupt                                         */
+  RCC_CRS_IRQn                = 4,      /*!< RCC and CRS Interrupts                                  */
+  EXTI0_1_IRQn                = 5,      /*!< EXTI Line 0 and 1 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI2_3_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< EXTI Line 2 and 3 Interrupts                            */
+  EXTI4_15_IRQn               = 7,      /*!< EXTI Line 4 to 15 Interrupts                            */
+  TSC_IRQn                    = 8,      /*!< TSC Interrupt                                           */
+  DMA1_Channel1_IRQn          = 9,      /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 Interrupt                                */
+  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQn        = 10,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 Interrupts                 */
+  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn    = 11,     /*!< DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7 Interrupts */
+  ADC1_COMP_IRQn              = 12,     /*!< ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 Interrupts                        */
+  LPTIM1_IRQn                 = 13,     /*!< LPTIM1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART4_5_IRQn               = 14,     /*!< USART4 and USART5 Interrupt                             */
+  TIM2_IRQn                   = 15,     /*!< TIM2 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM3_IRQn                   = 16,     /*!< TIM3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM6_DAC_IRQn               = 17,     /*!< TIM6 and DAC Interrupts                                 */
+  TIM7_IRQn                   = 18,     /*!< TIM7 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM21_IRQn                  = 20,     /*!< TIM21 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C3_IRQn                   = 21,     /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                          */
+  TIM22_IRQn                  = 22,     /*!< TIM22 Interrupt                                         */
+  I2C1_IRQn                   = 23,     /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                          */
+  I2C2_IRQn                   = 24,     /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI1_IRQn                   = 25,     /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                          */
+  SPI2_IRQn                   = 26,     /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                          */
+  USART1_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< USART1 Interrupt                                        */
+  USART2_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< USART2 Interrupt                                        */
+  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn        = 29,     /*!< AES and RNG and LPUART1 Interrupts                      */
+  LCD_IRQn                    = 30,     /*!< LCD Interrupt                                           */
+  USB_IRQn                    = 31,     /*!< USB global Interrupt                                    */
+} IRQn_Type;
+  * @}
+  */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"
+#include "system_stm32l0xx.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures
+  * @{
+  */   
+  * @brief Analog to Digital Converter  
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC Interrupt and Status register,                          Address offset:0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC Interrupt Enable register,                              Address offset:0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC Control register,                                       Address offset:0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 1,                               Address offset:0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC Configuration register 2,                               Address offset:0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC Sampling time register,                                 Address offset:0x14 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x18 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t TR;           /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,                            Address offset:0x20 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel selection register,                             Address offset:0x28 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED4[5];    /*!< Reserved,                                                                  0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0x40 */
+  uint32_t   RESERVED5[28];   /*!< Reserved,                                                           0x44 - 0xB0 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC data register,                                          Address offset:0xB4 */
+} ADC_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;
+} ADC_Common_TypeDef;
+  * @brief AES hardware accelerator
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;      /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;      /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DINR;    /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOUTR;   /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR0;   /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR1;   /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR2;   /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t KEYR3;   /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR0;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR1;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR2;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IVR3;    /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
+} AES_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Comparator 
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;     /*!< COMP comparator control and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+} COMP_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;         /*!< COMP control and status register, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
+} COMP_Common_TypeDef;
+* @brief CRC calculation unit
+typedef struct
+__IO uint32_t DR;            /*!< CRC Data register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint8_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+uint8_t RESERVED0;           /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x05 */
+uint16_t RESERVED1;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x06 */
+__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< CRC Control register,                         Address offset: 0x08 */
+uint32_t RESERVED2;          /*!< Reserved,                                                     0x0C */
+__IO uint32_t INIT;          /*!< Initial CRC value register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
+__IO uint32_t POL;           /*!< CRC polynomial register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
+} CRC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Clock Recovery System 
+  */
+typedef struct 
+__IO uint32_t CR;     /*!< CRS ccontrol register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+__IO uint32_t CFGR;   /*!< CRS configuration register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
+__IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< CRS interrupt and status register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+__IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< CRS interrupt flag clear register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+} CRS_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Digital to Analog Converter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< DAC control register,                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SWTRIGR;       /*!< DAC software trigger register,                           Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L1;       /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R1;        /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12R2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit right aligned data holding register, Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12L2;       /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit left aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8R2;        /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit right-aligned data holding register,  Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12RD;       /*!< Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register,     Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR12LD;       /*!< DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t DHR8RD;        /*!< DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register,      Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR1;          /*!< DAC channel1 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t DOR2;          /*!< DAC channel2 data output register,                       Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< DAC status register,                                     Address offset: 0x34 */
+} DAC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Debug MCU
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IDCODE;       /*!< MCU device ID code,                          Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Debug MCU configuration register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2FZ;       /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,              Address offset: 0x0C */
+  * @brief DMA Controller
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< DMA channel x configuration register */
+  __IO uint32_t CNDTR;        /*!< DMA channel x number of data register */
+  __IO uint32_t CPAR;         /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register */
+  __IO uint32_t CMAR;         /*!< DMA channel x memory address register */
+} DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< DMA interrupt status register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IFCR;         /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register,           Address offset: 0x04 */
+} DMA_TypeDef;                                                                  
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t CSELR;        /*!< DMA channel selection register,              Address offset: 0xA8 */
+} DMA_Request_TypeDef;                                                          
+  * @brief External Interrupt/Event Controller                                  
+  */                                                                            
+typedef struct                                                                  
+  __IO uint32_t IMR;          /*!<EXTI Interrupt mask register,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;          /*!<EXTI Event mask register,                     Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTSR;         /*!<EXTI Rising trigger selection register ,      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t FTSR;         /*!<EXTI Falling trigger selection register,      Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SWIER;        /*!<EXTI Software interrupt event register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;           /*!<EXTI Pending register,                        Address offset: 0x14 */
+  * @brief FLASH Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;           /*!< Access control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;          /*!< Program/erase control register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;        /*!< Power down key register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PEKEYR;        /*!< Program/erase key register,                  Address offset: 0x0c */
+  __IO uint32_t PRGKEYR;       /*!< Program memory key register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;       /*!< Option byte key register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< Status register,                             Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t OPTR;          /*!< Option byte register,                        Address offset: 0x1c */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR;          /*!< Write protection register,                   Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED1[23]; /*!< Reserved1,                                   Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,                 Address offset: 0x80 */
+} FLASH_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Option Bytes Registers
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t RDP;               /*!< Read protection register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t USER;              /*!< user register,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP01;             /*!< write protection Bytes 0 and 1          Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP23;             /*!< write protection Bytes 2 and 3          Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WRP45;             /*!< write protection Bytes 4 and 5          Address offset: 0x10 */
+} OB_TypeDef;
+  * @brief General Purpose IO
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODER;        /*!< GPIO port mode register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t OTYPER;       /*!< GPIO port output type register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;      /*!< GPIO port output speed register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t PUPDR;        /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IDR;          /*!< GPIO port input data register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t ODR;          /*!< GPIO port output data register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t BSRR;         /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset registerBSRR,        Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LCKR;         /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register,       Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AFR[2];       /*!< GPIO alternate function register,            Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;          /*!< GPIO bit reset register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief LPTIMIMER
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,                  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;      /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;     /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;       /*!< LPTIM Control register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CMP;      /*!< LPTIM Compare register,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;      /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;      /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
+} LPTIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief SysTem Configuration
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR1;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];     /*!< SYSCFG external interrupt configuration register,   Address offset: 0x14-0x08 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED[2];   /*!< Reserved,                                           0x18-0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;         /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x20 */       
+} SYSCFG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< I2C Control register 1,            Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< I2C Control register 2,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR1;     /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t OAR2;     /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;  /*!< I2C Timing register,               Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR; /*!< I2C Timeout register,              Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register, Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;      /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t PECR;     /*!< I2C PEC register,                  Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXDR;     /*!< I2C Receive data register,         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXDR;     /*!< I2C Transmit data register,        Address offset: 0x28 */
+  * @brief Independent WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t KR;   /*!< IWDG Key register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;   /*!< IWDG Prescaler register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t RLR;  /*!< IWDG Reload register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< IWDG Status register,    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t WINR; /*!< IWDG Window register,    Address offset: 0x10 */
+} IWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief LCD
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;        /*!< LCD control register,              Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t FCR;       /*!< LCD frame control register,        Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< LCD status register,               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CLR;       /*!< LCD clear register,                Address offset: 0x0C */
+  uint32_t RESERVED;       /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RAM[16];   /*!< LCD display memory,                Address offset: 0x14-0x50 */
+} LCD_TypeDef;
+  * @brief MIFARE Firewall
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CSSA;     /*!< Code Segment Start Address register,               Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSL;      /*!< Code Segment Length register,                      Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSSA;   /*!< NON volatile data Segment Start Address register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t NVDSL;    /*!< NON volatile data Segment Length register,         Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSSA ;   /*!< Volatile data Segment Start Address register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t VDSL ;    /*!< Volatile data Segment Length register,             Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSSA ;    /*!< Library Segment Start Address register,            Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t LSL ;     /*!< Library Segment Length register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CR ;      /*!< Configuration  register,                           Address offset: 0x20 */
+} FIREWALL_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Power Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;  /*!< PWR power control/status register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+} PWR_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Reset and Clock Control
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICSCR;         /*!< RCC Internal clock sources calibration register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CRRCR;         /*!< RCC Clock recovery RC register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFGR;          /*!< RCC Clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CIER;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt enable register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t CIFR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt flag register,                            Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CICR;          /*!< RCC Clock interrupt clear register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPRSTR;       /*!< RCC IO port reset register,                                   Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;       /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;      /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPENR;        /*!< RCC Clock IO port enable register,                            Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;        /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;       /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;       /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral enable register,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOPSMENR;      /*!< RCC IO port clock enable in sleep mode register,              Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t AHBSMENR;      /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR;     /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in sleep mode register,      Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCIPR;         /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                             Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< RCC Control/status register,                                  Address offset: 0x50 */
+} RCC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Random numbers generator
+  */
+typedef struct 
+  __IO uint32_t CR;  /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;  /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;  /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
+} RNG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TR;         /*!< RTC time register,                                         Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;         /*!< RTC date register,                                         Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RTC control register,                                      Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< RTC initialization and status register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t PRER;       /*!< RTC prescaler register,                                    Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t WUTR;       /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED;   /*!< Reserved,                                                  Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;     /*!< RTC alarm A register,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;     /*!< RTC alarm B register,                                      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t WPR;        /*!< RTC write protection register,                             Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t SSR;        /*!< RTC sub second register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;     /*!< RTC shift control register,                                Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t TSTR;       /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                              Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSDR;       /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                              Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t TSSSR;      /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CALR;       /*!< RTC calibration register,                                  Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t TAMPCR;     /*!< RTC tamper configuration register,                         Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;   /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;   /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;         /*!< RTC option register,                                       Address offset  0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP0R;      /*!< RTC backup register 0,                                     Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP1R;      /*!< RTC backup register 1,                                     Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP2R;      /*!< RTC backup register 2,                                     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP3R;      /*!< RTC backup register 3,                                     Address offset: 0x5C */
+  __IO uint32_t BKP4R;      /*!< RTC backup register 4,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
+} RTC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;      /*!< SPI Control register 1 (not used in I2S mode),       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;      /*!< SPI Control register 2,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;       /*!< SPI Status register,                                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;       /*!< SPI data register,                                   Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t CRCPR;    /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register (not used in I2S mode),  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Rx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t TXCRCR;   /*!< SPI Tx CRC register (not used in I2S mode),          Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SCFGR;  /*!< SPI_I2S configuration register,                      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t I2SPR;    /*!< SPI_I2S prescaler register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
+} SPI_TypeDef;
+  * @brief TIM
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;       /*!< TIM control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;       /*!< TIM control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SMCR;      /*!< TIM slave Mode Control register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t DIER;      /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;        /*!< TIM status register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t EGR;       /*!< TIM event generation register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR1;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 1,         Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCMR2;     /*!< TIM  capture/compare mode register 2,         Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCER;      /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t CNT;       /*!< TIM counter register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t PSC;       /*!< TIM prescaler register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
+  __IO uint32_t ARR;       /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED12;/*!< Reserved                                      Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR1;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,               Address offset: 0x34 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR2;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,               Address offset: 0x38 */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR3;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,               Address offset: 0x3C */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR4;      /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,               Address offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED17;/*!< Reserved,                                     Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint32_t DCR;       /*!< TIM DMA control register,                     Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAR;      /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer register,   Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint32_t OR;        /*!< TIM option register,                          Address offset: 0x50 */
+} TIM_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC interrupt enable register,            Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC interrupt clear register,             Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x0C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,        Address offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,         Address offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t      RESERVED4;     /*!< Reserved,                                 Address offset: 0x2C */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,    Address offset: 0x30 */
+  __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[8];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,         Address offset: 0x34-50 */
+} TSC_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;    /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR2;    /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04 */ 
+  __IO uint32_t CR3;    /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint32_t BRR;    /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C */  
+  __IO uint32_t GTPR;   /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint32_t RTOR;   /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14 */  
+  __IO uint32_t RQR;    /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint32_t ISR;    /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;    /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
+  __IO uint32_t RDR;    /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24 */
+  __IO uint32_t TDR;    /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28 */
+} USART_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Window WATCHDOG
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;   /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
+  __IO uint32_t CFR;  /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint32_t SR;   /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
+} WWDG_TypeDef;
+  * @brief Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device
+  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint16_t EP0R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 0 register,                Address offset: 0x00 */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED0;       /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t EP1R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 1 register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED1;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP2R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 2 register,                Address offset: 0x08 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED2;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP3R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 3 register,                Address offset: 0x0C */ 
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED3;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP4R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 4 register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED4;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP5R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 5 register,                Address offset: 0x14 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED5;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP6R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 6 register,                Address offset: 0x18 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED6;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t EP7R;            /*!< USB Endpoint 7 register,                Address offset: 0x1C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED7[17];   /*!< Reserved */     
+  __IO uint16_t CNTR;            /*!< Control register,                       Address offset: 0x40 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED8;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t ISTR;            /*!< Interrupt status register,              Address offset: 0x44 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVED9;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t FNR;             /*!< Frame number register,                  Address offset: 0x48 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDA;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t DADDR;           /*!< Device address register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDB;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BTABLE;          /*!< Buffer Table address register,          Address offset: 0x50 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDC;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t LPMCSR;          /*!< LPM Control and Status register,        Address offset: 0x54 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDD;       /*!< Reserved */       
+  __IO uint16_t BCDR;            /*!< Battery Charging detector register,     Address offset: 0x58 */
+  __IO uint16_t RESERVEDE;       /*!< Reserved */       
+} USB_TypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_BASE             (0x08000000UL) /*!< FLASH base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE       (0x08080000UL) /*!< DATA_EEPROM base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_BASE (0x08080C00UL) /*!< DATA EEPROM BANK2 base address in the alias region */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK1_END  (0x08080BFFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK1 address */
+#define DATA_EEPROM_BANK2_END  (0x080817FFUL) /*!< Program end DATA EEPROM BANK2 address */
+#define SRAM_BASE              (0x20000000UL) /*!< SRAM base address in the alias region */
+#define SRAM_SIZE_MAX          (0x00005000UL) /*!< maximum SRAM size (up to 20KBytes) */
+#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
+/*!< Peripheral memory map */
+#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
+#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)
+#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define TIM3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define TIM7_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001400UL)
+#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
+#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
+#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
+#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
+#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
+#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
+#define USART4_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004C00UL)
+#define USART5_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
+#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
+#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
+#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
+#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
+#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)
+#define I2C3_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007800UL)
+#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
+#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
+#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
+#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
+#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
+#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
+#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
+#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
+#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
+#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
+#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
+#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)
+#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
+#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
+#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
+#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)
+#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
+#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
+#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
+#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
+#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
+#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
+#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)
+#define AES_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006000UL)
+#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
+#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
+#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
+#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
+#define GPIOE_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
+#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration
+  * @{
+  */  
+#define TIM2                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE)
+#define TIM3                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE)
+#define TIM6                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM6_BASE)
+#define TIM7                ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM7_BASE)
+#define RTC                 ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE)
+#define WWDG                ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE)
+#define IWDG                ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE)
+#define SPI2                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI2_BASE)
+#define USART2              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE)
+#define LPUART1             ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE)
+#define I2C1                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE)
+#define I2C2                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C2_BASE)
+#define I2C3                ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE)
+#define CRS                 ((CRS_TypeDef *) CRS_BASE)
+#define PWR                 ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE)
+#define DAC                 ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define DAC1                ((DAC_TypeDef *) DAC_BASE)
+#define LPTIM1              ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE)
+#define LCD                 ((LCD_TypeDef *) LCD_BASE)
+#define USART4              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART4_BASE)
+#define USART5              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART5_BASE)
+#define SYSCFG              ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE)
+#define COMP1               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
+#define COMP2               ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE)
+#define EXTI                ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE)
+#define TIM21               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM21_BASE)
+#define TIM22               ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM22_BASE)
+#define FIREWALL            ((FIREWALL_TypeDef *) FIREWALL_BASE)
+#define ADC1                ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE)
+#define ADC1_COMMON         ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC_BASE)
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC                 ADC1_COMMON
+#define SPI1                ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE)
+#define USART1              ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE)
+#define DBGMCU              ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
+#define DMA1                ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel1       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel1_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel2       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel2_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel3       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel3_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel4       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel4_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel5       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel5_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel6       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel6_BASE)
+#define DMA1_Channel7       ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) DMA1_Channel7_BASE)
+#define DMA1_CSELR          ((DMA_Request_TypeDef *) DMA1_CSELR_BASE)
+#define FLASH               ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE)
+#define OB                  ((OB_TypeDef *) OB_BASE) 
+#define RCC                 ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE)
+#define CRC                 ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE)
+#define TSC                 ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE)
+#define AES                 ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE)
+#define RNG                 ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE)
+#define GPIOA               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE)
+#define GPIOB               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
+#define GPIOC               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE)
+#define GPIOD               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE)
+#define GPIOE               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOE_BASE)
+#define GPIOH               ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE)
+#define USB                 ((USB_TypeDef *) USB_BASE)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
+  * @{
+  */
+/*                         Peripheral Registers Bits Definition               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos          (11U)      
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOCAL              ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                           /*!< End of calibration flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos            (7U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_ISR_AWD                ADC_ISR_AWD_Msk                             /*!< Analog watchdog flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos            (4U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_ISR_OVR                ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSEQ              ADC_ISR_EOSEQ_Msk                           /*!< End of Sequence flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos            (2U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOC                ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                             /*!< End of Conversion */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos          (1U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOSMP              ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                           /*!< End of sampling flag */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos          (0U)       
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY              ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                           /*!< ADC Ready */
+/* Old EOSEQ bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_ISR_EOS                          ADC_ISR_EOSEQ
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_IER register  ******************/
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos        (11U)      
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE            ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                         /*!< Enf Of Calibration interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos          (7U)       
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWDIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_IER_AWDIE              ADC_IER_AWDIE_Msk                           /*!< Analog Watchdog interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos          (4U)       
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_IER_OVRIE              ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                           /*!< Overrun interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos        (3U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSEQIE            ADC_IER_EOSEQIE_Msk                         /*!< End of Sequence of conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos          (2U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOCIE              ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                           /*!< End of Conversion interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos        (1U)       
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE            ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                         /*!< End of sampling interrupt enable */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE            ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                         /*!< ADC Ready interrupt enable */
+/* Old EOSEQIE bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_IER_EOSIE                        ADC_IER_EOSEQIE
+/********************  Bits definition for ADC_CR register  *******************/
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos           (31U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADCAL               ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                            /*!< ADC calibration */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos        (28U)      
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN            ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Enable */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos           (4U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTP               ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                            /*!< ADC stop of conversion command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADSTART             ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                          /*!< ADC start of conversion */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos           (1U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADDIS               ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                            /*!< ADC disable command */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CR_ADEN                ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                             /*!< ADC enable control */ /*####   TBV  */
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos        (26U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk        (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x7C000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH            ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Msk                         /*!< AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos        (23U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN            ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN_Msk                         /*!< Analog watchdog enable on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos       (22U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL           ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL_Msk                        /*!< Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels  */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos       (16U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN           ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                        /*!< Discontinuous mode on regular channels */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos       (15U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF           ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF_Msk                        /*!< ADC auto power off */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos         (14U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT             ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                          /*!< ADC wait conversion mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos         (13U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_CONT             ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                          /*!< Continuous Conversion */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos       (12U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD           ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                        /*!< Overrun mode */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos        (10U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk        (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN            ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                         /*!< EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1          (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos       (6U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001C0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL           ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                        /*!< EXTSEL[2:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2         (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos        (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN            ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                         /*!< Data Alignment */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos          (3U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk          (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES              ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                           /*!< RES[1:0] bits (Resolution) */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR          ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                       /*!< Sequence scan direction */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos       (1U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk       (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG           ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                        /*!< Direct memory access configuration */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos        (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN            ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                         /*!< Direct memory access enable */
+/* Old WAIT bit definition, maintained for legacy purpose */
+#define ADC_CFGR1_AUTDLY                    ADC_CFGR1_WAIT
+/*******************  Bits definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos         (9U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000200 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS             ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                          /*!< Triggered Oversampling */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos         (5U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk         (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x000001E0 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS             ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                          /*!< OVSS [3:0] bits (Oversampling shift) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3           (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos         (2U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk         (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR             ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                          /*!< OVSR  [2:0] bits (Oversampling ratio) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1           (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2           (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos         (0U)       
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE             ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                          /*!< Oversampler Enable */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos       (30U)      
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk       (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE           ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Msk                        /*!< CKMODE [1:0] bits (ADC clock mode) */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_0         (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_1         (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos           (0U)       
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP               ADC_SMPR_SMP_Msk                            /*!< SMPR[2:0] bits (Sampling time selection) */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_0             (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_1             (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMP_2             (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR                       ADC_SMPR_SMP
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_0                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_0
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_1                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_1
+#define ADC_SMPR_SMPR_2                     ADC_SMPR_SMP_2
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_TR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Pos              (16U)      
+#define ADC_TR_HT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_HT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define ADC_TR_HT                  ADC_TR_HT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog high threshold */
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Pos              (0U)       
+#define ADC_TR_LT_Msk              (0xFFFUL << ADC_TR_LT_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define ADC_TR_LT                  ADC_TR_LT_Msk                               /*!< Analog watchdog low threshold */
+/******************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ******************/
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos       (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk       (0x7FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x0007FFFF */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL           ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos     (18U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL18_Msk                      /*!< Channel 18 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos     (17U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                      /*!< Channel 17 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos     (16U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk                      /*!< Channel 16 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos     (15U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                      /*!< Channel 15 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos     (14U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                      /*!< Channel 14 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos     (13U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                      /*!< Channel 13 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos     (12U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                      /*!< Channel 12 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos     (11U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                      /*!< Channel 11 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos     (10U)      
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk     (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10         ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                      /*!< Channel 10 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos      (9U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                       /*!< Channel 9 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos      (8U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                       /*!< Channel 8 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos      (7U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                       /*!< Channel 7 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos      (6U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                       /*!< Channel 6 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos      (5U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                       /*!< Channel 5 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos      (4U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                       /*!< Channel 4 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos      (3U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                       /*!< Channel 3 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos      (2U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                       /*!< Channel 2 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos      (1U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                       /*!< Channel 1 selection */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos      (0U)       
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk      (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0          ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                       /*!< Channel 0 selection */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos            (0U)       
+#define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define ADC_DR_DATA                ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                             /*!< Regular data */
+/********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos    (0U)       
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk    (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT        ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                     /*!< Calibration factor */
+/*******************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  ********************/
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos          (25U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_LFMEN              ADC_CCR_LFMEN_Msk                           /*!< Low Frequency Mode enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos         (24U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VLCDEN             ADC_CCR_VLCDEN_Msk                          /*!< Voltage LCD enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos           (23U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_TSEN               ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                            /*!< Temperature sensore enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos         (22U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN             ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                          /*!< Vrefint enable */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos          (18U)      
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk          (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC              ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                           /*!< PRESC  [3:0] bits (ADC prescaler) */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0            (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1            (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2            (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3            (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
+#define AES_CR_EN_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_CR_EN_Msk            (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_CR_EN                AES_CR_EN_Msk                                 /*!< AES Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos      (1U)         
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk      (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE          AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                           /*!< Data type selection */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0        (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1        (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Pos          (3U)         
+#define AES_CR_MODE_Msk          (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE              AES_CR_MODE_Msk                               /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_0            (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define AES_CR_MODE_1            (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos         (5U)         
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk         (0x3UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD             AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                              /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_0           (0x1UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define AES_CR_CHMOD_1           (0x2UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Pos          (7U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCFC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCFC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define AES_CR_CCFC              AES_CR_CCFC_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Pos          (8U)         
+#define AES_CR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRC              AES_CR_ERRC_Msk                               /*!< Error Clear */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Pos          (9U)         
+#define AES_CR_CCIE_Msk          (0x1UL << AES_CR_CCIE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define AES_CR_CCIE              AES_CR_CCIE_Msk                               /*!< Computation Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos         (10U)        
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define AES_CR_ERRIE             AES_CR_ERRIE_Msk                              /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos       (11U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk       (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAINEN           AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                            /*!< DMA ENable managing the data input phase */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos      (12U)        
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN          AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                           /*!< DMA Enable managing the data output phase */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Pos           (0U)         
+#define AES_SR_CCF_Msk           (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define AES_SR_CCF               AES_SR_CCF_Msk                                /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos         (1U)         
+#define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define AES_SR_RDERR             AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                              /*!< Read Error Flag */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos         (2U)         
+#define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk         (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define AES_SR_WRERR             AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                              /*!< Write Error Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
+#define AES_DINR_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_DINR_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DINR                 AES_DINR_Msk                                  /*!< AES Data Input Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
+#define AES_DOUTR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_DOUTR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_DOUTR                AES_DOUTR_Msk                                 /*!< AES Data Output Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR0_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR0_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR0                AES_KEYR0_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR1_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR1_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR1                AES_KEYR1_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR2_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR2_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR2                AES_KEYR2_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
+#define AES_KEYR3_Pos            (0U)         
+#define AES_KEYR3_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_KEYR3                AES_KEYR3_Msk                                 /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR0_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR0_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR0                 AES_IVR0_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR1_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR1_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR1                 AES_IVR1_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR2_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR2_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR2                 AES_IVR2_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register  *******************/
+#define AES_IVR3_Pos             (0U)         
+#define AES_IVR3_Msk             (0xFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define AES_IVR3                 AES_IVR3_Msk                                  /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      Analog Comparators (COMP)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register (COMP1 and COMP2)  **************/
+/* COMP1 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1EN               COMP_CSR_COMP1EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP1 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk       (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP1 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos           (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1WM               COMP_CSR_COMP1WM_Msk                    /*!< Comparators window mode enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP1 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP1 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP1VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP1 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP1LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP1 lock */
+/* COMP2 bits definition */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2EN               COMP_CSR_COMP2EN_Msk                    /*!< COMP2 enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos        (3U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED            COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 power mode */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos       (4U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Msk                /*!< COMP2 inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos       (8U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk       (0x7UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL           COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Msk                /*!< COMPx non inverting input select */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1         (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2         (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos    (12U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN2 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos    (13U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk    (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Pos)   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1        COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1_Msk             /*!< COMP2 LPTIM1 IN1 connection */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMP2POLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMP2 output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos        (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk        (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE            COMP_CSR_COMP2VALUE_Msk                 /*!< COMP2 output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK             COMP_CSR_COMP2LOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMP2 lock */
+/**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register common  ****************/
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos           (0U)   
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxEN               COMP_CSR_COMPxEN_Msk                    /*!< COMPx enable */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos     (15U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY         COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY_Msk              /*!< COMPx output polarity */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos     (30U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk     (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE         COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE_Msk              /*!< COMPx output level */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos         (31U)  
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk         (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK             COMP_CSR_COMPxLOCK_Msk                  /*!< COMPx lock */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define COMP_CSR_WINMODE   COMP_CSR_COMP1WM /*!< Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef)  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       CRC calculation unit (CRC)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Pos            (0U)         
+#define CRC_DR_DR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_DR_DR                CRC_DR_DR_Msk                                 /*!< Data register bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_IDR_IDR              (0xFFU)                                       /*!< General-purpose 8-bit data register bits */
+/********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos         (0U)         
+#define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk         (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRC_CR_RESET             CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                              /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos      (3U)         
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE          CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                           /*!< Polynomial size bits */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0        (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1        (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos        (5U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk        (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN            CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                             /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0          (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1          (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos       (7U)         
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk       (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRC_CR_REV_OUT           CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                            /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos        (0U)         
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_INIT_INIT            CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                             /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Pos          (0U)         
+#define CRC_POL_POL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)              /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define CRC_POL_POL              CRC_POL_POL_Msk                               /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          CRS Clock Recovery System                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE           CRS_CR_SYNCOKIE_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK interrupt enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE         CRS_CR_SYNCWARNIE_Msk                        /* SYNC warning interrupt enable         */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ERRIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_CR_ERRIE              CRS_CR_ERRIE_Msk                             /* SYNC error interrupt enable           */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_CR_ESYNCIE            CRS_CR_ESYNCIE_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC(ESYNCF) interrupt Enable*/
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Pos            (5U)        
+#define CRS_CR_CEN_Msk            (0x1UL << CRS_CR_CEN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define CRS_CR_CEN                CRS_CR_CEN_Msk                               /* Frequency error counter enable        */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos     (6U)        
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN         CRS_CR_AUTOTRIMEN_Msk                        /* Automatic trimming enable             */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos         (7U)        
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define CRS_CR_SWSYNC             CRS_CR_SWSYNC_Msk                            /* A Software SYNC event is generated    */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos           (8U)        
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk           (0x3FUL << CRS_CR_TRIM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00003F00 */
+#define CRS_CR_TRIM               CRS_CR_TRIM_Msk                              /* HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_CFGR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define CRS_CFGR_RELOAD           CRS_CFGR_RELOAD_Msk                          /* Counter reload value               */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos        (16U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk        (0xFFUL << CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_FELIM            CRS_CFGR_FELIM_Msk                           /* Frequency error limit              */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos      (24U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk      (0x7UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV          CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Msk                         /* SYNC divider                       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_2        (0x4UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCDIV_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos      (28U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk      (0x3UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC          CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Msk                         /* SYNC signal source selection       */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_0        (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_1        (0x2UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCSRC_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos      (31U)       
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL          CRS_CFGR_SYNCPOL_Msk                         /* SYNC polarity selection            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ISR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF           CRS_ISR_SYNCOKF_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF         CRS_ISR_SYNCWARNF_Msk                        /* SYNC warning                   */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ERRF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ERRF              CRS_ISR_ERRF_Msk                             /* SYNC error flag                */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ISR_ESYNCF            CRS_ISR_ESYNCF_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC flag             */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos       (8U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCERR           CRS_ISR_SYNCERR_Msk                          /* SYNC error                     */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos      (9U)        
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk      (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS          CRS_ISR_SYNCMISS_Msk                         /* SYNC missed                    */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos       (10U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF           CRS_ISR_TRIMOVF_Msk                          /* Trimming overflow or underflow */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos         (15U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk         (0x1UL << CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FEDIR             CRS_ISR_FEDIR_Msk                            /* Frequency error direction      */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos         (16U)       
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CRS_ISR_FECAP_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define CRS_ISR_FECAP             CRS_ISR_FECAP_Msk                            /* Frequency error capture        */
+/*******************  Bit definition for CRS_ICR register  *********************/
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos       (0U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk       (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC           CRS_ICR_SYNCOKC_Msk                          /* SYNC event OK clear flag     */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos     (1U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk     (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC         CRS_ICR_SYNCWARNC_Msk                        /* SYNC warning clear flag      */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos          (2U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk          (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ERRC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ERRC              CRS_ICR_ERRC_Msk                             /* Error clear flag             */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos        (3U)        
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk        (0x1UL << CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define CRS_ICR_ESYNCC            CRS_ICR_ESYNCC_Msk                           /* Expected SYNC clear flag     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define DAC_CHANNEL2_SUPPORT                       /*!< DAC feature available only on specific devices: availability of DAC channel 2 */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_CR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Pos              (0U)      
+#define DAC_CR_EN1_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN1                  DAC_CR_EN1_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel1 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos            (1U)      
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF1                DAC_CR_BOFF1_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel1 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos             (2U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN1                 DAC_CR_TEN1_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel1 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos            (3U)      
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1                DAC_CR_TSEL1_Msk                           /*!< TSEL1[2:0] (DAC channel1 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos            (6U)      
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1                DAC_CR_WAVE1_Msk                           /*!< WAVE1[1:0] (DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos            (8U)      
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1                DAC_CR_MAMP1_Msk                           /*!< MAMP1[3:0] (DAC channel1 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP1_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos           (12U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN1               DAC_CR_DMAEN1_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel1 DMA enable */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos        (13U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE1_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel1 DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Pos              (16U)     
+#define DAC_CR_EN2_Msk              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_EN2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DAC_CR_EN2                  DAC_CR_EN2_Msk                             /*!< DAC channel2 enable */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos            (17U)     
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk            (0x1UL << DAC_CR_BOFF2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DAC_CR_BOFF2                DAC_CR_BOFF2_Msk                           /*!< DAC channel2 output buffer disable */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos             (18U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk             (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TEN2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TEN2                 DAC_CR_TEN2_Msk                            /*!< DAC channel2 Trigger enable */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos            (19U)     
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk            (0x7UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00380000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2                DAC_CR_TSEL2_Msk                           /*!< TSEL2[2:0] (DAC channel2 Trigger selection) */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DAC_CR_TSEL2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_TSEL2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos            (22U)     
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk            (0x3UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2                DAC_CR_WAVE2_Msk                           /*!< WAVE2[1:0] (DAC channel2 noise/triangle wave generation enable) */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DAC_CR_WAVE2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_WAVE2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos            (24U)     
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk            (0xFUL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2                DAC_CR_MAMP2_Msk                           /*!< MAMP2[3:0] (DAC channel2 Mask/Amplitude selector) */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_0              (0x1UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_1              (0x2UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_2              (0x4UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_MAMP2_3              (0x8UL << DAC_CR_MAMP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos           (28U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk           (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAEN2               DAC_CR_DMAEN2_Msk                          /*!< DAC channel2 DMA enabled */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos        (29U)     
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk        (0x1UL << DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2            DAC_CR_DMAUDRIE2_Msk                       /*!< DAC channel12DMA Underrun interrupt enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_SWTRIGR register  ******************/
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 software trigger */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos     (1U)      
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk     (0x1UL << DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2         DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 software trigger */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R1 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12L2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12L2_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8R2 register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8R2_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (16U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Right aligned data */
+/*****************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR12LD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos    (4U)      
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit Left aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos    (20U)     
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk    (0xFFFUL << DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFF00000 */
+#define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR        DAC_DHR12LD_DACC2DHR_Msk                   /*!< DAC channel2 12-bit Left aligned data */
+/******************  Bit definition for DAC_DHR8RD register  ******************/
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos     (0U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit Right aligned data */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos     (8U)      
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk     (0xFFUL << DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR         DAC_DHR8RD_DACC2DHR_Msk                    /*!< DAC channel2 8-bit Right aligned data */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR1 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR           DAC_DOR1_DACC1DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel1 data output */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DAC_DOR2 register  *******************/
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos       (0U)      
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk       (0xFFFUL << DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR           DAC_DOR2_DACC2DOR_Msk                      /*!< DAC channel2 data output */
+/********************  Bit definition for DAC_SR register  ********************/
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos          (13U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR1              DAC_SR_DMAUDR1_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel1 DMA underrun flag */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos          (29U)     
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk          (0x1UL << DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DAC_SR_DMAUDR2              DAC_SR_DMAUDR2_Msk                         /*!< DAC channel2 DMA underrun flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Debug MCU (DBGMCU)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/****************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *****************/
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos               (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk        /*!< Device Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos               (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk               (0xFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_DIV_ID_Msk        /*!< Division Identifier */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos           (13U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk           (0x3UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID               DBGMCU_IDCODE_MCD_DIV_ID_Msk    /*!< MCD divsion ID is 6 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos               (16U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                   DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk        /*!< REV_ID[15:0] bits (Revision Identifier) */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_0                 (0x0001UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_1                 (0x0002UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_2                 (0x0004UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_3                 (0x0008UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_4                 (0x0010UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_5                 (0x0020UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_6                 (0x0040UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_7                 (0x0080UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_8                 (0x0100UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_9                 (0x0200UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_10                (0x0400UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_11                (0x0800UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_12                (0x1000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_13                (0x2000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_14                (0x4000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_15                (0x8000UL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_CR register  *******************/
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos                      (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk                      (0x7UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG                          DBGMCU_CR_DBG_Msk               /*!< Debug mode mask */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos                (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk                (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP                    DBGMCU_CR_DBG_SLEEP_Msk         /*!< Debug Sleep Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos                 (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP                     DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STOP_Msk          /*!< Debug Stop Mode */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos              (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY                  DBGMCU_CR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk       /*!< Debug Standby mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos       (0U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM2 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos       (1U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos       (4U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM6_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM6 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos       (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_TIM7_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos        (10U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk        (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP            DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_RTC_STOP_Msk /*!< RTC Calendar frozen when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos       (11U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Window Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos       (12U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Msk /*!< Debug Independent Watchdog stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos       (21U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C1 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos       (22U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C2_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C2 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos       (23U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk       (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP           DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk /*!< I2C3 SMBUS timeout mode stopped when Core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos    (31U)                           
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP        DBGMCU_APB1_FZ_DBG_LPTIMER_STOP_Msk /*!< LPTIM1 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/******************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register  **************/
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos      (5U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM22_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM22 counter stopped when core is halted */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos      (2U)                            
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk      (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP          DBGMCU_APB2_FZ_DBG_TIM21_STOP_Msk /*!< TIM21 counter stopped when core is halted */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_ISR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos       (0U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF1_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF1           DMA_ISR_GIF1_Msk                                /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos      (1U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF1          DMA_ISR_TCIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos      (2U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF1          DMA_ISR_HTIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos      (3U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF1          DMA_ISR_TEIF1_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos       (4U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF2_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF2           DMA_ISR_GIF2_Msk                                /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos      (5U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF2          DMA_ISR_TCIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos      (6U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF2          DMA_ISR_HTIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos      (7U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF2          DMA_ISR_TEIF2_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos       (8U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF3_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF3           DMA_ISR_GIF3_Msk                                /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos      (9U)           
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF3          DMA_ISR_TCIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF3          DMA_ISR_HTIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos      (11U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF3          DMA_ISR_TEIF3_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos       (12U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF4_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF4           DMA_ISR_GIF4_Msk                                /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos      (13U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF4          DMA_ISR_TCIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos      (14U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF4          DMA_ISR_HTIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos      (15U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF4          DMA_ISR_TEIF4_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos       (16U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF5_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF5           DMA_ISR_GIF5_Msk                                /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt flag    */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos      (17U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF5          DMA_ISR_TCIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag   */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos      (18U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF5          DMA_ISR_HTIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer flag       */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos      (19U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF5          DMA_ISR_TEIF5_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error flag      */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos       (20U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF6_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF6           DMA_ISR_GIF6_Msk                                /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos      (21U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF6          DMA_ISR_TCIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos      (22U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF6          DMA_ISR_HTIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos      (23U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF6          DMA_ISR_TEIF6_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos       (24U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_GIF7_Pos)                      /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_GIF7           DMA_ISR_GIF7_Msk                                /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos      (25U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TCIF7          DMA_ISR_TCIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos      (26U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_HTIF7          DMA_ISR_HTIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer flag */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos      (27U)          
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk      (0x1UL << DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_ISR_TEIF7          DMA_ISR_TEIF7_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_IFCR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos     (0U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF1         DMA_IFCR_CGIF1_Msk                              /*!< Channel 1 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos    (1U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos    (2U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos    (3U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF1_Msk                             /*!< Channel 1 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos     (4U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF2         DMA_IFCR_CGIF2_Msk                              /*!< Channel 2 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos    (5U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos    (6U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos    (7U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF2_Msk                             /*!< Channel 2 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos     (8U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF3         DMA_IFCR_CGIF3_Msk                              /*!< Channel 3 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos    (9U)           
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos    (10U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos    (11U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF3_Msk                             /*!< Channel 3 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos     (12U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF4         DMA_IFCR_CGIF4_Msk                              /*!< Channel 4 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos    (13U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos    (15U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF4_Msk                             /*!< Channel 4 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos     (16U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF5         DMA_IFCR_CGIF5_Msk                              /*!< Channel 5 Global interrupt clear    */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos    (17U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear   */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos    (18U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Half Transfer clear       */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos    (19U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF5_Msk                             /*!< Channel 5 Transfer Error clear      */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos     (20U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF6         DMA_IFCR_CGIF6_Msk                              /*!< Channel 6 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos    (21U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos    (22U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos    (23U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF6_Msk                             /*!< Channel 6 Transfer Error clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos     (24U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk     (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CGIF7         DMA_IFCR_CGIF7_Msk                              /*!< Channel 7 Global interrupt clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos    (25U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTCIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Complete clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos    (26U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7        DMA_IFCR_CHTIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Half Transfer clear */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos    (27U)          
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Pos)                   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7        DMA_IFCR_CTEIF7_Msk                             /*!< Channel 7 Transfer Error clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos         (0U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk         (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define DMA_CCR_EN             DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                                  /*!< Channel enable                      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos       (1U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TCIE           DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable  */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos       (2U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define DMA_CCR_HTIE           DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                                /*!< Half Transfer interrupt enable      */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos       (3U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TEIE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define DMA_CCR_TEIE           DMA_CCR_TEIE_Msk                                /*!< Transfer error interrupt enable     */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos        (4U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DIR_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define DMA_CCR_DIR            DMA_CCR_DIR_Msk                                 /*!< Data transfer direction             */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos       (5U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_CIRC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define DMA_CCR_CIRC           DMA_CCR_CIRC_Msk                                /*!< Circular mode                       */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos       (6U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PINC           DMA_CCR_PINC_Msk                                /*!< Peripheral increment mode           */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos       (7U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk       (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MINC_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MINC           DMA_CCR_MINC_Msk                                /*!< Memory increment mode               */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE          DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Msk                               /*!< PSIZE[1:0] bits (Peripheral size)   */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos      (10U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk      (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE          DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Msk                               /*!< MSIZE[1:0] bits (Memory size)       */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_0        (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MSIZE_1        (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Pos         (12U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_Msk         (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL             DMA_CCR_PL_Msk                                  /*!< PL[1:0] bits(Channel Priority level)*/
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_0           (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_PL_1           (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PL_Pos)                        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos    (14U)          
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM        DMA_CCR_MEM2MEM_Msk                             /*!< Memory to memory mode               */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CNDTR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define DMA_CNDTR_NDT          DMA_CNDTR_NDT_Msk                               /*!< Number of data to Transfer          */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CPAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CPAR_PA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CPAR_PA            DMA_CPAR_PA_Msk                                 /*!< Peripheral Address                  */
+/******************  Bit definition for DMA_CMAR register  ********************/
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos        (0U)           
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CMAR_MA_Pos)                /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define DMA_CMAR_MA            DMA_CMAR_MA_Msk                                 /*!< Memory Address                      */
+/*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSELR register  *******************/
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos      (0U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C1S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C1S          DMA_CSELR_C1S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 1 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos      (4U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C2S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C2S          DMA_CSELR_C2S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 2 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos      (8U)           
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C3S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C3S          DMA_CSELR_C3S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 3 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos      (12U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C4S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C4S          DMA_CSELR_C4S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 4 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos      (16U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C5S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C5S          DMA_CSELR_C5S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 5 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos      (20U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C6S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C6S          DMA_CSELR_C6S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 6 Selection */ 
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos      (24U)          
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk      (0xFUL << DMA_CSELR_C7S_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define DMA_CSELR_C7S          DMA_CSELR_C7S_Msk                               /*!< Channel 7 Selection */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR register  *******************/
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM0            EXTI_IMR_IM0_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM1            EXTI_IMR_IM1_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM2            EXTI_IMR_IM2_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM3            EXTI_IMR_IM3_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM4            EXTI_IMR_IM4_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM5            EXTI_IMR_IM5_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM6            EXTI_IMR_IM6_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM7            EXTI_IMR_IM7_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM8            EXTI_IMR_IM8_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM9            EXTI_IMR_IM9_Msk                               /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM10           EXTI_IMR_IM10_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM11           EXTI_IMR_IM11_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM12           EXTI_IMR_IM12_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM13           EXTI_IMR_IM13_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM14           EXTI_IMR_IM14_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM15           EXTI_IMR_IM15_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM16           EXTI_IMR_IM16_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM17           EXTI_IMR_IM17_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM18           EXTI_IMR_IM18_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM19           EXTI_IMR_IM19_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM20           EXTI_IMR_IM20_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM21           EXTI_IMR_IM21_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM22           EXTI_IMR_IM22_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM23           EXTI_IMR_IM23_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM24           EXTI_IMR_IM24_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM25           EXTI_IMR_IM25_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM26           EXTI_IMR_IM26_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM28           EXTI_IMR_IM28_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR_IM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM29           EXTI_IMR_IM29_Msk                              /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 29 */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos         (0U)          
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk         (0x37FFFFFFUL << EXTI_IMR_IM_Pos)               /*!< 0x37FFFFFF */
+#define EXTI_IMR_IM             EXTI_IMR_IM_Msk                                /*!< Interrupt Mask All */
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR register  ********************/
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM0            EXTI_EMR_EM0_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM1            EXTI_EMR_EM1_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM2            EXTI_EMR_EM2_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM3            EXTI_EMR_EM3_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM4            EXTI_EMR_EM4_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM5            EXTI_EMR_EM5_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM6            EXTI_EMR_EM6_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM7            EXTI_EMR_EM7_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM8            EXTI_EMR_EM8_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM9            EXTI_EMR_EM9_Msk                               /*!< Event Mask on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM10           EXTI_EMR_EM10_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM11           EXTI_EMR_EM11_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM12           EXTI_EMR_EM12_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM13           EXTI_EMR_EM13_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM14           EXTI_EMR_EM14_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM15           EXTI_EMR_EM15_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM16           EXTI_EMR_EM16_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM17           EXTI_EMR_EM17_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos       (18U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM18_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM18           EXTI_EMR_EM18_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM19           EXTI_EMR_EM19_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM20           EXTI_EMR_EM20_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM21           EXTI_EMR_EM21_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM22           EXTI_EMR_EM22_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 22 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos       (23U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM23_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM23           EXTI_EMR_EM23_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 23 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos       (24U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM24_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM24           EXTI_EMR_EM24_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 24 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos       (25U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM25_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM25           EXTI_EMR_EM25_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 25 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos       (26U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM26_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM26           EXTI_EMR_EM26_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 26 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos       (28U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM28_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM28           EXTI_EMR_EM28_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 28 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos       (29U)         
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR_EM29_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define EXTI_EMR_EM29           EXTI_EMR_EM29_Msk                              /*!< Event Mask on line 29 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR register  ******************/
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT0           EXTI_RTSR_RT0_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT1           EXTI_RTSR_RT1_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT2           EXTI_RTSR_RT2_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT3           EXTI_RTSR_RT3_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT4           EXTI_RTSR_RT4_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT5           EXTI_RTSR_RT5_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT6           EXTI_RTSR_RT6_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT7           EXTI_RTSR_RT7_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT8           EXTI_RTSR_RT8_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT9           EXTI_RTSR_RT9_Msk                              /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT10          EXTI_RTSR_RT10_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT11          EXTI_RTSR_RT11_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT12          EXTI_RTSR_RT12_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT13          EXTI_RTSR_RT13_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT14          EXTI_RTSR_RT14_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT15          EXTI_RTSR_RT15_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT16          EXTI_RTSR_RT16_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT17          EXTI_RTSR_RT17_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT19          EXTI_RTSR_RT19_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT20          EXTI_RTSR_RT20_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT21          EXTI_RTSR_RT21_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_RT22          EXTI_RTSR_RT22_Msk                             /*!< Rising trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR0                       EXTI_RTSR_RT0
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR1                       EXTI_RTSR_RT1
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR2                       EXTI_RTSR_RT2
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR3                       EXTI_RTSR_RT3
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR4                       EXTI_RTSR_RT4
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR5                       EXTI_RTSR_RT5
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR6                       EXTI_RTSR_RT6
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR7                       EXTI_RTSR_RT7
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR8                       EXTI_RTSR_RT8
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR9                       EXTI_RTSR_RT9
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR10                      EXTI_RTSR_RT10
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR11                      EXTI_RTSR_RT11
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR12                      EXTI_RTSR_RT12
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR13                      EXTI_RTSR_RT13
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR14                      EXTI_RTSR_RT14
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR15                      EXTI_RTSR_RT15
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR16                      EXTI_RTSR_RT16
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR17                      EXTI_RTSR_RT17
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR19                      EXTI_RTSR_RT19
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR20                      EXTI_RTSR_RT20
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR21                      EXTI_RTSR_RT21
+#define EXTI_RTSR_TR22                      EXTI_RTSR_RT22
+/*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR register *******************/
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos       (0U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT0           EXTI_FTSR_FT0_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 0 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos       (1U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT1           EXTI_FTSR_FT1_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 1 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos       (2U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT2           EXTI_FTSR_FT2_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 2 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos       (3U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT3           EXTI_FTSR_FT3_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 3 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos       (4U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT4           EXTI_FTSR_FT4_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 4 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos       (5U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT5           EXTI_FTSR_FT5_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 5 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos       (6U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT6           EXTI_FTSR_FT6_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 6 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos       (7U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT7           EXTI_FTSR_FT7_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 7 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos       (8U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT8           EXTI_FTSR_FT8_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 8 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos       (9U)          
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT9           EXTI_FTSR_FT9_Msk                              /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 9 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos      (10U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT10          EXTI_FTSR_FT10_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 10 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos      (11U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT11          EXTI_FTSR_FT11_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 11 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos      (12U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT12          EXTI_FTSR_FT12_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 12 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos      (13U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT13          EXTI_FTSR_FT13_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 13 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos      (14U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT14          EXTI_FTSR_FT14_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 14 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos      (15U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT15          EXTI_FTSR_FT15_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 15 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos      (16U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT16          EXTI_FTSR_FT16_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 16 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos      (17U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT17          EXTI_FTSR_FT17_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 17 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos      (19U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT19          EXTI_FTSR_FT19_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 19 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos      (20U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT20          EXTI_FTSR_FT20_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 20 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos      (21U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT21          EXTI_FTSR_FT21_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 21 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos      (22U)         
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk      (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_FT22          EXTI_FTSR_FT22_Msk                             /*!< Falling trigger event configuration bit of line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR0                       EXTI_FTSR_FT0
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR1                       EXTI_FTSR_FT1
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR2                       EXTI_FTSR_FT2
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR3                       EXTI_FTSR_FT3
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR4                       EXTI_FTSR_FT4
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR5                       EXTI_FTSR_FT5
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR6                       EXTI_FTSR_FT6
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR7                       EXTI_FTSR_FT7
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR8                       EXTI_FTSR_FT8
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR9                       EXTI_FTSR_FT9
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR10                      EXTI_FTSR_FT10
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR11                      EXTI_FTSR_FT11
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR12                      EXTI_FTSR_FT12
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR13                      EXTI_FTSR_FT13
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR14                      EXTI_FTSR_FT14
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR15                      EXTI_FTSR_FT15
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR16                      EXTI_FTSR_FT16
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR17                      EXTI_FTSR_FT17
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR19                      EXTI_FTSR_FT19
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR20                      EXTI_FTSR_FT20
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR21                      EXTI_FTSR_FT21
+#define EXTI_FTSR_TR22                      EXTI_FTSR_FT22
+/******************* Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER register *******************/
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos     (0U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI0         EXTI_SWIER_SWI0_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos     (1U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI1         EXTI_SWIER_SWI1_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos     (2U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI2         EXTI_SWIER_SWI2_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos     (3U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI3         EXTI_SWIER_SWI3_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos     (4U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI4         EXTI_SWIER_SWI4_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos     (5U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI5         EXTI_SWIER_SWI5_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos     (6U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI6         EXTI_SWIER_SWI6_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos     (7U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI7         EXTI_SWIER_SWI7_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos     (8U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI8         EXTI_SWIER_SWI8_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos     (9U)          
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk     (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI9         EXTI_SWIER_SWI9_Msk                            /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9  */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos    (10U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI10        EXTI_SWIER_SWI10_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos    (11U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI11        EXTI_SWIER_SWI11_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos    (12U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI12        EXTI_SWIER_SWI12_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos    (13U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI13        EXTI_SWIER_SWI13_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos    (14U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI14        EXTI_SWIER_SWI14_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos    (15U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI15        EXTI_SWIER_SWI15_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos    (16U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI16        EXTI_SWIER_SWI16_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos    (17U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI17        EXTI_SWIER_SWI17_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos    (19U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI19        EXTI_SWIER_SWI19_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 19 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos    (20U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI20        EXTI_SWIER_SWI20_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 20 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos    (21U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI21        EXTI_SWIER_SWI21_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 21 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos    (22U)         
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk    (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWI22        EXTI_SWIER_SWI22_Msk                           /*!< Software Interrupt on line 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER0                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI0
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER1                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI1
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER2                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI2
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER3                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI3
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER4                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI4
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER5                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI5
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER6                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI6
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER7                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI7
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER8                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI8
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER9                   EXTI_SWIER_SWI9
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER10                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI10
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER11                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI11
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER12                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI12
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER13                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI13
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER14                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI14
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER15                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI15
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER16                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI16
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER17                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI17
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER19                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI19
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER20                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI20
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER21                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI21
+#define EXTI_SWIER_SWIER22                  EXTI_SWIER_SWI22
+/******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PR register  *********************/
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos        (0U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF0_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF0            EXTI_PR_PIF0_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 0  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos        (1U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF1_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF1            EXTI_PR_PIF1_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 1  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos        (2U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF2_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF2            EXTI_PR_PIF2_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 2  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos        (3U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF3_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF3            EXTI_PR_PIF3_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 3  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos        (4U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF4_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF4            EXTI_PR_PIF4_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 4  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos        (5U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF5_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF5            EXTI_PR_PIF5_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 5  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos        (6U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF6_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF6            EXTI_PR_PIF6_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 6  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos        (7U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF7_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF7            EXTI_PR_PIF7_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 7  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos        (8U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF8_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF8            EXTI_PR_PIF8_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 8  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos        (9U)          
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk        (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF9_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF9            EXTI_PR_PIF9_Msk                               /*!< Pending bit 9  */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos       (10U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF10_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF10           EXTI_PR_PIF10_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 10 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos       (11U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF11_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF11           EXTI_PR_PIF11_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 11 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos       (12U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF12_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF12           EXTI_PR_PIF12_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 12 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos       (13U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF13_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF13           EXTI_PR_PIF13_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 13 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos       (14U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF14_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF14           EXTI_PR_PIF14_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 14 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos       (15U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF15_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF15           EXTI_PR_PIF15_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 15 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos       (16U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF16_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF16           EXTI_PR_PIF16_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 16 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos       (17U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF17_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF17           EXTI_PR_PIF17_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 17 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos       (19U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF19_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF19           EXTI_PR_PIF19_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 19 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos       (20U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF20_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF20           EXTI_PR_PIF20_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 20 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos       (21U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF21_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF21           EXTI_PR_PIF21_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 21 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos       (22U)         
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk       (0x1UL << EXTI_PR_PIF22_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define EXTI_PR_PIF22           EXTI_PR_PIF22_Msk                              /*!< Pending bit 22 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define EXTI_PR_PR0                         EXTI_PR_PIF0
+#define EXTI_PR_PR1                         EXTI_PR_PIF1
+#define EXTI_PR_PR2                         EXTI_PR_PIF2
+#define EXTI_PR_PR3                         EXTI_PR_PIF3
+#define EXTI_PR_PR4                         EXTI_PR_PIF4
+#define EXTI_PR_PR5                         EXTI_PR_PIF5
+#define EXTI_PR_PR6                         EXTI_PR_PIF6
+#define EXTI_PR_PR7                         EXTI_PR_PIF7
+#define EXTI_PR_PR8                         EXTI_PR_PIF8
+#define EXTI_PR_PR9                         EXTI_PR_PIF9
+#define EXTI_PR_PR10                        EXTI_PR_PIF10
+#define EXTI_PR_PR11                        EXTI_PR_PIF11
+#define EXTI_PR_PR12                        EXTI_PR_PIF12
+#define EXTI_PR_PR13                        EXTI_PR_PIF13
+#define EXTI_PR_PR14                        EXTI_PR_PIF14
+#define EXTI_PR_PR15                        EXTI_PR_PIF15
+#define EXTI_PR_PR16                        EXTI_PR_PIF16
+#define EXTI_PR_PR17                        EXTI_PR_PIF17
+#define EXTI_PR_PR19                        EXTI_PR_PIF19
+#define EXTI_PR_PR20                        EXTI_PR_PIF20
+#define EXTI_PR_PR21                        EXTI_PR_PIF21
+#define EXTI_PR_PR22                        EXTI_PR_PIF22
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                      FLASH and Option Bytes Registers                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_ACR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY            FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                     /*!< LATENCY bit (Latency) */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos         (1U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN             FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                      /*!< Prefetch Buffer Enable */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos       (3U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD           FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                    /*!< Flash mode during sleep mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos         (4U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD             FLASH_ACR_RUN_PD_Msk                      /*!< Flash mode during RUN mode */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos      (5U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF          FLASH_ACR_DISAB_BUF_Msk                   /*!< Disable Buffer */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos       (6U)     
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ           FLASH_ACR_PRE_READ_Msk                    /*!< Pre-read data address */
+/*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PECR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PELOCK            FLASH_PECR_PELOCK_Msk                     /*!< FLASH_PECR and Flash data Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos       (1U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK           FLASH_PECR_PRGLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Program matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos       (2U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK           FLASH_PECR_OPTLOCK_Msk                    /*!< Option byte matrix Lock */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos          (3U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PROG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PROG              FLASH_PECR_PROG_Msk                       /*!< Program matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos          (4U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_DATA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_DATA              FLASH_PECR_DATA_Msk                       /*!< Data matrix selection */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos           (8U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FIX_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FIX               FLASH_PECR_FIX_Msk                        /*!< Fixed Time Data write for Word/Half Word/Byte programming */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos         (9U)     
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERASE             FLASH_PECR_ERASE_Msk                      /*!< Page erasing mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_FPRG              FLASH_PECR_FPRG_Msk                       /*!< Fast Page/Half Page programming mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos    (15U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK        FLASH_PECR_PARALLBANK_Msk                 /*!< Parallel Bank mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos         (16U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_EOPIE             FLASH_PECR_EOPIE_Msk                      /*!< End of programming interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos         (17U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_ERRIE             FLASH_PECR_ERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Error interrupt */ 
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos    (18U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH        FLASH_PECR_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk                 /*!< Launch the option byte loading */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos    (19U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY        FLASH_PECR_HALF_ARRAY_Msk                 /*!< Half array mode */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos     (22U)    
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE         FLASH_PECR_NZDISABLE_Msk                  /*!< Non-Zero check disable */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR          FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PEKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Pos      (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR          FLASH_PEKEYR_PEKEYR_Msk                   /*!< FLASH_PEC and data matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRGKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR        FLASH_PRGKEYR_PRGKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Program matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Pos    (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR        FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEYR_Msk                 /*!< Option bytes matrix Key */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos             (0U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_BSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FLASH_SR_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY_Msk                          /*!< Busy */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos             (1U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FLASH_SR_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP_Msk                          /*!< End Of Programming*/
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos           (2U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FLASH_SR_HVOFF               FLASH_SR_HVOFF_Msk                        /*!< End of high voltage */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Pos           (3U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_READY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_READY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define FLASH_SR_READY               FLASH_SR_READY_Msk                        /*!< Flash ready after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos          (8U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_SR_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Msk                       /*!< Write protection error */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos          (9U)     
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define FLASH_SR_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Msk                       /*!< Programming Alignment Error */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos          (10U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define FLASH_SR_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Msk                       /*!< Size error */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos         (11U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define FLASH_SR_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Msk                      /*!< Option Valid error */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos           (13U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_RDERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read protected error */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos      (16U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR_Msk                   /*!< Not Zero error */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos          (17U)    
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWERR              FLASH_SR_FWWERR_Msk                       /*!< Write/Errase operation aborted */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define FLASH_SR_FWWER                      FLASH_SR_FWWERR
+#define FLASH_SR_ENHV                       FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+#define FLASH_SR_ENDHV                      FLASH_SR_HVOFF
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_OPTR register  *******************/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos        (0U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk        (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT            FLASH_OPTR_RDPROT_Msk                     /*!< Read Protection */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos        (8U)     
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD            FLASH_OPTR_WPRMOD_Msk                     /*!< Selection of protection mode of WPR bits */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos       (16U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk       (0xFUL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV           FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                    /*!< BOR_LEV[3:0] Brown Out Reset Threshold Level*/
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos       (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk       (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW           FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                    /*!< IWDG_SW */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos     (21U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk     (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP         FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                  /*!< nRST_STOP */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos    (22U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY        FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk                 /*!< nRST_STDBY */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos          (23U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BFB2              FLASH_OPTR_BFB2_Msk                       /*!< BFB2 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos          (20U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk          (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_USER_Pos)             /*!< 0x00700000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_USER              FLASH_OPTR_USER_Msk                       /*!< User Option Bytes */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos         (31U)    
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk         (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1             FLASH_OPTR_BOOT1_Msk                      /*!< BOOT1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for FLASH_WRPR register  ******************/
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos           (0U)     
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define FLASH_WRPR_WRP               FLASH_WRPR_WRP_Msk                        /*!< Write Protection bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10               GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11               GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12               GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13               GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14               GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15               GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  *****************/
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_0                (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_1                (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_2                (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_3                (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_4                (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_5                (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6                (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_7                (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8                (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_9                (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_10               (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_11               (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_12               (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_13               (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_14               (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_OTYPER_OT_15               (0x00008000U)                          
+/****************  Bit definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ******************/
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos       (0U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED0_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos       (2U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED1_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos       (4U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos       (6U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos       (8U)  
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos       (10U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED5_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos       (12U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED6_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos       (14U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED7_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos       (16U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED8_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos       (18U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk       (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9           GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Msk              
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_0         (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_1         (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED9_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos      (20U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED10_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos      (22U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED11_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos      (24U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED12_Pos)   /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos      (26U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED13_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos      (28U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED14_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos      (30U) 
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk      (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15          GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Msk             
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_0        (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_1        (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEED15_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_PUPDR register ******************/
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos            (0U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos            (2U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos            (4U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos            (6U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos            (8U)  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos            (10U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos            (12U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos            (14U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos            (16U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos            (18U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                   
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos           (20U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos           (22U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos           (24U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos           (26U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos           (28U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos           (30U) 
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15               GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk                  
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID0                    GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID1                    GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID2                    GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID3                    GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID4                    GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID5                    GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID6                    GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID7                    GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID8                    GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID9                    GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID10                   GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID11                   GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID12                   GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID13                   GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID14                   GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_IDR_ID15                   GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                      
+/******************  Bit definition for GPIO_ODR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                (0U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD0                    GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                (1U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD1                    GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                (2U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD2                    GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                (3U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD3                    GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                (4U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD4                    GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                (5U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD5                    GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                (6U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD6                    GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                (7U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD7                    GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                (8U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD8                    GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                (9U)  
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD9                    GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                       
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos               (10U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD10                   GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos               (11U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD11                   GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos               (12U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD12                   GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos               (13U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD13                   GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos               (14U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD14                   GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                      
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos               (15U) 
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_ODR_OD15                   GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                      
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_0                  (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_1                  (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_2                  (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_3                  (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_4                  (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_5                  (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_6                  (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_7                  (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_8                  (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_9                  (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_10                 (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_11                 (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_12                 (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_13                 (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_14                 (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BS_15                 (0x00008000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_0                  (0x00010000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_1                  (0x00020000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_2                  (0x00040000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_3                  (0x00080000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_4                  (0x00100000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_5                  (0x00200000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_6                  (0x00400000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_7                  (0x00800000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_8                  (0x01000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_9                  (0x02000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_10                 (0x04000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_11                 (0x08000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_12                 (0x10000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_13                 (0x20000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_14                 (0x40000000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BSRR_BR_15                 (0x80000000U)                          
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register  ********************/
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos              (0U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos              (1U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos              (2U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos              (3U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos              (4U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos              (5U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos              (6U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos              (7U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos              (8U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos              (9U)  
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                  GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                     
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos             (10U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos             (11U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos             (13U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos             (14U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos             (15U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk             (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                 GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos              (16U) 
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                  GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                     
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                 GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register ********************/
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos             (0U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos             (4U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos             (8U)  
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos             (12U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos             (16U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos             (20U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos             (24U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)          /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk                    
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos             (28U) 
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk             (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)          /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                 GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk                    
+/****************** Bit definition for GPIO_BRR register  *********************/
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_0                   (0x00000001U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_1                   (0x00000002U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_2                   (0x00000004U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_3                   (0x00000008U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_4                   (0x00000010U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_5                   (0x00000020U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_6                   (0x00000040U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_7                   (0x00000080U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_8                   (0x00000100U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_9                   (0x00000200U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_10                  (0x00000400U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_11                  (0x00000800U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_12                  (0x00001000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_13                  (0x00002000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_14                  (0x00004000U)                          
+#define GPIO_BRR_BR_15                  (0x00008000U)                          
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                   Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos               (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PE                   I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                            /*!< Peripheral enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXIE                 I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                          /*!< TX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXIE                 I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                          /*!< RX interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE               I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                        /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE               I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                        /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE               I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos             (6U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TCIE                 I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos            (7U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                         /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos              (8U)     
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define I2C_CR1_DNF                  I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                           /*!< Digital noise filter */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos           (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF               I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                        /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos          (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos          (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN              I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                       /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SBC                  I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                           /*!< Slave byte control */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos        (17U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk        (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH            I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                     /*!< Clock stretching disable */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos            (18U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                         /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos             (19U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_GCEN                 I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                          /*!< General call enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos           (20U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN               I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus host address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos           (21U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN               I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                        /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos          (22U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN              I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert enable */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos            (23U)    
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define I2C_CR1_PECEN                I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                         /*!< PEC enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_CR2_SADD                 I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                          /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos           (10U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN               I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                        /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_CR2_ADD10                I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                         /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R              I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_START_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_START                I2C_CR2_START_Msk                         /*!< START generation */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos             (14U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_STOP                 I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                          /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NACK                 I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                          /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos           (16U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk           (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)             /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES               I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                        /*!< Number of bytes */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos           (24U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD               I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                        /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos          (25U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND              I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                       /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos          (26U)    
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE              I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                       /*!< Packet error checking byte */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk             (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)              /*!< 0x000003FF */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1                 I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 1 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos         (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE             I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN               I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 1 enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk             (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FE */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2                 I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                          /*!< Interface own address 2                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos          (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk          (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK              I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                       /*!< Own address 2 masks                            */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK           (0x00000000U)                             /*!< No mask                                        */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                    /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                    /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                    /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos       (10U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                    /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk       (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000500 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                    /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos       (9U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk       (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                    /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos       (8U)     
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk       (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07           I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                    /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos           (15U)    
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN               I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                        /*!< Own address 2 enable                           */
+/*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos         (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                      /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos         (8U)     
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk         (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH             I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                      /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos       (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                    /*!< Data hold time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos       (20U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk       (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL           I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                    /*!< Data setup time */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos        (28U)    
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk        (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC            I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                     /*!< Timings prescaler */
+/******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos    (0U)     
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout A */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos       (12U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk       (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE           I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                    /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos    (15U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk    (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk                 /*!< Clock timeout enable */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos    (16U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk    (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)     /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB        I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk                 /*!< Bus timeout B*/
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos      (31U)    
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk      (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN          I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                   /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos              (0U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXE                  I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                           /*!< Transmit data register empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos             (1U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TXIS                 I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                          /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos             (2U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define I2C_ISR_RXNE                 I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                          /*!< Receive data register not empty */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos             (3U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDR                 I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                          /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos            (4U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ISR_NACKF                I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                         /*!< NACK received flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos            (5U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ISR_STOPF                I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                         /*!< STOP detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos               (6U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TC                   I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                            /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos              (7U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TCR                  I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer complete reload */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos             (8U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BERR                 I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                          /*!< Bus error */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos             (9U)     
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ARLO                 I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                          /*!< Arbitration lost */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos              (10U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ISR_OVR                  I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                           /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos           (11U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ISR_PECERR               I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                        /*!< PEC error in reception */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos          (12U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT              I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                       /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos            (13U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ALERT                I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                         /*!< SMBus alert */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos             (15U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_BUSY                 I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                          /*!< Bus busy */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos              (16U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_DIR                  I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                           /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos          (17U)    
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk          (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE              I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                       /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos           (3U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF               I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                        /*!< Address matched clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos           (4U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF               I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                        /*!< NACK clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos           (5U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF               I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                        /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos           (8U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF               I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                        /*!< Bus error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos           (9U)     
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF               I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos            (10U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos            (11U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk            (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define I2C_ICR_PECCF                I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                         /*!< PAC error clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos         (12U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk         (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF             I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                      /*!< Timeout clear flag */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos          (13U)    
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk          (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF              I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                       /*!< Alert clear flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos             (0U)     
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk             (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_PECR_PEC                 I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                          /*!< PEC register */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA              I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit receive data */
+/******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos          (0U)     
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk          (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA              I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                       /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Independent WATCHDOG (IWDG)                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define IWDG_KR_KEY          IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                                   /*!< Key value (write only, read 0000h) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos       (0U)             
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk       (0x7UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR           IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                                    /*!< PR[2:0] (Prescaler divider) */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_0         (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_1         (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_PR_PR_2         (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk      (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_RLR_RL          IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos      (0U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define IWDG_SR_PVU          IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos      (1U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define IWDG_SR_RVU          IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos      (2U)             
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk      (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define IWDG_SR_WVU          IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                                   /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
+/*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos    (0U)             
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk    (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000FFF */
+#define IWDG_WINR_WIN        IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                                 /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          LCD Controller (LCD)                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos            (0U)      
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_LCDEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_CR_LCDEN                LCD_CR_LCDEN_Msk                           /*!< LCD Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos             (1U)      
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk             (0x1UL << LCD_CR_VSEL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CR_VSEL                 LCD_CR_VSEL_Msk                            /*!< Voltage source selector Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos             (2U)      
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY                 LCD_CR_DUTY_Msk                            /*!< DUTY[2:0] bits (Duty selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CR_DUTY_2               (0x4UL << LCD_CR_DUTY_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos             (5U)      
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk             (0x3UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS                 LCD_CR_BIAS_Msk                            /*!< BIAS[1:0] bits (Bias selector) */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_0               (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_CR_BIAS_1               (0x2UL << LCD_CR_BIAS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos          (7U)      
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk          (0x1UL << LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_CR_MUX_SEG              LCD_CR_MUX_SEG_Msk                         /*!< Mux Segment Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos            (8U)
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CR_BUFEN_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_CR_BUFEN                LCD_CR_BUFEN_Msk                           /*!< Voltage output buffer enable Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_FCR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_HD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_HD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_FCR_HD                  LCD_FCR_HD_Msk                             /*!< High Drive Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos           (1U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_FCR_SOFIE               LCD_FCR_SOFIE_Msk                          /*!< Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos           (3U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_FCR_UDDIE               LCD_FCR_UDDIE_Msk                          /*!< Update Display Done Interrupt Enable Bit */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Pos             (4U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_Msk             (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON                 LCD_FCR_PON_Msk                            /*!< PON[2:0] bits (Puls ON Duration) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_0               (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_1               (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PON_2               (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_PON_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos            (7U)      
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk            (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000380 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD                LCD_FCR_DEAD_Msk                           /*!< DEAD[2:0] bits (DEAD Time) */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_0              (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_1              (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DEAD_2              (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_DEAD_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Pos              (10U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_Msk              (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001C00 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC                  LCD_FCR_CC_Msk                             /*!< CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control) */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_0                (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_1                (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LCD_FCR_CC_2                (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_CC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos          (13U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk          (0x7UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF              LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Msk                         /*!< BLINKF[2:0] bits (Blink Frequency) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_0            (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1            (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINKF_2            (0x4UL << LCD_FCR_BLINKF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos           (16U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk           (0x3UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK               LCD_FCR_BLINK_Msk                          /*!< BLINK[1:0] bits (Blink Enable) */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_0             (0x1UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_BLINK_1             (0x2UL << LCD_FCR_BLINK_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos             (18U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk             (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_DIV_Pos)                  /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_DIV                 LCD_FCR_DIV_Msk                            /*!< DIV[3:0] bits (Divider) */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Pos              (22U)     
+#define LCD_FCR_PS_Msk              (0xFUL << LCD_FCR_PS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x03C00000 */
+#define LCD_FCR_PS                  LCD_FCR_PS_Msk                             /*!< PS[3:0] bits (Prescaler) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_SR register  *********************/
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Pos              (0U)      
+#define LCD_SR_ENS_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_ENS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LCD_SR_ENS                  LCD_SR_ENS_Msk                             /*!< LCD Enabled Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Pos              (1U)      
+#define LCD_SR_SOF_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_SOF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_SR_SOF                  LCD_SR_SOF_Msk                             /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Pos              (2U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDR                  LCD_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Request Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Pos              (3U)      
+#define LCD_SR_UDD_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_UDD_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_SR_UDD                  LCD_SR_UDD_Msk                             /*!< Update Display Done Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Pos              (4U)      
+#define LCD_SR_RDY_Msk              (0x1UL << LCD_SR_RDY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LCD_SR_RDY                  LCD_SR_RDY_Msk                             /*!< Ready Flag Bit */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_SR_FCRSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LCD_SR_FCRSR                LCD_SR_FCRSR_Msk                           /*!< LCD FCR Register Synchronization Flag Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_CLR register  ********************/
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos            (1U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_SOFC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LCD_CLR_SOFC                LCD_CLR_SOFC_Msk                           /*!< Start Of Frame Flag Clear Bit */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos            (3U)      
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk            (0x1UL << LCD_CLR_UDDC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LCD_CLR_UDDC                LCD_CLR_UDDC_Msk                           /*!< Update Display Done Flag Clear Bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for LCD_RAM register  ********************/
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Pos    (0U)      
+#define LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA        LCD_RAM_SEGMENT_DATA_Msk                   /*!< Segment Data Bits */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Low Power Timer (LPTTIM)                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos          (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPM              LPTIM_ISR_CMPM_Msk                         /*!< Compare match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos          (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM              LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                         /*!< Autoreload match */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos       (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG           LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                      /*!< External trigger edge event */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos         (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK             LPTIM_ISR_CMPOK_Msk                        /*!< Compare register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos         (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK             LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                        /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos            (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_UP                LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                           /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos          (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN              LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF            LPTIM_ICR_CMPMCF_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF            LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF         LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF           LPTIM_ICR_CMPOKCF_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF           LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF              LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Clear Flag */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF            LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Clear Flag */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_IER register ********************/
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE            LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE_Msk                       /*!< Compare match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE            LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE_Msk                       /*!< Autoreload match Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos     (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk     (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE         LPTIM_IER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                    /*!< External trigger edge event Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos       (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE           LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE_Msk                      /*!< Compare register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos       (4U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE           LPTIM_IER_ARROKIE_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload register update OK Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos          (5U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_UPIE              LPTIM_IER_UPIE_Msk                         /*!< Counter direction change down to up Interrupt Enable */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos        (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE            LPTIM_IER_DOWNIE_Msk                       /*!< Counter direction change up to down Interrupt Enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos        (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                       /*!< Clock selector */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL            LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                       /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos        (3U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk        (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT            LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                       /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos       (6U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000C0 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT           LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                      /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos        (9U)      
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk        (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000E00 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC            LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1          (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2          (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos      (13U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk      (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL          LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                     /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1        (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2        (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos       (17U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk       (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN           LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                      /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1         (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos       (19U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT           LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                      /*!< Timout enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos         (20U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE             LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                        /*!< Waveform shape */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos       (21U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL           LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL_Msk                      /*!< Waveform shape polarity */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos      (22U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk      (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD          LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                     /*!< Reg update mode */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos    (23U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk    (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE        LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                   /*!< Counter mode enable */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos          (24U)     
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk          (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC              LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                         /*!< Encoder mode enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos         (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk         (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE             LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                        /*!< LPTIMer enable */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos        (1U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT            LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in single mode */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos        (2U)      
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk        (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT            LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                       /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CMP register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CMP_CMP               LPTIM_CMP_CMP_Msk                          /*!< Compare register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_ARR_ARR               LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                          /*!< Auto reload register */
+/******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)      
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define LPTIM_CNT_CNT               LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                          /*!< Counter register */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                            MIFARE   Firewall                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******Bit definition for CSSA;CSL;NVDSSA;NVDSL;VDSSA;VDSL register */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk      (0xFFFFUL << FW_CSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_CSSA_ADD          FW_CSSA_ADD_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Pos      (8U)             
+#define FW_CSL_LENG_Msk      (0x3FFFUL << FW_CSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_CSL_LENG          FW_CSL_LENG_Msk                                   /*!< Code Segment Length        */  
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk    (0xFFFFUL << FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FFFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSSA_ADD        FW_NVDSSA_ADD_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Dat Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos    (8U)             
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk    (0x3FFFUL << FW_NVDSL_LENG_Pos)                    /*!< 0x003FFF00 */
+#define FW_NVDSL_LENG        FW_NVDSL_LENG_Msk                                 /*!< Non Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSSA_ADD_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSSA_ADD         FW_VDSSA_ADD_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Start Address */ 
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos     (6U)             
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk     (0x3FFUL << FW_VDSL_LENG_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000FFC0 */
+#define FW_VDSL_LENG         FW_VDSL_LENG_Msk                                  /*!< Volatile Data Segment Length */ 
+/**************************Bit definition for CR register *********************/
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Pos        (0U)             
+#define FW_CR_FPA_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_FPA_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define FW_CR_FPA            FW_CR_FPA_Msk                                     /*!< Firewall Pre Arm*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Pos        (1U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDS_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDS_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define FW_CR_VDS            FW_CR_VDS_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Sharing*/ 
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Pos        (2U)             
+#define FW_CR_VDE_Msk        (0x1UL << FW_CR_VDE_Pos)                           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define FW_CR_VDE            FW_CR_VDE_Msk                                     /*!< Volatile Data Execution*/ 
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Power Control (PWR)                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define PWR_PVD_SUPPORT                     /*!< PVD feature available on all devices: Power Voltage Detection feature */
+/********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos          (0U)       
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPSDSR              PWR_CR_LPSDSR_Msk                           /*!< Low-power deepsleep/sleep/low power run */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PDDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CR_PDDS                PWR_CR_PDDS_Msk                             /*!< Power Down Deepsleep */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos            (2U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CWUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CR_CWUF                PWR_CR_CWUF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos            (3U)       
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_CSBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CR_CSBF                PWR_CR_CSBF_Msk                             /*!< Clear Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos            (4U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PVDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CR_PVDE                PWR_CR_PVDE_Msk                             /*!< Power Voltage Detector Enable */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Pos             (5U)       
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_Msk             (0x7UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS                 PWR_CR_PLS_Msk                              /*!< PLS[2:0] bits (PVD Level Selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_2               (0x4UL << PWR_CR_PLS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000080 */
+/*!< PVD level configuration */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV0            (0x00000000U)                               /*!< PVD level 0 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV1            (0x00000020U)                               /*!< PVD level 1 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV2            (0x00000040U)                               /*!< PVD level 2 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV3            (0x00000060U)                               /*!< PVD level 3 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV4            (0x00000080U)                               /*!< PVD level 4 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV5            (0x000000A0U)                               /*!< PVD level 5 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV6            (0x000000C0U)                               /*!< PVD level 6 */
+#define PWR_CR_PLS_LEV7            (0x000000E0U)                               /*!< PVD level 7 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Pos             (8U)       
+#define PWR_CR_DBP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DBP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CR_DBP                 PWR_CR_DBP_Msk                              /*!< Disable Backup Domain write protection */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Pos             (9U)       
+#define PWR_CR_ULP_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_ULP_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CR_ULP                 PWR_CR_ULP_Msk                              /*!< Ultra Low Power mode */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Pos             (10U)      
+#define PWR_CR_FWU_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_CR_FWU_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CR_FWU                 PWR_CR_FWU_Msk                              /*!< Fast wakeup */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Pos             (11U)      
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_Msk             (0x3UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS                 PWR_CR_VOS_Msk                              /*!< VOS[1:0] bits (Voltage scaling range selection) */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_0               (0x1UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define PWR_CR_VOS_1               (0x2UL << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos        (13U)      
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk        (0x1UL << PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF            PWR_CR_DSEEKOFF_Msk                         /*!< Deep Sleep mode with EEPROM kept Off */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos           (14U)      
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CR_LPRUN_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define PWR_CR_LPRUN               PWR_CR_LPRUN_Msk                            /*!< Low power run mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for PWR_CSR register  ********************/
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos            (0U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_WUF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define PWR_CSR_WUF                PWR_CSR_WUF_Msk                             /*!< Wakeup Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos            (1U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk            (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_SBF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define PWR_CSR_SBF                PWR_CSR_SBF_Msk                             /*!< Standby Flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos           (2U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_PVDO_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define PWR_CSR_PVDO               PWR_CSR_PVDO_Msk                            /*!< PVD Output */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos    (3U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk    (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF        PWR_CSR_VREFINTRDYF_Msk                     /*!< Internal voltage reference (VREFINT) ready flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos           (4U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk           (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_VOSF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define PWR_CSR_VOSF               PWR_CSR_VOSF_Msk                            /*!< Voltage Scaling select flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos         (5U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk         (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define PWR_CSR_REGLPF             PWR_CSR_REGLPF_Msk                          /*!< Regulator LP flag */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos          (8U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP1              PWR_CSR_EWUP1_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 1 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos          (9U)       
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP2              PWR_CSR_EWUP2_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 2 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos          (10U)      
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk          (0x1UL << PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define PWR_CSR_EWUP3              PWR_CSR_EWUP3_Msk                           /*!< Enable WKUP pin 3 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define RCC_HSI48_SUPPORT           /*!< HSI48 feature support */
+#define RCC_HSECSS_SUPPORT          /*!< HSE CSS feature activation support */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                 (0U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSION                     RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos              (1U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                  RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                (2U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                    RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos              (3U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN                  RCC_CR_HSIDIVEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos               (4U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIDIVF                   RCC_CR_HSIDIVF_Msk                    /*!< Internal High Speed clock divider flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos              (5U) 
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN                  RCC_CR_HSIOUTEN_Msk                   /*!< Internal High Speed clock out enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Pos                 (8U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSION_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSION                     RCC_CR_MSION_Msk                      /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos                (9U) 
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CR_MSIRDY                    RCC_CR_MSIRDY_Msk                     /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                 (16U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEON                     RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                      /*!< External High Speed clock enable */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                (17U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY                    RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CR_HSEBYP                    RCC_CR_HSEBYP_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed clock Bypass */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos              (19U)
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CR_CSSHSEON                  RCC_CR_CSSHSEON_Msk                   /*!< HSE Clock Security System enable */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos                (20U)
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE                    RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Msk                     /*!< RTC/LCD prescaler [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CR_RTCPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CR_RTCPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos                 (24U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLON                     RCC_CR_PLLON_Msk                      /*!< PLL enable */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos                (25U)
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY                    RCC_CR_PLLRDY_Msk                     /*!< PLL clock ready flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal High Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos            (8U) 
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk            (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal High Speed clock trimming */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos           (13U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk           (0x7UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE               RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Msk                /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Range */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_0             (0x0UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_1             (0x1UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_2             (0x2UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_3             (0x3UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_4             (0x4UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_5             (0x5UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000A000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_6             (0x6UL << RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000C000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk             (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL                 RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Msk                  /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock Calibration */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk            (0xFFUL << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM                RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Msk                 /*!< Internal Multi Speed clock trimming */
+/********************  Bit definition for RCC_CRRCR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON                RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON_Msk                 /*!< HSI 48MHz clock enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock ready flag */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos     (2U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN         RCC_CRRCR_HSI48DIV6OUTEN_Msk          /*!< HSI 48MHz DIV6 out enable */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk           (0xFFUL << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL               RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Msk                /*!< HSI 48MHz clock Calibration */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR register  *******************/
+/*!< SW configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos                      (0U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                      (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW                          RCC_CFGR_SW_Msk                   /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_0                        (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_1                        (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SW_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSI                      (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI                      (0x00000001U)                     /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE                      (0x00000002U)                     /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL                      (0x00000003U)                     /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+/*!< SWS configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos                     (2U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                     (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS                         RCC_CFGR_SWS_Msk                  /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_0                       (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_1                       (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_SWS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSI                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI                     (0x00000004U)                     /*!< HSI oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE                     (0x00000008U)                     /*!< HSE oscillator used as system clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL                     (0x0000000CU)                     /*!< PLL used as system clock */
+/*!< HPRE configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos                    (4U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                    (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE                        RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Msk                 /*!< HPRE[3:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2                      (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3                      (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1                   (0x00000000U)                     /*!< SYSCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2                   (0x00000080U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4                   (0x00000090U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8                   (0x000000A0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16                  (0x000000B0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64                  (0x000000C0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128                 (0x000000D0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256                 (0x000000E0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512                 (0x000000F0U)                     /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */
+/*!< PPRE1 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos                   (8U)                              
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Msk                /*!< PRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2                  (0x00000400U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4                  (0x00000500U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV8                  (0x00000600U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16                 (0x00000700U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+/*!< PPRE2 configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos                   (11U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                   (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00003800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2                       RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Msk                /*!< PRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_2                     (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV1                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HCLK not divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2                  (0x00002000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV4                  (0x00002800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV8                  (0x00003000U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV16                 (0x00003800U)                     /*!< HCLK divided by 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos                (15U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK                    RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK_Msk             /*!< Wake Up from Stop Clock selection */
+/*!< PLL entry clock source*/
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos                  (16U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC                      RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_Msk               /*!< PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI                  (0x00000000U)                     /*!< HSI as PLL entry clock source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE                  (0x00010000U)                     /*!< HSE as PLL entry clock source */
+/*!< PLLMUL configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos                  (18U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x003C0000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL                      RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Msk               /*!< PLLMUL[3:0] bits (PLL multiplication factor) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL3                     (0x00000000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL4                     (0x00040000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL6                     (0x00080000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 6 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL8                     (0x000C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL12                    (0x00100000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 12 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16                    (0x00140000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 16 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL24                    (0x00180000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 24 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL32                    (0x001C0000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 32 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL48                    (0x00200000U)                     /*!< PLL input clock * 48 */
+/*!< PLLDIV configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos                  (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk                  (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV                      RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Msk               /*!< PLLDIV[1:0] bits (PLL Output Division) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV2_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos                 (23U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV3_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 3 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos                 (22U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4                     RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV4_Msk              /*!< PLL clock output = CKVCO / 4 */
+/*!< MCO configuration */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos                  (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk                  (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL                      RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Msk               /*!< MCO[3:0] bits (Microcontroller Clock Output) */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_3                    (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_NOCLOCK              (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos           (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK               RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_SYSCLK_Msk        /*!< System clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI_Msk           /*!< Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Pos) /*!< 0x03000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI_Msk           /*!< Internal Medium Speed RC oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos              (26U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE_Msk           /*!< External 1-25 MHz oscillator clock selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk              (0x5UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Pos) /*!< 0x05000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_Msk           /*!< PLL clock divided */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos              (25U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Pos) /*!< 0x06000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI_Msk           /*!< LSI selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos              (24U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Pos) /*!< 0x07000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE                  RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE_Msk           /*!< LSE selected */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos            (27U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48                RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI48_Msk         /*!< HSI48 clock selected as MCO source */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos                  (28U)                             
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x70000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE                      RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Msk               /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1                 (0x00000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2                 (0x10000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 2 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4                 (0x20000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 4 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8                 (0x30000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 8 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16                (0x40000000U)                     /*!< MCO is divided by 16 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_MSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_MSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_HSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PLL       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSI       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSI       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_LSE       RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_LSE       
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE                    RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE          /*!< MCO prescaler */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_1                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV1        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_2                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV2        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_4                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV4        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_8                  RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV8        /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+#define RCC_CFGR_MCO_PRE_16                 RCC_CFGR_MCOPRE_DIV16       /*!< MCO is divided by 1 */
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk                 /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE                RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos            (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE                RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE_Msk                 /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos          (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE              RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE_Msk               /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos              (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIER_CSSLSE                  RCC_CIER_CSSLSE_Msk                   /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE                    RCC_CIER_CSSLSE
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                 RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF                 RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF               RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF                 RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_CSSLSEF
+#define RCC_CIFR_CSSF                       RCC_CIFR_CSSHSEF
+/*!<******************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ********************/
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos             (1U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos             (2U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos             (3U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                 RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos             (4U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC                 RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC_Msk                  /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos             (5U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC                 RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC_Msk                  /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos           (6U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC               RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC_Msk                /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC_Msk                  /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC                 RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC_Msk                  /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CICR_LSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_CSSLSEC
+#define RCC_CICR_CSSC                       RCC_CICR_CSSHSEC
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPRSTR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos          (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos          (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos          (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos          (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST              RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST_Msk               /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOARST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPARST        /*!< GPIO port A reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOBRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPBRST        /*!< GPIO port B reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOCRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPCRST        /*!< GPIO port C reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIODRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPDRST        /*!< GPIO port D reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOERST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPERST        /*!< GPIO port E reset */
+#define RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOHRST                RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPHRST        /*!< GPIO port H reset */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBRST register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST               RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST_Msk                /*!< DMA1 reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos           (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_MIFRST_Msk                /*!< Memory interface reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_CRCRST_Msk                /*!< CRC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_TSCRST_Msk                /*!< TSC reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos           (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST               RCC_AHBRSTR_RNGRST_Msk                /*!< RNG reset */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos          (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST              RCC_AHBRSTR_CRYPRST_Msk               /*!< Crypto reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST                 RCC_AHBRSTR_DMARST            /*!< DMA1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST           RCC_APB2RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM21RST_Msk             /*!< TIM21 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos        (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST            RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM22RST_Msk             /*!< TIM22 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos          (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST_Msk               /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST             RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk              /*!< SPI1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST           RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk            /*!< USART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos          (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST_Msk               /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_ADCRST           /*!< ADC1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST              RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGRST           /*!< DBGMCU reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR register  *****************/
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos         (0U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos         (1U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 3 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos         (4U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM6RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 6 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos         (5U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM7RST_Msk              /*!< Timer 7 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos          (9U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_LCDRST_Msk               /*!< LCD reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos         (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST             RCC_APB1RSTR_WWDGRST_Msk              /*!< Window Watchdog reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_SPI2RST_Msk              /*!< SPI2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos       (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART2RST_Msk            /*!< USART 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos      (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST          RCC_APB1RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk           /*!< LPUART1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos       (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART4RST_Msk            /*!< USART4 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos       (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_USART5RST_Msk            /*!< USART5 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos         (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 1 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos         (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C2RST_Msk              /*!< I2C 2 reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos          (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST_Msk               /*!< USB reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos          (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_CRSRST_Msk               /*!< CRS reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos          (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_PWRRST_Msk               /*!< PWR reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos          (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST              RCC_APB1RSTR_DACRST_Msk               /*!< DAC reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos         (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST             RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk              /*!< I2C3  reset */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos       (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST           RCC_APB1RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk            /*!< LPTIM1 reset */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos            (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos            (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos            (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos            (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos            (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos            (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN                RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN_Msk                 /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPAEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOBEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPCEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIODEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPDEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOEEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPEEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enable */
+#define RCC_IOPENR_GPIOHEN                  RCC_IOPENR_IOPHEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos             (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN                 RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos             (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN                 RCC_AHBENR_MIFEN_Msk                  /*!< NVM interface clock enable bit */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos             (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN_Msk                  /*!< CRC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos             (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN                 RCC_AHBENR_TSCEN_Msk                  /*!< TSC clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos             (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN                 RCC_AHBENR_RNGEN_Msk                  /*!< RNG clock enable */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos            (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN                RCC_AHBENR_CRYPEN_Msk                 /*!< Crypto clock enable*/
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN                   RCC_AHBENR_DMAEN              /*!< DMA1 clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN             RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk              /*!< SYSCFG clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM21EN_Msk               /*!< TIM21 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos          (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN              RCC_APB2ENR_TIM22EN_Msk               /*!< TIM22 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos             (7U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN                 RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN_Msk                  /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN                RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN_Msk                 /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos           (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN               RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk                /*!< SPI1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos         (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN             RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk              /*!< USART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos            (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN_Msk                 /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN                  RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN              /*!< MiFare Firewall clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN             /*!< ADC1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN                RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN             /*!< DBGMCU clock enable */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos           (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos           (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos           (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 6 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos           (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN               RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN_Msk                /*!< Timer 7 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos            (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN                RCC_APB1ENR_LCDEN_Msk                 /*!< LCD clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos           (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN               RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN_Msk                /*!< Window Watchdog clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos           (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_SPI2EN_Msk                /*!< SPI2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos         (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN_Msk              /*!< USART2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos        (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN            RCC_APB1ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk             /*!< LPUART1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos         (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART4EN_Msk              /*!< USART4 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN             RCC_APB1ENR_USART5EN_Msk              /*!< USART5 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos           (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN_Msk                /*!< I2C1 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos           (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2EN_Msk                /*!< I2C2 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos            (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN                RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN_Msk                 /*!< USB clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos            (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN                RCC_APB1ENR_CRSEN_Msk                 /*!< CRS clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos            (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN                RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN_Msk                 /*!< PWR clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos            (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN                RCC_APB1ENR_DACEN_Msk                 /*!< DAC clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos           (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN               RCC_APB1ENR_I2C3EN_Msk                /*!< I2C3 clock enable */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos         (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN             RCC_APB1ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk              /*!< LPTIM1 clock enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for RCC_IOPSMENR register  ****************/
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos        (0U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos        (1U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos        (2U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos        (3U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos        (4U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos        (7U) 
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN            RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN_Msk             /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOASMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPASMEN        /*!< GPIO port A clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOBSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPBSMEN        /*!< GPIO port B clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOCSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPCSMEN        /*!< GPIO port C clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIODSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPDSMEN        /*!< GPIO port D clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOESMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPESMEN        /*!< GPIO port E clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOHSMEN              RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPHSMEN        /*!< GPIO port H clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_AHBSMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos         (0U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN_Msk              /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos         (8U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_MIFSMEN_Msk              /*!< NVM interface clock enable during sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_SRAMSMEN_Msk             /*!< SRAM clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos         (12U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk              /*!< CRC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos         (16U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk              /*!< TSC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos         (20U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN             RCC_AHBSMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk              /*!< RNG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos        (24U)
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN            RCC_AHBSMENR_CRYPSMEN_Msk             /*!< Crypto clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN               RCC_AHBSMENR_DMASMEN          /*!< DMA1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos     (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk          /*!< SYSCFG clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos      (2U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM21SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM21 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos      (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk      (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN          RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM22SMEN_Msk           /*!< TIM22 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN_Msk             /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos       (12U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN           RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos     (14U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN         RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos        (22U)
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN_Msk             /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN         /*!< ADC1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN            RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN         /*!< DBGMCU clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*****************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR register  ******************/
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos       (0U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM2SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos       (1U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM3SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos       (4U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM6SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 6 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos       (5U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_TIM7SMEN_Msk            /*!< Timer 7 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos        (9U) 
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_LCDSMEN_Msk             /*!< LCD clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos       (11U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_WWDGSMEN_Msk            /*!< Window Watchdog clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos       (14U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_SPI2SMEN_Msk            /*!< SPI2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos     (17U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART2SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos    (18U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN        RCC_APB1SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk         /*!< LPUART1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos     (19U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART4SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART4 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos     (20U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_USART5SMEN_Msk          /*!< USART5 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos       (21U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C1SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos       (22U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C2SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C2 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos        (23U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_USBSMEN_Msk             /*!< USB clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos        (27U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_CRSSMEN_Msk             /*!< CRS clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos        (28U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk             /*!< PWR clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos        (29U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN            RCC_APB1SMENR_DACSMEN_Msk             /*!< DAC clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos       (30U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN           RCC_APB1SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk            /*!< I2C3 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos     (31U)
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN         RCC_APB1SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk          /*!< LPTIM1 clock enabled in sleep mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR register  *******************/
+/*!< USART1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos          (0U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Msk               /*!< USART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
+/*!< USART2 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos          (2U) 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL              RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Msk               /*!< USART2SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos         (10U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk         (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL             RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Msk              /*!< LPUART1SEL[1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000400 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1           (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000800 */
+/*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos            (12U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+/*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos            (16U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL                RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Msk                 /*!< I2C3SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
+/*!< LPTIM1 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos          (18U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk          (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL              RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Msk               /*!< LPTIM1SEL [1:0] bits */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0            (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1            (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+/*!< HSI48 Clock source selection */ 
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos           (26U)
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL               RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL_Msk                /*!< HSI48 RC clock source selection bit for USB and RNG*/
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RCC_CCIPR_HSI48MSEL                 RCC_CCIPR_HSI48SEL
+/*******************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos                (0U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSION_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSION                    RCC_CSR_LSION_Msk                     /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos               (1U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY                   RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_Msk                    /*!< Internal Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos                (8U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEON                    RCC_CSR_LSEON_Msk                     /*!< External Low Speed oscillator enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos               (9U) 
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSERDY                   RCC_CSR_LSERDY_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Ready */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos               (10U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEBYP                   RCC_CSR_LSEBYP_Msk                    /*!< External Low Speed oscillator Bypass */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos               (11U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV                   RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Msk                    /*!< LSEDRV[1:0] bits (LSE Osc. drive capability) */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_LSEDRV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos             (13U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSON                 RCC_CSR_LSECSSON_Msk                  /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos              (14U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSECSSD                  RCC_CSR_LSECSSD_Msk                   /*!< External Low Speed oscillator CSS Detected */
+/*!< RTC congiguration */                    
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos               (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL                   RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Msk                    /*!< RTCSEL[1:0] bits (RTC clock source selection) */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_NOCLOCK               (0x00000000U)                     /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE_Msk                /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos           (17U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI_Msk                /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos           (16U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00030000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE               RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSE_Msk                /*!< HSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos                (18U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCEN                    RCC_CSR_RTCEN_Msk                     /*!< RTC clock enable */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos               (19U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RTCRST                   RCC_CSR_RTCRST_Msk                    /*!< RTC software reset  */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                 (23U)
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF                     RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                      /*!< Remove reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos               (24U)
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_FWRSTF                   RCC_CSR_FWRSTF_Msk                    /*!< Mifare Firewall reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos              (25U)
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                  RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                   /*!< OBL reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos              (26U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                   /*!< PIN reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos              (27U)
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF                  RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_Msk                   /*!< POR/PDR reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos              (28U)
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                  RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                   /*!< Software Reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos             (29U)
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos             (30U)
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                 RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos             (31U)
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                 RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                  /*!< Low-Power reset flag */
+/* Reference defines */
+#define RCC_CSR_OBL                         RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF               /*!< OBL reset flag */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                                    RNG                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos    (2U)              
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)                         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_CR_RNGEN        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                                   
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Pos       (3U)              
+#define RNG_CR_IE_Msk       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RNG_CR_IE           RNG_CR_IE_Msk                                      
+/********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos     (0U)              
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RNG_SR_DRDY         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos     (1U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RNG_SR_CECS         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos     (2U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RNG_SR_SECS         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos     (5U)              
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RNG_SR_CEIS         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                                    
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos     (6U)              
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)                          /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RNG_SR_SEIS         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                                    
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                  (22U)  
+#define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TR_PM                      RTC_TR_PM_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT                      RTC_TR_HT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU                      RTC_TR_HU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TR_HU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                 (12U)  
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT                     RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNT_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                 (8U)   
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                 (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU                     RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TR_MNU_3                   (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST                      RTC_TR_ST_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TR_ST_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TR_SU                      RTC_TR_SU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TR_SU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                  (20U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00F00000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT                      RTC_DR_YT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YT_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                  (16U)  
+#define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU                      RTC_DR_YU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_DR_YU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                 (13U)  
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                 (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU                     RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_0                   (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_1                   (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_DR_WDU_2                   (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                  (12U)  
+#define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_DR_MT                      RTC_DR_MT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                  (8U)   
+#define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU                      RTC_DR_MU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_DR_MU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                  (4U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                  (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT                      RTC_DR_DT_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_DR_DT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_DR_DU                      RTC_DR_DU_Msk                           /*!<  */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_DR_DU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                 (23U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COE                     RTC_CR_COE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                (21U)  
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL                    RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                 (20U)  
+#define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_CR_POL                     RTC_CR_POL_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos               (19U)  
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_CR_COSEL                   RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                 (18U)  
+#define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_CR_BKP                     RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos               (17U)  
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_CR_SUB1H                   RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos               (16U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ADD1H                   RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                (15U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSIE                    RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos               (14U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTIE                   RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos              (13U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                  RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                  RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                 (11U)  
+#define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSE                     RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                (10U)  
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUTE                    RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos               (9U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRBE                   RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_CR_ALRAE                   RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                 (6U)   
+#define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CR_FMT                     RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                          /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos             (5U)   
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                 RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos             (4U)   
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CR_REFCKON                 RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos              (3U)   
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                  RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                 RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0               (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1               (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2               (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ISR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos            (16U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RECALPF                RTC_ISR_RECALPF_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos             (15U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP3F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP3F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP2F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP2F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos             (13U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TAMP1F                 RTC_ISR_TAMP1F_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos              (12U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSOVF                  RTC_ISR_TSOVF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos                (11U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ISR_TSF                    RTC_ISR_TSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos               (10U)  
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTF                   RTC_ISR_WUTF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos              (9U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBF                  RTC_ISR_ALRBF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos              (8U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAF                  RTC_ISR_ALRAF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos               (7U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INIT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INIT                   RTC_ISR_INIT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos              (6U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITF                  RTC_ISR_INITF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos                (5U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_RSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ISR_RSF                    RTC_ISR_RSF_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_INITS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ISR_INITS                  RTC_ISR_INITS_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos               (3U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_SHPF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_ISR_SHPF                   RTC_ISR_SHPF_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos              (2U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ISR_WUTWF                  RTC_ISR_WUTWF_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRBWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRBWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos             (0U)   
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ISR_ALRAWF                 RTC_ISR_ALRAWF_Msk                      /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos          (16U)  
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk          (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)        /*!< 0x007F0000 */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk          (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S              RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_WUTR_WUT                   RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                  RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                  RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                  RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                  RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                  RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                  RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                  RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos            (31U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos           (30U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL               RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos              (28U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x30000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                  RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos              (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                  RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos            (23U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos              (22U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                  RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos              (20U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk              (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                  RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos              (16U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                  RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos            (15U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos             (12U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk             (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos             (8U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk             (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                 RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos            (7U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos              (4U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk              (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                  RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk              (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                  RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define RTC_WPR_KEY                    RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)   
+#define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_SSR_SS                     RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                          /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos           (0U)   
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk           (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS               RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                    /*!<  */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos           (31U)  
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S               RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                    /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                (22U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_PM                    RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                (20U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT                    RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                (16U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x000F0000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU                    RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos               (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT                   RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos               (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk               (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU                   RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                 (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST                    RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU                    RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos               (13U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk               (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000E000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU                   RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                        /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                 (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                 (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                 (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                (12U)  
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MT                    RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                (8U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU                    RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                (4U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT                    RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU                    RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                         /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                  (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                  (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                  (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                  (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos               (0U)   
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define RTC_TSSSR_SS                   RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos              (15U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALP                  RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos             (14U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW8                 RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos            (13U)  
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALW16                RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                     /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos              (0U)   
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM                  RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                       /*!<  */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW8    RTC_CALR_CALW8  
+#define RTC_CAL_CALW16   RTC_CALR_CALW16 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_0   RTC_CALR_CALM_0 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_1   RTC_CALR_CALM_1 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_2   RTC_CALR_CALM_2 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_3   RTC_CALR_CALM_3 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_4   RTC_CALR_CALM_4 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_5   RTC_CALR_CALM_5 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_6   RTC_CALR_CALM_6 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_7   RTC_CALR_CALM_7 
+#define RTC_CAL_CALM_8   RTC_CALR_CALM_8 
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_TAMPCR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos         (24U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos    (23U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos         (22U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos         (21U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos    (20U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos         (19U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos         (18U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1MF_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos    (17U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk    (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE        RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1NOERASE_Msk             /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos         (16U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk         (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1IE_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos       (15U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk       (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS           RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk                /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos        (13U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk        (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos         (11U)  
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk         (0x3UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT             RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Msk                  /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_0           (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_1           (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos        (8U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk        (0x7UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_0          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_1          (0x2UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_2          (0x4UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos          (7U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPTS_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos        (6U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos          (5U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP3E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos        (4U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos          (3U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP2E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos          (2U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPIE_Msk                   /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos        (1U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG            RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1TRG_Msk                 /*!<  */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos          (0U)   
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk          (0x1UL << RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E              RTC_TAMPCR_TAMP1E_Msk                   /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos        (24U)  
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk        (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS            RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk                 
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0          (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1          (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2          (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3          (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos            (0U)   
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk            (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007FFF */
+#define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                     
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_OR register  ****************/
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos             (1U)   
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define RTC_OR_OUT_RMP                 RTC_OR_OUT_RMP_Msk                      /*!<  */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos        (0U)   
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk        (0x1UL << RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE            RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE_Msk                 /*!<  */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define RTC_OR_RTC_OUT_RMP                   RTC_OR_OUT_RMP
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP0R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP0R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP0R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP0R                      RTC_BKP0R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP1R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP1R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP1R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP1R                      RTC_BKP1R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP2R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP2R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP2R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP2R                      RTC_BKP2R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP3R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP3R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP3R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP3R                      RTC_BKP3R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/********************  Bits definition for RTC_BKP4R register  ****************/
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Pos                  (0U)   
+#define RTC_BKP4R_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_BKP4R_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
+#define RTC_BKP4R                      RTC_BKP4R_Msk                           /*!<  */
+/******************** Number of backup registers ******************************/
+#define RTC_BKP_NUMBER                       (0x00000005U)                  /*!<  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                        Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+#define SPI_I2S_SUPPORT                       /*!< I2S support */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos            (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPHA_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPHA                SPI_CR1_CPHA_Msk                           /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos            (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CPOL                SPI_CR1_CPOL_Msk                           /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MSTR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR1_MSTR                SPI_CR1_MSTR_Msk                           /*!< Master Selection */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_Msk              (0x7UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000038 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR                  SPI_CR1_BR_Msk                             /*!< BR[2:0] bits (Baud Rate Control) */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_0                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_1                (0x2UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BR_2                (0x4UL << SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos             (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SPE                 SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                            /*!< SPI Enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos        (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST            SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                       /*!< Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos             (8U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSI                 SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                            /*!< Internal slave select */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos             (9U)      
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSM_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_CR1_SSM                 SPI_CR1_SSM_Msk                            /*!< Software slave management */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos          (10U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY              SPI_CR1_RXONLY_Msk                         /*!< Receive only */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos             (11U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_DFF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_CR1_DFF                 SPI_CR1_DFF_Msk                            /*!< Data Frame Format */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos         (12U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT             SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT_Msk                        /*!< Transmit CRC next */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos           (13U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN               SPI_CR1_CRCEN_Msk                          /*!< Hardware CRC calculation enable */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos          (14U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE              SPI_CR1_BIDIOE_Msk                         /*!< Output enable in bidirectional mode */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos        (15U)     
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE            SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_Msk                       /*!< Bidirectional data mode enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos         (0U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Rx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos         (1U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN             SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN_Msk                        /*!< Tx Buffer DMA Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos            (2U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk            (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_SSOE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_CR2_SSOE                SPI_CR2_SSOE_Msk                           /*!< SS Output Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos             (4U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_FRF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_CR2_FRF                 SPI_CR2_FRF_Msk                            /*!< Frame Format Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos           (5U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE               SPI_CR2_ERRIE_Msk                          /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos          (6U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE              SPI_CR2_RXNEIE_Msk                         /*!< RX buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)      
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE               SPI_CR2_TXEIE_Msk                          /*!< Tx buffer Empty Interrupt Enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos             (0U)      
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXNE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_SR_RXNE                 SPI_SR_RXNE_Msk                            /*!< Receive buffer Not Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Pos              (1U)      
+#define SPI_SR_TXE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_SR_TXE                  SPI_SR_TXE_Msk                             /*!< Transmit buffer Empty */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos           (2U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE               SPI_SR_CHSIDE_Msk                          /*!< Channel side */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos              (3U)      
+#define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_SR_UDR                  SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                             /*!< Underrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos           (4U)      
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCERR_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_SR_CRCERR               SPI_SR_CRCERR_Msk                          /*!< CRC Error flag */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos             (5U)      
+#define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk             (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_SR_MODF                 SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                            /*!< Mode fault */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos              (6U)      
+#define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define SPI_SR_OVR                  SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                             /*!< Overrun flag */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Pos              (7U)      
+#define SPI_SR_BSY_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_BSY_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_SR_BSY                  SPI_SR_BSY_Msk                             /*!< Busy flag */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Pos              (8U)      
+#define SPI_SR_FRE_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_SR_FRE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_SR_FRE                  SPI_SR_FRE_Msk                             /*!< TI frame format error */  
+/********************  Bit definition for SPI_DR register  ********************/
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Pos               (0U)      
+#define SPI_DR_DR_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SPI_DR_DR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_DR_DR                   SPI_DR_DR_Msk                              /*!< Data Register */
+/*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk       (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY           SPI_CRCPR_CRCPOLY_Msk                      /*!< CRC polynomial register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC            SPI_RXCRCR_RXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Rx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRCR register  ******************/
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC            SPI_TXCRCR_TXCRC_Msk                       /*!< Tx CRC Register */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SCFGR register  *****************/
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos       (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN           SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN_Msk                      /*!<Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos      (1U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000006 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN          SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Msk                     /*!<DATLEN[1:0] bits (Data length to be transferred) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos       (3U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL           SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL_Msk                      /*!<steady state clock polarity */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos      (4U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Msk                     /*!<I2SSTD[1:0] bits (I2S standard selection) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos     (7U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC         SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC_Msk                    /*!<PCM frame synchronization */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos      (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk      (0x3UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Msk                     /*!<I2SCFG[1:0] bits (I2S configuration mode) */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_0        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_1        (0x2UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos        (10U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk        (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE            SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE_Msk                       /*!<I2S Enable */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos      (11U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk      (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD          SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD_Msk                     /*!<I2S mode selection */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos     (12U)     
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk     (0x1UL << SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN         SPI_I2SCFGR_ASTRTEN_Msk                    /*!<Asynchronous start enable */
+/******************  Bit definition for SPI_I2SPR register  *******************/
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos        (0U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk        (0xFFUL << SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV            SPI_I2SPR_I2SDIV_Msk                       /*!<I2S Linear prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos           (8U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk           (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD               SPI_I2SPR_ODD_Msk                          /*!<Odd factor for the prescaler */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos         (9U)      
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk         (0x1UL << SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE             SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE_Msk                        /*!<Master Clock Output Enable */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                       System Configuration (SYSCFG)                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE                    SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Msk     /*!< SYSCFG_Memory Remap Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_MEM_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos                     (3U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk                     (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB                         SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB_Msk          /*!< User bank swapping */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos               (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk               (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE                   SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Msk    /*!< SYSCFG_Boot mode Config */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_0                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_1                 (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOT_MODE_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN                     SYSCFG_CFGR2_FWDISEN_Msk      /*!< Firewall disable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos                    (1U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk                    (0x1FUL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x0000003E */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA                        SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Msk         /*!< Connection of internal Vlcd rail to external capacitors */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_0                      (0x01UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_1                      (0x02UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_2                      (0x04UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_3                      (0x08UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_4                      (0x10UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CAPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos             (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB6 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos             (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB7 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos             (10U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB8 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos             (11U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP                 SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk  /*!< I2C PB9 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C1_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C1 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos                (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C2_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C2 Fast mode plus */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos                (14U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_I2C3_FMP_Msk     /*!< I2C3 Fast mode plus */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR1 register  ***************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk      /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk      /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk      /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3                     SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk      /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI0 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[0] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI0_PH                  (0x00000005U)                 /*!< PH[0] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI1 configuration  
+  */ 
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[1] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI1_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[1] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI2 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[2] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[2] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI3 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[3] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR1_EXTI3_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[3] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR2 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk      /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk      /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos                 (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk      /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos                 (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7                     SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk      /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI4 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[4] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI4_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[4] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI5 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[5] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI5_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[5] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI6 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PB                  (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PC                  (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PD                  (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[6] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI6_PE                  (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[6] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI7 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PB                  (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PC                  (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PD                  (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[7] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR2_EXTI7_PE                  (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[7] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR3 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos                 (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk      /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos                 (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                 (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9                     SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk      /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk     /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11                    SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk     /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI8 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PB                  (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PC                  (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PD                  (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[8] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI8_PE                  (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[8] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI9 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PA                  (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PB                  (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PC                  (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PD                  (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PE                  (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[9] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI9_PH                  (0x00000050U)                 /*!< PH[9] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI10 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[10] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI10_PH                 (0x00000500U)                 /*!< PH[10] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI11 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[11] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR3_EXTI11_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[11] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register  *****************/
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos                (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos) /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk     /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos) /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk     /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos                (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos) /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk     /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos                (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos) /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15                    SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk     /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
+  * @brief  EXTI12 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PB                 (0x00000001U)                 /*!< PB[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PC                 (0x00000002U)                 /*!< PC[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PD                 (0x00000003U)                 /*!< PD[12] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI12_PE                 (0x00000004U)                 /*!< PE[12] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI13 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PB                 (0x00000010U)                 /*!< PB[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PC                 (0x00000020U)                 /*!< PC[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PD                 (0x00000030U)                 /*!< PD[13] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PE                 (0x00000040U)                 /*!< PE[13] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI14 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PB                 (0x00000100U)                 /*!< PB[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PC                 (0x00000200U)                 /*!< PC[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PD                 (0x00000300U)                 /*!< PD[14] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI14_PE                 (0x00000400U)                 /*!< PE[14] pin */
+  * @brief  EXTI15 configuration  
+  */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PA                 (0x00000000U)                 /*!< PA[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PB                 (0x00001000U)                 /*!< PB[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PC                 (0x00002000U)                 /*!< PC[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PD                 (0x00003000U)                 /*!< PD[15] pin */
+#define SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI15_PE                 (0x00004000U)                 /*!< PE[15] pin */
+/*****************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR3 register  ****************/
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos              (0U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT_Msk /*!< Vref Enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos                (4U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk                (0x3UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000030 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Msk     /*!< Verf_ADC connection bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_0                  (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_1                  (0x2UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREF_OUT_Pos) /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos       (8U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC           SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_VREFINT_ADC_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos        (9U)                          
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC            SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUF_SENSOR_ADC_Msk /*!< Sensor reference for ADC enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Pos    (12U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP        SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENBUFLP_VREFINT_COMP_Msk /*!< VREFINT reference for comparator 2 enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos             (13U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk             (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48                 SYSCFG_CFGR3_ENREF_HSI48_Msk  /*!< VREFINT reference or 48 MHz RC oscillator enable bit */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos            (30U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF                SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF_Msk /*!< VREFINT ready flag */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos                (31U)                         
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK                    SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_LOCK_Msk     /*!< CFGR3 lock bit */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP                  SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                               Timers (TIM)*/
+/*                                                                            */
+* @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+#if defined (STM32L071xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L073xx) \
+    || defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT       /*!<Support remap HSI on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+#define TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT     /*!<Support remap HSI48 on TIM2 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CEN               TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                              /*!<Counter enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CR1_UDIS              TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                             /*!<Update disable */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos           (2U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CR1_URS               TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                              /*!<Update request source */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos           (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR1_OPM               TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                              /*!<One pulse mode */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk           (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR1_DIR               TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                              /*!<Direction */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos           (5U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000060 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS               TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                              /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR1_ARPE              TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                             /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk           (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD               TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                              /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CR1_CKD_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000200 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CR2_CCDS              TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS               TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                              /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CR2_MMS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CR2_TI1S              TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                             /*!<TI1 Selection */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk          (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS              TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                             /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos           (4U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk           (0x7UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS               TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                              /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_0             (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_1             (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_TS_2             (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos          (7U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_MSM              TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                             /*!<Master/slave mode */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk          (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF              TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                             /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0            (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1            (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2            (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3            (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk         (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS             TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                            /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0           (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1           (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ECE              TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                             /*!<External clock enable */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos          (15U)       
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_SMCR_ETP              TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                             /*!<External trigger polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos          (0U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UIE              TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                             /*!<Update interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos        (1U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1IE            TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos        (2U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2IE            TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3IE            TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4IE            TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos          (6U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TIE              TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos          (8U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DIER_UDE              TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                             /*!<Update DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos        (9U)        
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC1DE            TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos        (10U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC2DE            TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC3DE            TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_CC4DE            TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos          (14U)       
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_DIER_TDE              TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                             /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
+/********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_SR_UIF                TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                               /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1IF              TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2IF              TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3IF              TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4IF              TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_SR_TIF                TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                               /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos          (9U)        
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC1OF              TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos          (10U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC2OF              TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos          (11U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC3OF              TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos          (12U)       
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_SR_CC4OF              TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos            (0U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_EGR_UG                TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                               /*!<Update Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos          (1U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC1G              TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos          (2U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC2G              TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos          (3U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC3G              TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos          (4U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk          (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_EGR_CC4G              TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                             /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos            (6U)        
+#define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk            (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_EGR_TG                TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                               /*!<Trigger Generation */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S            TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                           /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M            TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                           /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 1Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S            TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                           /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M            TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                           /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE           TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F            TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                           /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC          TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F            TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                           /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos        (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S            TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                           /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos       (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos       (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000070 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M            TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                           /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos       (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos        (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk        (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000300 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S            TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                           /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos       (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos       (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk        (0x7UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M            TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                           /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos       (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk       (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE           TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                          /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos        (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000F0 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F            TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                           /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos      (10U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000C00 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC          TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                         /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0        (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1        (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos        (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk        (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000F000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F            TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                           /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0          (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1          (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2          (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3          (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1E             TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos         (1U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1P             TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos        (3U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC1NP            TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos         (4U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2E             TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos         (5U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2P             TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos        (7U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC2NP            TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos         (8U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3E             TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos         (9U)        
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3P             TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos        (11U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC3NP            TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos         (12U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4E             TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos         (13U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk         (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4P             TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos        (15U)       
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk        (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TIM_CCER_CC4NP            TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                           /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CNT_CNT               TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                              /*!<Counter Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_PSC_PSC               TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                              /*!<Prescaler Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk           (0xFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)                 /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_ARR_ARR               TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                              /*!<actual auto-reload Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR1_CCR1             TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR2_CCR2             TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR3_CCR3             TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_CCR4_CCR4             TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                            /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos           (0U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x0000001F */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA               TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                              /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBA_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos           (8U)        
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk           (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001F00 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL               TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                              /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_0             (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_1             (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_2             (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_3             (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TIM_DCR_DBL_4             (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos         (0U)        
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
+#define TIM_DMAR_DMAB             TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                            /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000007 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM2_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000018 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM2 Input 4 remap) */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM2_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM21 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x7UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000001C */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM21 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_2        (0x4UL << TIM21_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (5U)        
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM21_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI2_RMP bit (TIM21 Input 2 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                         /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM22 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)        
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000C */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                         /*!<TI1_RMP[2:0] bits (TIM22 Input 1 remap) */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM22_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos      (0U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk      (0x3UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000003 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP          TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Msk                           /*!<ETR_RMP[1:0] bits (TIM3 ETR remap) */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_0        (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_1        (0x2UL << TIM3_OR_ETR_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos      (2U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI1_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI1_RMP[2] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos      (3U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI2_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI2_RMP[3] bit                      */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos      (4U)         
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk      (0x1UL << TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP          TIM3_OR_TI4_RMP_Msk                           /*!<TI4_RMP[4] bit                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)         
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
+#define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)         
+#define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)         
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)         
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x000000E0 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)        
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00007000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)        
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x0F000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                     /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)        
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0xF0000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                     /*!< 0x80000000 */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)         
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)         
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos    (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos    (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos    (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos    (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos    (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos    (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G7_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP7_IO4 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos    (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO1 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos    (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO2 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos    (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO3 analog switch enable */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos    (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G8_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP8_IO4 analog switch enable */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 sampling mode */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 sampling mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)         
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos     (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos     (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos     (24U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos     (25U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos     (26U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos     (27U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G7_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP7_IO4 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos     (28U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Pos)                /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO1 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos     (29U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Pos)                /*!< 0x20000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO2 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos     (30U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Pos)                /*!< 0x40000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO3 channel mode */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos     (31U)        
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Pos)                /*!< 0x80000000 */
+#define TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G8_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP8_IO4 channel mode */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos       (6U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7E           TSC_IOGCSR_G7E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos       (7U)         
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8E           TSC_IOGCSR_G8E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 enable */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos       (22U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G7S           TSC_IOGCSR_G7S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP7 status */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos       (23U)        
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define TSC_IOGCSR_G8S           TSC_IOGCSR_G8S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP8 status */
+/*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)         
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00003FFF */
+#define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
+/*                                                                            */
+ * @brief Specific device feature definitions (not present on all devices in the STM32L0 family)
+ */
+/* Note: No specific macro feature on this device */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR1_UE                  USART_CR1_UE_Msk                         /*!< USART Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR1_UESM                USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                       /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR1_RE                  USART_CR1_RE_Msk                         /*!< Receiver Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Pos              (3U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR1_TE                  USART_CR1_TE_Msk                         /*!< Transmitter Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR1_IDLEIE              USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                     /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos          (5U)    
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR1_RXNEIE              USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                     /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR1_TCIE                USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos           (7U)    
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR1_TXEIE               USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                      /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR1_PEIE                USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Pos              (9U)    
+#define USART_CR1_PS_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR1_PS                  USART_CR1_PS_Msk                         /*!< Parity Selection */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR1_PCE                 USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Control Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR1_WAKE                USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
+#define USART_CR1_M_Pos               (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M_Msk               (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)            /*!< 0x10001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M                   USART_CR1_M_Msk                          /*!< Word length */
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Pos              (12U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M0_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M0                  USART_CR1_M0_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Pos             (13U)   
+#define USART_CR1_MME_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR1_MME                 USART_CR1_MME_Msk                        /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR1_CMIE                USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                       /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos           (15U)   
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR1_OVER8               USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                      /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x001F0000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT                USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                       /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEDT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos            (21U)   
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk            (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x03E00000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT                USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                       /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_0              (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_1              (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_2              (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_3              (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_DEAT_4              (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos           (26U)   
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_RTOIE               USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                      /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos           (27U)   
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_EOBIE               USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                      /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Pos              (28U)   
+#define USART_CR1_M1_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)               /*!< 0x10000000 */
+#define USART_CR1_M1                  USART_CR1_M1_Msk                         /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADDM7               USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                      /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDL                USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos           (6U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBDIE               USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR2_LBCL                USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                       /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPHA                USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!< Clock Phase */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos            (10U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR2_CPOL                USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!< Clock Polarity */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR2_CLKEN               USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk            (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP                USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                       /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_0              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR2_STOP_1              (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos           (14U)   
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR2_LINEN               USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                      /*!< LIN mode enable */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR2_SWAP                USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                       /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos           (16U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RXINV               USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                      /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos           (17U)   
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR2_TXINV               USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                      /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos         (18U)   
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR2_DATAINV             USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                    /*!< Binary data inversion */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos        (19U)   
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk        (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST            USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos           (20U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABREN               USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                      /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos         (21U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk         (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00600000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE             USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                    /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR2_RTOEN               USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos             (24U)   
+#define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)             /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_CR2_ADD                 USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                        /*!< Address of the USART node */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_CR3_EIE                 USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                        /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_CR3_IREN                USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                       /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_CR3_IRLP                USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                       /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_CR3_HDSEL               USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                      /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_CR3_NACK                USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCEN                USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                       /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAR                USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos            (7U)    
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_CR3_DMAT                USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                       /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_CR3_RTSE                USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                       /*!< RTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos            (9U)    
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSE                USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                       /*!< CTS Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos           (10U)   
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_CR3_CTSIE               USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos          (11U)   
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_CR3_ONEBIT              USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                     /*!< One sample bit method enable */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos          (12U)   
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_CR3_OVRDIS              USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                     /*!< Overrun Disable */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos            (13U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DDRE                USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                       /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos             (14U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEM                 USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos             (15U)   
+#define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_CR3_DEP                 USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                        /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos         (17U)   
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk         (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x000E0000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT             USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                    /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1           (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2           (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_Msk             (0x3UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS                 USART_CR3_WUS_Msk                        /*!< WUS[1:0] bits (Wake UP Interrupt Flag Selection) */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_0               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUS_1               (0x2UL << USART_CR3_WUS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_WUFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_CR3_WUFIE               USART_CR3_WUFIE_Msk                      /*!< Wake Up Interrupt Enable */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos           (23U)   
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_CR3_UCESM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
+#define USART_CR3_UCESM               USART_CR3_UCESM_Msk                      /*!< Clock Enable in Stop mode */ 
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos    (0U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk    (0xFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000F */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION        USART_BRR_DIV_FRACTION_Msk               /*!< Fraction of USARTDIV */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos    (4U)    
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk    (0xFFFUL << USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000FFF0 */
+#define USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA        USART_BRR_DIV_MANTISSA_Msk               /*!< Mantissa of USARTDIV */
+/******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk            (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
+#define USART_GTPR_PSC                USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                       /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos             (8U)    
+#define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk             (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
+#define USART_GTPR_GT                 USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                        /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)        /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
+#define USART_RTOR_RTO                USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos           (24U)   
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk           (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
+#define USART_RTOR_BLEN               USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                      /*!< Block Length */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos           (0U)    
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_RQR_ABRRQ               USART_RQR_ABRRQ_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos           (1U)    
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_RQR_SBKRQ               USART_RQR_SBKRQ_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Request */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos            (2U)    
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_RQR_MMRQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_RQR_MMRQ                USART_RQR_MMRQ_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Request */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_RQR_RXFRQ               USART_RQR_RXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos           (4U)    
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_RQR_TXFRQ               USART_RQR_TXFRQ_Msk                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Pos              (0U)    
+#define USART_ISR_PE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ISR_PE                  USART_ISR_PE_Msk                         /*!< Parity Error */
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Pos              (1U)    
+#define USART_ISR_FE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ISR_FE                  USART_ISR_FE_Msk                         /*!< Framing Error */
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Pos              (2U)    
+#define USART_ISR_NE_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ISR_NE                  USART_ISR_NE_Msk                         /*!< Noise detected Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos             (3U)    
+#define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ISR_ORE                 USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                        /*!< OverRun Error */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos            (4U)    
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ISR_IDLE                USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                       /*!< IDLE line detected */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos            (5U)    
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define USART_ISR_RXNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                       /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Pos              (6U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TC_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ISR_TC                  USART_ISR_TC_Msk                         /*!< Transmission Complete */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos             (7U)    
+#define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define USART_ISR_TXE                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                        /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos            (8U)    
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ISR_LBDF                USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                       /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTSIF               USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                      /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos             (10U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
+#define USART_ISR_CTS                 USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                        /*!< CTS flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos            (11U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ISR_RTOF                USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                       /*!< Receiver Time Out */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos            (12U)   
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ISR_EOBF                USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                       /*!< End Of Block Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos            (14U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRE                USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos            (15U)   
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
+#define USART_ISR_ABRF                USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                       /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos            (16U)   
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
+#define USART_ISR_BUSY                USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                       /*!< Busy Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos             (17U)   
+#define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ISR_CMF                 USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                        /*!< Character Match Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos            (18U)   
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
+#define USART_ISR_SBKF                USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                       /*!< Send Break Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos             (19U)   
+#define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
+#define USART_ISR_RWU                 USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                        /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Pos             (20U)   
+#define USART_ISR_WUF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ISR_WUF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ISR_WUF                 USART_ISR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos           (21U)   
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
+#define USART_ISR_TEACK               USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                      /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos           (22U)   
+#define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
+#define USART_ISR_REACK               USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                      /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos            (0U)    
+#define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define USART_ICR_PECF                USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                       /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos            (1U)    
+#define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define USART_ICR_FECF                USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                       /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Pos             (2U)    
+#define USART_ICR_NCF_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define USART_ICR_NCF                 USART_ICR_NCF_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos           (3U)    
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define USART_ICR_ORECF               USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                      /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos          (4U)    
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk          (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define USART_ICR_IDLECF              USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                     /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos            (6U)    
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
+#define USART_ICR_TCCF                USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                       /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos           (8U)    
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
+#define USART_ICR_LBDCF               USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos           (9U)    
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define USART_ICR_CTSCF               USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                      /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos           (11U)   
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
+#define USART_ICR_RTOCF               USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos           (12U)   
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk           (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
+#define USART_ICR_EOBCF               USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos            (17U)   
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
+#define USART_ICR_CMCF                USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos            (20U)   
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_ICR_WUCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
+#define USART_ICR_WUCF                USART_ICR_WUCF_Msk                       /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */
+/* Compatibility defines with other series */
+#define USART_ICR_NECF                USART_ICR_NCF
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_RDR_RDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_RDR_RDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_RDR_RDR                 USART_RDR_RDR_Msk                        /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
+/*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Pos             (0U)    
+#define USART_TDR_TDR_Msk             (0x1FFUL << USART_TDR_TDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x000001FF */
+#define USART_TDR_TDR                 USART_TDR_TDR_Msk                        /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         USB Device General registers                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+#define USB_BASE                              (0x40005C00U)                    /*!< USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Pos           (13U)       
+#define USB_PMAADDR_Msk           (0x20003UL << USB_PMAADDR_Pos)                /*!< 0x40006000 */
+#define USB_PMAADDR               USB_PMAADDR_Msk                              /*!< USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
+#define USB_CNTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x40)           /*!< Control register */
+#define USB_ISTR                             (USB_BASE + 0x44)           /*!< Interrupt status register */
+#define USB_FNR                              (USB_BASE + 0x48)           /*!< Frame number register */
+#define USB_DADDR                            (USB_BASE + 0x4C)           /*!< Device address register */
+#define USB_BTABLE                           (USB_BASE + 0x50)           /*!< Buffer Table address register */
+#define USB_LPMCSR                           (USB_BASE + 0x54)           /*!< LPM Control and Status register */
+#define USB_BCDR                             (USB_BASE + 0x58)           /*!< Battery Charging detector register*/
+/****************************  ISTR interrupt events  *************************/
+#define USB_ISTR_CTR                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_PMAOVR                       ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ERR                          ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_WKUP                         ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SUSP                         ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_RESET                        ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_SOF                          ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_ESOF                         ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
+#define USB_ISTR_L1REQ                        ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request  */
+#define USB_ISTR_DIR                          ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< DIRection of transaction (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_ISTR_EP_ID                        ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!< EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit)  */
+#define USB_CLR_CTR                          (~USB_ISTR_CTR)             /*!< clear Correct TRansfer bit */
+#define USB_CLR_PMAOVR                       (~USB_ISTR_PMAOVR)          /*!< clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
+#define USB_CLR_ERR                          (~USB_ISTR_ERR)             /*!< clear ERRor bit */
+#define USB_CLR_WKUP                         (~USB_ISTR_WKUP)            /*!< clear WaKe UP bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SUSP                         (~USB_ISTR_SUSP)            /*!< clear SUSPend bit */
+#define USB_CLR_RESET                        (~USB_ISTR_RESET)           /*!< clear RESET bit */
+#define USB_CLR_SOF                          (~USB_ISTR_SOF)             /*!< clear Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_ESOF                         (~USB_ISTR_ESOF)            /*!< clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
+#define USB_CLR_L1REQ                        (~USB_ISTR_L1REQ)           /*!< clear LPM L1  bit */
+/*************************  CNTR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_CNTR_CTRM                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< Correct TRansfer Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_PMAOVRM                      ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ERRM                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< ERRor Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_WKUPM                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< WaKe UP Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_SUSPM                        ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!< SUSPend Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESETM                       ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< RESET Mask   */
+#define USB_CNTR_SOFM                         ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_ESOFM                        ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!< Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1REQM                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< LPM L1 state request interrupt mask */
+#define USB_CNTR_L1RESUME                     ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< LPM L1 Resume request */
+#define USB_CNTR_RESUME                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< RESUME request */
+#define USB_CNTR_FSUSP                        ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Force SUSPend */
+#define USB_CNTR_LPMODE                       ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Low-power MODE */
+#define USB_CNTR_PDWN                         ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Power DoWN */
+#define USB_CNTR_FRES                         ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Force USB RESet */
+/*************************  BCDR control register bits definitions  ***********/
+#define USB_BCDR_DPPU                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< DP Pull-up Enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PS2DET                       ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!< PS2 port or proprietary charger detected */  
+#define USB_BCDR_SDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) status */  
+#define USB_BCDR_PDET                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDET                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) status */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_SDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< Secondary detection (SD) mode enable */ 
+#define USB_BCDR_PDEN                         ((uint16_t)0x0004U)              /*!< Primary detection (PD) mode enable */  
+#define USB_BCDR_DCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< Data contact detection (DCD) mode enable */
+#define USB_BCDR_BCDEN                        ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< Battery charging detector (BCD) enable */
+/***************************  LPM register bits definitions  ******************/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_BESL                       ((uint16_t)0x00F0U)              /*!< BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token  */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_REMWAKE                    ((uint16_t)0x0008U)              /*!< bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token */ 
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LPMACK                     ((uint16_t)0x0002U)              /*!< LPM Token acknowledge enable*/
+#define USB_LPMCSR_LMPEN                      ((uint16_t)0x0001U)              /*!< LPM support enable  */
+/********************  FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions   ************/
+#define USB_FNR_RXDP                          ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!< status of D+ data line */
+#define USB_FNR_RXDM                          ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!< status of D- data line */
+#define USB_FNR_LCK                           ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< LoCKed */
+#define USB_FNR_LSOF                          ((uint16_t)0x1800U)              /*!< Lost SOF */
+#define USB_FNR_FN                            ((uint16_t)0x07FFU)              /*!< Frame Number */
+/********************  DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions    ****************/
+#define USB_DADDR_EF                          ((uint8_t)0x80U)                 /*!< USB device address Enable Function */
+#define USB_DADDR_ADD                         ((uint8_t)0x7FU)                 /*!< USB device address */
+/******************************  Endpoint register    *************************/
+#define USB_EP0R                              USB_BASE                   /*!< endpoint 0 register address */
+#define USB_EP1R                             (USB_BASE + 0x04)           /*!< endpoint 1 register address */
+#define USB_EP2R                             (USB_BASE + 0x08)           /*!< endpoint 2 register address */
+#define USB_EP3R                             (USB_BASE + 0x0C)           /*!< endpoint 3 register address */
+#define USB_EP4R                             (USB_BASE + 0x10)           /*!< endpoint 4 register address */
+#define USB_EP5R                             (USB_BASE + 0x14)           /*!< endpoint 5 register address */
+#define USB_EP6R                             (USB_BASE + 0x18)           /*!< endpoint 6 register address */
+#define USB_EP7R                             (USB_BASE + 0x1C)           /*!< endpoint 7 register address */
+/* bit positions */ 
+#define USB_EP_CTR_RX                         ((uint16_t)0x8000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_RX                        ((uint16_t)0x4000U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
+#define USB_EPRX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!<  EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EP_SETUP                          ((uint16_t)0x0800U)              /*!<  EndPoint SETUP */
+#define USB_EP_T_FIELD                        ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!<  EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_KIND                           ((uint16_t)0x0100U)              /*!<  EndPoint KIND */
+#define USB_EP_CTR_TX                         ((uint16_t)0x0080U)              /*!<  EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
+#define USB_EP_DTOG_TX                        ((uint16_t)0x0040U)              /*!<  EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
+#define USB_EPTX_STAT                         ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!<  EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
+#define USB_EPADDR_FIELD                      ((uint16_t)0x000FU)              /*!<  EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
+/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
+                                                                         /*!< EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
+#define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint TYPE Mask */
+#define USB_EP_BULK                           ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint BULK */
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL                        ((uint16_t)0x0200U)              /*!< EndPoint CONTROL */
+#define USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS                    ((uint16_t)0x0400U)              /*!< EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
+#define USB_EP_INTERRUPT                      ((uint16_t)0x0600U)              /*!< EndPoint INTERRUPT */
+#define USB_EP_T_MASK                        ((uint16_t) ~USB_EP_T_FIELD & USB_EPREG_MASK)
+#define USB_EPKIND_MASK                      ((uint16_t)~USB_EP_KIND & USB_EPREG_MASK) /*!< EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_TX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint TX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_TX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_TX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x0030U)              /*!< EndPoint TX VALID */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x0010U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPTX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x0020U)              /*!< EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
+                                                                         /*!< STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
+#define USB_EP_RX_DIS                         ((uint16_t)0x0000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX DISabled */
+#define USB_EP_RX_STALL                       ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX STALLed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_NAK                         ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX NAKed */
+#define USB_EP_RX_VALID                       ((uint16_t)0x3000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX VALID */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG1                        ((uint16_t)0x1000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+#define USB_EPRX_DTOG2                        ((uint16_t)0x2000U)              /*!< EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*                         Window WATCHDOG (WWDG)                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Pos           (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_T_Msk           (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CR_T               WWDG_CR_T_Msk                                  /*!< T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_0             (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_1             (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_2             (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_3             (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_4             (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_5             (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CR_T_6             (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)                       /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CR_T0    WWDG_CR_T_0
+#define  WWDG_CR_T1    WWDG_CR_T_1
+#define  WWDG_CR_T2    WWDG_CR_T_2
+#define  WWDG_CR_T3    WWDG_CR_T_3
+#define  WWDG_CR_T4    WWDG_CR_T_4
+#define  WWDG_CR_T5    WWDG_CR_T_5
+#define  WWDG_CR_T6    WWDG_CR_T_6
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos        (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CR_WDGA            WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                               /*!< Activation bit */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos          (0U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk          (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x0000007F */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W              WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                                 /*!< W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_0            (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_1            (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000002 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_2            (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_3            (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000008 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_4            (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000010 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_5            (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_W_6            (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000040 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W0    WWDG_CFR_W_0
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W1    WWDG_CFR_W_1
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W2    WWDG_CFR_W_2
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W3    WWDG_CFR_W_3
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W4    WWDG_CFR_W_4
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W5    WWDG_CFR_W_5
+#define  WWDG_CFR_W6    WWDG_CFR_W_6
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos      (7U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk      (0x3UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000180 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB          WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                             /*!< WDGTB[1:0] bits (Timer Base) */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000080 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1        (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000100 */
+/* Legacy defines */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos        (9U)          
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000200 */
+#define WWDG_CFR_EWI            WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt */
+/*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos        (0U)          
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk        (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000001 */
+#define WWDG_SR_EWIF            WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                               /*!< Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
+  * @{
+  */
+/******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* COMP Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == COMP2))
+/******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* DAC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************* DMA Instances *********************************/
+#define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel1) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel3) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel4) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel5) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel6) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == DMA1_Channel7))
+/******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOD) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOE) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH))
+/******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C2) || \
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
+                                                   ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** I2S Instances *******************************/
+/******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
+/******************************** SMBUS Instances *****************************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == I2C3))
+/******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
+                                       ((INSTANCE) == SPI2))
+/****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
+/************* LPTIM instances supporting the encoder mode feature ************/
+/****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
+#define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)   || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
+#define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (UDE) *************/
+#define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7))
+/************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (CCxDE) *****************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
+   (((((INSTANCE) == TIM2) ||                  \
+      ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))                    \
+     &&                                        \
+     (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
+      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM21) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2)))          \
+     ||                                        \
+     (((INSTANCE) == TIM22) &&                 \
+      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||         \
+       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2))))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/ 
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)   || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/***************** TIM Instances : external trigger input availabe ************/
+#define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****** TIM Instances : master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM6)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM7)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM21) || \
+                                            ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM21)  || \
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM22))
+/****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
+/******************* TIM Instances : output(s) OCXEC register *****************/
+                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
+                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3))
+/****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
+/******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART5))
+/****************** USART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
+                                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART4) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART5) || \
+                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1))
+/********************* UART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
+                                         ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
+                                    ((INSTANCE) == USART2))
+/******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
+/****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
+/******************************* USB Instances *******************************/
+/****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
+/****************************** LCD Instances ********************************/
+  * @}
+  */
+/*  For a painless codes migration between the STM32L0xx device product       */
+/*  lines, the aliases defined below are put in place to overcome the         */
+/*  differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions.               */
+/*  No need to update developed interrupt code when moving across             */ 
+/*  product lines within the same STM32L0 Family                              */
+/* Aliases for __IRQn */
+#define LPUART1_IRQn                   AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQn               AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQn
+#define TIM6_IRQn                      TIM6_DAC_IRQn
+#define RCC_IRQn                       RCC_CRS_IRQn
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn           DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn
+#define ADC1_IRQn                      ADC1_COMP_IRQn
+/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
+#define LPUART1_IRQHandler             AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+#define TIM6_IRQHandler                TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+#define RCC_IRQHandler                 RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+#define DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+#define ADC1_IRQHandler                ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L083xx_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Include/stm32l0xx.h b/Include/stm32l0xx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37e141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/stm32l0xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l0xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. 
+  *          This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits 
+  *          definitions and memory mapping for STM32L0xx devices.            
+  *            
+  *          The file is the unique include file that the application programmer
+  *          is using in the C source code, usually in main.c. This file contains:
+  *           - Configuration section that allows to select:
+  *              - The device used in the target application
+  *              - To use or not the peripheral's drivers in application code(i.e. 
+  *                code will be based on direct access to peripheral's registers 
+  *                rather than drivers API), this option is controlled by 
+  *                "#define USE_HAL_DRIVER"
+  *  
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************  
+  */ 
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l0xx
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef __STM32L0xx_H
+#define __STM32L0xx_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/** @addtogroup Library_configuration_section
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief STM32 Family
+  */
+#if !defined (STM32L0)
+#define STM32L0
+#endif /* STM32L0 */
+/* Uncomment the line below according to the target STM32 device used in your
+   application 
+  */
+#if !defined (STM32L010x4) && !defined (STM32L010x6) && !defined (STM32L010x8) && !defined (STM32L010xB) && \
+    !defined (STM32L011xx) && !defined (STM32L021xx) && \
+    !defined (STM32L031xx) && !defined (STM32L041xx) && \
+    !defined (STM32L051xx) && !defined (STM32L052xx) && !defined (STM32L053xx) && \
+    !defined (STM32L061xx) && !defined (STM32L062xx) && !defined (STM32L063xx) && \
+    !defined (STM32L071xx) && !defined (STM32L072xx) && !defined (STM32L073xx) && \
+    !defined (STM32L081xx) && !defined (STM32L082xx) && !defined (STM32L083xx)
+  /* #define STM32L010x4 */   /*!< STM32L010K4, STM32L010F4 Devices                                                                                                                      */
+  /* #define STM32L010x6 */   /*!< STM32L010C6 Devices                                                                                                                                   */
+  /* #define STM32L010x8 */   /*!< STM32L010K8, STM32L010R8 Devices                                                                                                                      */
+  /* #define STM32L010xB */   /*!< STM32L010RB Devices                                                                                                                                   */
+  /* #define STM32L011xx */   /*!< STM32L031C6, STM32L031E6, STM32L031F6, STM32L031G6, STM32L031K6 Devices                                                                               */
+  /* #define STM32L021xx */   /*!< STM32L021D4, STM32L021F4, STM32L021G4, STM32L021K4 Devices                                                                                            */
+  /* #define STM32L031xx */   /*!< STM32L031C6, STM32L031E6, STM32L031F6, STM32L031G6, STM32L031K6 Devices                                                                               */
+  /* #define STM32L041xx */   /*!< STM32L041C6, STM32L041K6, STM32L041G6, STM32L041F6, STM32L041E6 Devices                                                                               */
+  /* #define STM32L051xx */   /*!< STM32L051K8, STM32L051C6, STM32L051C8, STM32L051R6, STM32L051R8, STM32L051K6, STM32L051T6, STM32L051T8 Devices                                        */
+  /* #define STM32L052xx */   /*!< STM32L052K6, STM32L052K8, STM32L052C6, STM32L052C8, STM32L052R6, STM32L052R8, STM32L052T6, STM32L052T8 Devices                                        */
+  /* #define STM32L053xx */   /*!< STM32L053C6, STM32L053C8, STM32L053R6, STM32L053R8 Devices                                                                                            */
+  /* #define STM32L061xx */   /*!< */
+  /* #define STM32L062xx */   /*!< STM32L062K8 Devices                                                                                                                                   */
+  /* #define STM32L063xx */   /*!< STM32L063C8, STM32L063R8 Devices                                                                                                                      */
+  /* #define STM32L071xx */   /*!< STM32L071V8, STM32L071K8, STM32L071VB, STM32L071RB, STM32L071CB, STM32L071KB, STM32L071VZ, STM32L071RZ, STM32L071CZ, STM32L071KZ, STM32L071C8 Devices */
+  /* #define STM32L072xx */   /*!< STM32L072V8, STM32L072VB, STM32L072RB, STM32L072CB, STM32L072VZ, STM32L072RZ, STM32L072CZ, STM32L072KB, STM32L072KZ Devices                           */
+  /* #define STM32L073xx */   /*!< STM32L073V8, STM32L073VB, STM32L073RB, STM32L073VZ, STM32L073RZ, STM32L073CB, STM32L073CZ Devices                                                     */
+  /* #define STM32L081xx */   /*!< STM32L081CB, STM32L081CZ, STM32L081KZ Devices                                                                                                         */
+  /* #define STM32L082xx */   /*!< STM32L082KB, STM32L082KZ, STM32L082CZ Devices                                                                                                         */
+  /* #define STM32L083xx */   /*!< STM32L083V8, STM32L083VB, STM32L083RB, STM32L083VZ, STM32L083RZ, STM32L083CB, STM32L083CZ Devices                                                     */
+/*  Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to switch between these
+        devices, you can define the device in your toolchain compiler preprocessor.
+  */
+#if !defined  (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
+ * @brief Comment the line below if you will not use the peripherals drivers.
+   In this case, these drivers will not be included and the application code will 
+   be based on direct access to peripherals registers 
+   */
+  /*#define USE_HAL_DRIVER */
+#endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */
+  * @brief CMSIS Device version number
+  */
+#define __STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN   (0x01) /*!< [31:24] main version */
+#define __STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB1   (0x09) /*!< [23:16] sub1 version */
+#define __STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB2   (0x00) /*!< [15:8]  sub2 version */
+#define __STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_RC     (0x00) /*!< [7:0]  release candidate */
+#define __STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION        ((__STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN     << 24)\
+                                         |(__STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB1 << 16)\
+                                         |(__STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB2 << 8 )\
+                                         |(__STM32L0xx_CMSIS_VERSION_RC))
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Device_Included
+  * @{
+  */
+#if defined(STM32L010xB)
+  #include "stm32l010xb.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L010x8)
+  #include "stm32l010x8.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L010x6)
+  #include "stm32l010x6.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L010x4)
+  #include "stm32l010x4.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L011xx)
+  #include "stm32l011xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L021xx)
+  #include "stm32l021xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L031xx)
+  #include "stm32l031xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L041xx)
+  #include "stm32l041xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L051xx)
+  #include "stm32l051xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L052xx)
+  #include "stm32l052xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L053xx)
+  #include "stm32l053xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L062xx)
+  #include "stm32l062xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L063xx)
+  #include "stm32l063xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L061xx)
+  #include "stm32l061xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L071xx)
+  #include "stm32l071xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L072xx)
+  #include "stm32l072xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L073xx)
+  #include "stm32l073xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L082xx)
+  #include "stm32l082xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L083xx)
+  #include "stm32l083xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32L081xx)
+  #include "stm32l081xx.h"
+ #error "Please select first the target STM32L0xx device used in your application (in stm32l0xx.h file)"
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_types
+  * @{
+  */ 
+typedef enum 
+  RESET = 0, 
+} FlagStatus, ITStatus;
+typedef enum 
+  DISABLE = 0, 
+} FunctionalState;
+typedef enum 
+  SUCCESS = 0,
+} ErrorStatus;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup Exported_macro
+  * @{
+  */
+#define SET_BIT(REG, BIT)     ((REG) |= (BIT))
+#define CLEAR_BIT(REG, BIT)   ((REG) &= ~(BIT))
+#define READ_BIT(REG, BIT)    ((REG) & (BIT))
+#define CLEAR_REG(REG)        ((REG) = (0x0))
+#define WRITE_REG(REG, VAL)   ((REG) = (VAL))
+#define READ_REG(REG)         ((REG))
+  * @}
+  */
+#if defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
+ #include "stm32l0xx_hal.h"
+#endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __STM32L0xx_H */
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    system_stm32l0xx.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer System Header File.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l0xx_system
+  * @{
+  */  
+  * @brief Define to prevent recursive inclusion
+  */
+#ifndef __SYSTEM_STM32L0XX_H
+#define __SYSTEM_STM32L0XX_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Includes
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Exported_types
+  * @{
+  */
+  /* This variable is updated in three ways:
+      1) by calling CMSIS function SystemCoreClockUpdate()
+      2) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq()
+      3) each time HAL_RCC_ClockConfig() is called to configure the system clock frequency 
+         Note: If you use this function to configure the system clock; then there
+               is no need to call the 2 first functions listed above, since SystemCoreClock
+               variable is updated automatically.
+  */
+extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock;          /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
+extern const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16];   /*!< AHB prescalers table values */
+extern const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8];    /*!< APB prescalers table values */
+extern const uint8_t PLLMulTable[9];      /*!< PLL multipiers table values */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Exported_Constants
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+extern void SystemInit(void);
+extern void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void);
+  * @}
+  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__SYSTEM_STM32L0XX_H */
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */  
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
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+Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
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-# cmsis_device_l0
\ No newline at end of file
+# STM32CubeL0 CMSIS Device MCU Component
+## Overview
+**STM32Cube** is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to ease the developers life by reducing efforts, time and cost.
+**STM32Cube** covers the overall STM32 products portfolio. It includes a comprehensive embedded software platform, delivered for each STM32 series.
+   * The CMSIS modules (core and device) corresponding to the ARM(tm) core implemented in this STM32 product
+   * The STM32 HAL-LL drivers : an abstraction drivers layer, the API ensuring maximized portability across the STM32 portfolio
+   * The BSP Drivers of each evaluation or demonstration board provided by this STM32 series
+   * A consistent set of middlewares components such as RTOS, USB, FatFS, Graphics, STM32_TouchSensing_Library ...
+   * A full set of software projects (basic examples, applications or demonstrations) for each board provided by this STM32 series
+Two models of publication are proposed for the STM32Cube embedded software :
+   * The monolithic **MCU Package** : all STM32Cube software modules of one STM32 series are present (Drivers, Middlewares, Projects, Utilities) in the repo (usual name **STM32Cubexx**, xx corresponding to the STM32 series)
+   * The **MCU component** : progressively from November 2019, each STM32Cube software module being part of the STM32Cube MCU Package, will be delivered as an individual repo, allowing the user to select and get only the required software functions.
+## Description
+This **cmsis_device_l0** MCU component repo is one element of the STM32CubeL0 MCU embedded software package, providing the **cmsis device** part.
+## Compatibility information
+In this table, you can find the successive versions of this CMSIS Device component, in-line with the corresponding versions of the full MCU package:
+CMSIS Device L0 | CMSIS Core | Was delivered in the full MCU package
+--------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------
+Tag v1.9.0 | Tag v4.5_cm0 | Tag v1.11.2
+The full **STM32CubeL0** MCU package is available [here](
+## Troubleshooting
+If you have any issue with the **Software content** of this repo, you can [file an issue on Github](
+For any other question related to the product, the tools, the environment, you can submit a topic on the [ST Community/STM32 MCUs forum](
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+<div style="width: 1034px;" class="Section1"><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: &quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: blue;"></span><small><a href="../../../../../Release_Notes.html">Back to Release page</a></small>
+<div id="header">
+<h1 style="margin-bottom: 18pt; text-align: center;" align="center">Release
+Notes for&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 20pt; font-family: Verdana; color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">STM32L0xx
+<p style="text-align: center;">Copyright 2016
+<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: black;"><img style="border: 0px solid ; width: 112px; height: 83px;" alt="" id="_x0000_i1026" src="_htmresc/st_logo.png"></span></p>
+<div id="license" class="topic1">
+This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause
+license, the "License"; You may not use this component except in
+compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
+<div id="release_container" class="topic1">
+<div class="topic2" id="identification">
+<h3>V1.9.0 / 26-October-2018</h3>
+<div class="topic3" id="changes">
+<h4><big>Main changes</big></h4><ul><li><big>Add the support of <span style="font-weight: bold;">STM32L010xx</span> devices</big></li><ul><li><big>Add stm32l010xb.h, stm32l010x8.h, stm32l010x6.h and stm32l010x4.h device description files</big></li></ul><ul><li><big>Add
+startup_stm32l010xb.s, startup_stm32l010x8.s,
+startup_stm32l010x6.s and startup_stm32l010x4.s </big><big>startup files </big><big>for EWARM, MDK-ARM and
+SW4STM32 toolchains</big></li></ul><ul><li><big>Add EWARM associated linker files for execution from internal RAM or internal FLASH</big></li></ul></ul><big><br></big><ul><li><big>stm32l0xx.h</big></li><ul><li><big>Add the following device defines:</big></li><ul><li><big>"#define STM32L010xB" for all STM32L010xB devices</big></li><li><big>"#define STM32L010x8" for all STM32L010x8 devices</big></li><li><big>"#define STM32L010x6" for all STM32L010x6 devices</big></li><li><big>"#define STM32L010x4" for all STM32L010x4 devices</big></li></ul><li><big>Align ErrorStatus typedef to common error handling.<br></big></li></ul></ul><br><ul><li><big>All stm32l0xxxx.h device description files.h</big></li><ul><li><big>[MISRAC2012-Rule-10.6] Use 'UL' postfix for _Msk definitions and memory/peripheral base addresses</big></li><li><big>Correct comments in the bit definition of RCC_AHBRST, RCC_APB2RSTR and RCC_APB1RSTR registers.</big></li><li><big>Rename RTC_CR_BCK bit to RTC_CR_BKP to be aligned with reference manual.</big></li><li><big>Add missing definition of IS_TSC_ALL_INSTANCE after TSC driver update.</big></li><li><big>Add back the bit definition of SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT in SYSCFG_CFGR3 register.</big></li><li><big>Rename GPIO_AFRL_AFRLx and GPIO_AFRL_AFRHx bit definitions (from GPIO_AFRL/AFRH registers) to GPIO_AFRL_AFSELx.</big></li><li><big>Align IS_TIM_XXX_INSTANCE definitions with other series.</big></li><li><big>Remove cast (uint8_t) in CRC_IDR_IDR definition.</big></li><li><big>Add missing definition of IS_PCD_ALL_INSTANCE macro after USB driver update.</big></li><li><big>Add definition of IS_UART_DRIVER_ENABLE_INSTANCE macro after UART driver update.</big></li><li><big>Add compatibility definition of USART_ICR_NECF / USART_ICR_NCF with others series.</big></li><li><big>Update IS_UART_INSTANCE macro definition.</big></li><li><big>Add definition of I</big><big>S_LPTIM_ENCODER_INTERFACE_INSTANCE macro after LPTIM driver update.</big></li><li><big>Move definition of FLASH_BANK2_BASE start address to stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h to be dependant on&nbsp;Memory Size register.</big></li><li><big>Update interrupt definition to use </big><big>DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn&nbsp;</big><big> for STM32L011xx and STM32L021xx devices.</big></li><li><big>Correct PWR_WAKEUP_PIN definitions for L011xx and L021xx devices.<br></big></li></ul></ul><br><ul><li><big>system_stm32l0xx.c</big></li><ul><li><big>Update file to correct comments for VECT_TAB_OFFSET definition.</big></li><li><big>Update default MSI_VALUE reset value set in SystemCoreClock.</big></li><li><big>Update SystemCoreClockUpdate() function to check HSI16DIVF for HSI divided by 4.<br></big></li></ul></ul><ul><li><big>startup_stm32l0xxxx.s</big></li><ul><li><big>Update startup files to use DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn/IRQHandler for STM32L011xx and STM32L01xx devices.<br></big></li></ul></ul><br><br></div>
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+<div id="history" class="topic1" hidden="">
+<h2>Update History</h2>
+<b><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: black;"></span></u></b><br><h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.8.0
+/ 12-January-2018</span></h3>
+<b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">
+<ul><li><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 13.3333px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; display: inline ! important; float: none;">Internal Release.</span></li></ul><h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.7.2
+/ 25-August-2017</span></h3>
+<b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul><li><span style="text-align: left; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing: normal; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-stretch: normal; white-space: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px; display: inline ! important;">Removed DATE and VERSION fields from header files.</span></li></ul><h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.7.1
+/ 25-November-2016</span></h3>
+<b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Updated IS_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() macro.</big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Corrected ADC_CFGR2_TOVS bit and mask definitions.<br></big></li></ul><h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.7.0
+/ 31-May-2016</span></h3>
+<b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added&nbsp;Pos and Msk macros missing within the CMSIS stm32l083xx.h file.</big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added LCD_CR_BUFEN bit definition in LCD CR register for stm32l053xx, stm32l063xx, stm32l073xx, stm32l083xx devices.</big></li></ul><h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.6.0
+/ 15-April-2016</span></h3>
+<b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+Pos and Msk macros within the CMSIS files.&nbsp;<br>
+</big></li><ul><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">For
+example, on the previous CMSIS version (V1.5.0), the constant
+ADC_IER_EOCALIE was defined as follow :<br>
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+</span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">&nbsp;</span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">On
+this new CMSIS version (V1.6.0), the constant ADC_IER_EOCALIE is now
+defined as follow :<br>
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (11U)<br>
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;(0x1U &lt;&lt;
+ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)&nbsp; <br>
+#define ADC_IER_EOCALIE &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
+&nbsp;ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk <br>
+</span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>The same rule
+applies on all the other constants present inside the CMSIS files.<br>
+&nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span><br>
+</li></ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">MISRA
+C 2004&nbsp;rule 10.6 compliancy. (A 'U' suffix shall be applied to
+all constants of unisgned type)</big><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">.<br><br>
+</big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Several SYSCFG definition changes :<br>- SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_VREFINT
+enable bit suppressed. (no more needed and must not be used).&nbsp;<br></big><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">- SYSCFG_CFGR3_EN_BGAP
+define suppressed.<br>- SYSCFG_CFGR3_REF_HSI48_RDYF,
+be used instead (this flag is a combination of the 4 suppressed flags).<br>- Added
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">
+</big></big></big></li><li><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">Aligned register namings</big><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"> with the different L0 Reference Manual </big></big></big><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">(</big><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">For STM32L0x1 : RM0377 Rev5, for </big><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">STM32L0x2 : </big><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">RM0367 Rev2, for </big><big style="color: windowtext; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">STM32L0x3 : RM0367 Rev4</big><span style="font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">)</span><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">.<br>The list of
+the modification is listed hereafter :<br>
+</big></big></big></li><ul><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Introduced
+new masks in EXTI bit definitions in order to simplify LL source
+code.&nbsp;</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renamed
+RCC_CFGR_MCO_x into RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_x</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+ FLASHSIZE_BASE, UID_BASE and SRAM_SIZE_MAX defines.</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renamed macro IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE() to 
+IS_DMA_STREAM_ALL_INSTANCE().</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+ new macros: IS_I2C_WAKEUP_FROMSTOP_INSTANCE(), IS_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE() and IS_LPUART_INSTANCE().</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+ new defines PWR_PVD_SUPPORT to handle the PVD feature.</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Corrected
+the value of FLASH_END for STM32L011xx or STM32L021xx devices.</big></big></span></li></ul></ul>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; color: white;">V1.5.0
+/ 8-January-2016</span></h3><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+</big><ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">MISRA
+C 2004 rule 5.1 and rule 10.6 compliancy.<br>
+</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Several
+renaming in order to be aligned with the Reference Manual.The list of
+the modification is listed hereafter :<br>
+</big></big></big></li><ul><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new COMP_Common_TypeDef structure.</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Removal
+of the RCR field inside the TIM_TypeDef structure.</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define COMP12_COMMON</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define DAC1 (same as DAC)</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define ADC1_COMMON</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define COMP_CSR_WINMODE</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of a new define DAC_CHANNEL2_SUPPORT</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of EXTI_RTSR_TRx into EXTI_RTSR_RTx with x = {0,..22}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of EXTI_FTSR_TRx into EXTI_FTSR_FTx with </big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">x
+= {0,..22}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of EXTI_SWIER_SWIERx into EXTI_SWIER_SWIx </big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">with
+</big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">x
+= {0,..22}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of EXTI_PR_PRx into EXTI_PR_PIFx </big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">with
+</big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">x
+= {0,..22}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of RCC_IOPRSTR_GPIOxRST into RCC_IOPRSTR_IOPxRST with x = {A,B,C,D,E,H}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+a new define RCC_AHBRSTR_DMA1RST</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+a new define RCC_APB2RSTR_ADC1RST</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+a new define RCC_APB2RSTR_DBGMCURST</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renaming
+of&nbsp;</big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">RCC_IOPENR_GPIOxEN
+into </big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">RCC_IOPENR_IOPxEN&nbsp;</big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">with
+x = </big></big></span><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">{A,B,C,D,E,H}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+a new define RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_APB2ENR_MIFIEN into RCC_APB2ENR_FWEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN into RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN into RCC_APB2ENR_DBGEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_IOPSMENR_GPIOxSMEN into RCC_IOPSMENR_IOPxSMEN with x = {A,B,C,D,E,H}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+a new define RCC_AHBSMENR_DMA1SMEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_APB2SMENR_ADC1SMEN into RCC_APB2SMENR_ADCSMEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGMCUSMEN into RCC_APB2SMENR_DBGSMEN</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+new defines TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI_SUPPORT and TIM_TIM2_REMAP_HSI48_SUPPORT</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove
+the following defines :&nbsp; TIM_CR2_CCPC, TIM_CR2_CCUS,
+TIM_CR2_OIS3, TIM_CR2_OIS3N, TIM_CR2_OIS4</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove
+TIM_SR_COMIF and TIM_SR_BIF</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove&nbsp;TIM_EGR_COMG
+and TIM_EGR_BG</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove
+TIM_CCER_CC1NE, TIM_CCER_CC2NE and TIM_CCER_CC3NE</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove
+TIM_RCR_REP</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+USART_ISR_LBD into USART_ISR_LBDF</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+WWDG_CR_Tx into WWDG_CR_T_x with x = {0,..6}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+WWDG_CFR_WDGTBx into WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_x with x = {0,1}</big></big></span></li><li><span style="color: black; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+several macros to check Timer instances (For exemple
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.4.0
+/ 16-October-2015</big></big></span></h3>
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+</big><ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Update
+all the files to support&nbsp;STM32L011xx and STM32L021xx.</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Remove
+the Debug Monitor handler from the startup files (not supported on L0).</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Renamings
+and usage of some aliases in order to be compliant with the RefManuals.<br>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.3.0
+/ 9-Sept-2015</big></big></span></h3>
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+</big><ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Update
+all the files to support&nbsp;STM32L031xx and STM32L041xx.</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Several
+renamings in order to be compliant with the specifications.<br>
+</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Adding
+of&nbsp;new bit definitions (COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1,
+SYSCFG_CFGR1_UFB, I2C_OAR2_x, LCD_CR_MUX_SEG, RTC_BKP_NUMBER)</big></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Update
+of several registers and structures&nbsp;(CRC_TypeDef, TIM_TypeDef)<br>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.2.0
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+Changes</span></u></b><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;"><br>
+</big><ul><li style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+the set of CMSIS files for the STM32L07xx and STM32L08xx family and the
+set of startup files for IAR/Keil/Atollic IDEs<span style="font-size: 10pt; color: windowtext;"></span></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><small><small><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+IAR set of fil<span style="font-family: Verdana;">es S</span>TM32L073xx
+- STM32L072xx - STM32L071xx - STM32L083xx - STM32L082xx - STM32L081xx</span></small></small></big></big></li></ul>
+<ul><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><small><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+MDK-ARM startup files for L071xx, L072xx, L073xx, L081xx, L082xx, L083xx</span></small></big></big></li><li><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><small><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Added
+Atollic startup files for L071xx, L072xx, L073xx, L081xx, L082xx, L083xx</span></small></big></big></li></ul>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.1.0
+/ 18-June-2014</big></big></span></h3>
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0cm 4.5pt 18pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Header
+</li><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+defines for memories
+base and end addresses: <span style="font-style: italic;">FLASH_END</span>,&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">DATA_EEPROM_BASE</span>
+and&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">DATA_EEPROM_END</span>
+(instead of &nbsp;having them in stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h
+file)</big></big></span><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><br>
+<span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"></span></big></big></li></ul><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Peripheral
+register structures definition is aligned on 32 bit<br>
+</big></big></span></li></ul><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><span style="font-style: italic;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">FLASH_SR_FWWER</big></big></span>
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">value
+fixed to 0x00020000 instead of 0x00010000</big></big></span></p>
+</li></ul><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Add
+missing EXTI register bits definition<br>
+</li><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">IMR
+and EMR registers: bits 18, 20, 26, 28, 29</big></big></span></li><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">FTSR,
+RTSR, PR and SWIER registers: bits 20, 21, 22</big></big></span></li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Update
+some bits definition to be in line with latest version of the Reference
+</li></ul><ul><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+<span style="font-style: italic;">FLASH_SR_ENHV</span>
+into <span style="font-style: italic;">FLASH_SR_ENDHV</span></big></big></span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">
+<big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><br>
+</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+<span style="font-style: italic;">SYSCFG_VREFINT_ADC_RDYF</span>
+into <span style="font-style: italic;">SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_ADC_RDYF</span><br>
+</li></ul><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+<span style="font-style: italic;">ADC_SMPR_SMPR</span>_xxx
+into <span style="font-style: italic;">ADC_SMPR_SMP_xxx</span></big></big></span></p>
+</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Rename
+<span style="font-style: italic;">SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_ADC_RDYF</span>
+into <span style="font-style: italic;">SYSCFG_VREFINT_ADC_RDYF</span></big></big></span></li><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Note:
+aliases has been added to keep compatibility with previous version</big></big></span></li></ul></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">system_stm32l0xx.c</big></big></span></p>
+</li><ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;">
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Use
+&#8220;__IO const&#8221; instead of
+&#8220;__I&#8221;, to avoid any compilation issue when __cplusplus switch is defined</big></big></span></p>
+<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana;"></span>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.0.1
+/ 24-April-2014</big></big></span></h3>
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0cm 4.5pt 18pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">Update
+startup files.</big></big></span></li></ul>
+<h3 style="background: rgb(51, 102, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-right: 500pt; width: 200px; color: white;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">V1.0.0
+/ 22-April-2014</big></big></span></h3>
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0cm 4.5pt 18pt;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><b style=""><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; color: black;">Main
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4.5pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;"><big style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: windowtext;">First
+official release.</big></big></span></li></ul><br>
+<div id="product_doc" class="topic1">
+<p style="text-align: center;">For complete
+documentation on STM32 Microcontrollers<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color: black;"></span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;"><span style="color: black;"></span></span>,
+visit:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x4.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x4.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7616103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x4.s
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x4.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l010x4 Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x6.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x6.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4885dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x6.s
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x6.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l010x6 Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x8.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x8.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef0b741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010x8.s
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x8.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l010x8 Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010xb.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010xb.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec803c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l010xb.s
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010xb.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l010xB Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l011xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l011xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b2a6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l011xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l011xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l011xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l021xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l021xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe90ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l021xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l021xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l021xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit
+        LDR     R0, =__initial_sp          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart
+;; SYSCFG clock enable
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l031xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l031xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbaf5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l031xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l031xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l031xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size      EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l041xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l041xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa0b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l041xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l041xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l041xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l051xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l051xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88c941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l051xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l051xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l051xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l052xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l052xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8781d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l052xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l052xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l052xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l053xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l053xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fcc356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l053xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l053xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l053xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LCD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l061xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l061xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95082e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l061xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l061xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l061xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; AES and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l062xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l062xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e836c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l062xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l062xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l062xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler                ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l063xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l063xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2525133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l063xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l063xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l063xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LCD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l071xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l071xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93be51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l071xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l071xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l071xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPUART1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l072xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l072xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52f4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l072xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l072xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l072xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C lbrary (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l073xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l073xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1a401c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l073xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l073xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l073xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LCD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l081xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l081xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3612472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l081xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l081xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l081xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l082xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l082xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91b549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l082xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l082xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l082xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l083xx.s b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l083xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06697e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/arm/startup_stm32l083xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l083xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32l083xx Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain.
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+;*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack
+; Tailor this value to your application needs
+; <h> Stack Configuration
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
+; <h> Heap Configuration
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
+; </h>
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000200
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC and CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+__Vectors_Size  EQU  __Vectors_End - __Vectors
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset handler routine
+Reset_Handler    PROC
+                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler                 [WEAK]
+        IMPORT  __main
+        IMPORT  SystemInit  
+                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                 BLX     R0
+                 LDR     R0, =__main
+                 BX      R0
+                 ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler              [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler                    [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler                [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TSC_IRQHandler                  [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LPTIM1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART4_5_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM21_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  TIM22_IRQHandler               [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  I2C3_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART1_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USART2_IRQHandler              [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  LCD_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                EXPORT  USB_IRQHandler                 [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+; User Stack and Heap initialization
+                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
+                 EXPORT  __initial_sp
+                 EXPORT  __heap_base
+                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
+                 ELSE
+                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
+                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
+                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
+                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
+                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
+                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
+                 BX      LR
+                 ALIGN
+                 ENDIF
+                 END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x4.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x4.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5706c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x4.s
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l010x4.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L010x4 Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 */
+  .word     ADC1_IRQHandler                   /* ADC1                         */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x6.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x6.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b274a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x6.s
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l010x6.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L010x6 Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_IRQHandler                   /* ADC1                         */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x8.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x8.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e44ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010x8.s
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l010x8.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L010x8 Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_IRQHandler                   /* ADC1                         */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010xb.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010xb.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599ceb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l010xb.s
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l010xb.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L010xB Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_IRQHandler                   /* ADC1                         */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l011xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l011xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4708b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l011xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l011xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L011xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 */
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l021xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l021xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd80383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l021xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l021xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L021xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/*Check if boot space corresponds to system memory*/
+    LDR R0,=0x00000004
+    LDR R1, [R0]
+    LSRS R1, R1, #24
+    LDR R2,=0x1F
+    CMP R1, R2
+    BNE ApplicationStart
+ /*SYSCFG clock enable*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40021034
+    LDR R1,=0x00000001
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/*Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0*/
+    LDR R0,=0x40010000
+    LDR R1,=0x00000000
+    STR R1, [R0]
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5 */
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* AES and LPUART1              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l031xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l031xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249fb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l031xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l031xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L031xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l041xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l041xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dfeedd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l041xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l041xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L041xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* AES and LPUART1              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l051xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l051xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f10ef9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l051xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l051xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L051xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0         
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word  WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word  PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word  RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word  FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word  RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word  LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM6_IRQHandler                   /* TIM6                         */
+  .word  0               				           /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word  I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word  I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word  SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word  SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word  USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word  USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word  LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l052xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l052xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a1278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l052xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l052xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L052xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word  WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word  PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word  RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word  FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word  RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word  TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word  DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word  ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word  LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word  0               				          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word  I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word  I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word  SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word  SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word  USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word  USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word  RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* RNG and LPUART1              */
+  .word  0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word  USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l053xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l053xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066e208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l053xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l053xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L053xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+  ldr   r0, =_estack
+  mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     0               				          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* RNG and LPUART1              */
+  .word     LCD_IRQHandler                    /* LCD                          */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LCD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LCD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l061xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l061xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed483f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l061xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l061xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L061xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+  ldr   r0, =_estack
+  mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM6_IRQHandler                   /* TIM6                         */
+  .word     0               				          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* AES and LPUART1              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l062xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l062xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2005732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l062xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l062xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L062xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     0               				          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler        /* AES, RNG and LPUART1         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l063xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l063xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed76586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l063xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l063xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L063xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     0               				          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler        /* AES, RNG and LPUART1         */
+  .word     LCD_IRQHandler                    /* LCD                          */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LCD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LCD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l071xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l071xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4713c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l071xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l071xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L071xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_IRQHandler                   /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     LPUART1_IRQHandler                /* LPUART1                      */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l072xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l072xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edffa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l072xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l072xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L072xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* RNG and LPUART1              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l073xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l073xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17b43d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l073xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l073xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L073xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* RNG and LPUART1              */
+  .word     LCD_IRQHandler                    /* LCD                          */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LCD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LCD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l081xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l081xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01912b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l081xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l081xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L081xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_IRQHandler                   /* TIM6                         */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler            /* AES and LPUART1              */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l082xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l082xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f168fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l082xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l082xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L082xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler        /* AES, RNG and LPUART1         */
+  .word     0                                 /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l083xx.s b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l083xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb796b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32l083xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file      startup_stm32l083xx.s
+  * @author    MCD Application Team
+  * @brief     STM32L083xx Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
+  *            This module performs:
+  *                - Set the initial SP
+  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
+  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
+  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+  *                  calls main()).
+  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+  .syntax unified
+  .cpu cortex-m0plus
+  .fpu softvfp
+  .thumb
+  g_pfnVectors  Default_Handler
+/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
+defined in linker script */
+.word  _sidata
+/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sdata
+/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _edata
+/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _sbss
+/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
+.word  _ebss
+    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
+  .weak  Reset_Handler
+  .type  Reset_Handler, %function
+   ldr   r0, =_estack
+   mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */
+/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
+  movs  r1, #0
+  b  LoopCopyDataInit
+  ldr  r3, =_sidata
+  ldr  r3, [r3, r1]
+  str  r3, [r0, r1]
+  adds  r1, r1, #4
+  ldr  r0, =_sdata
+  ldr  r3, =_edata
+  adds  r2, r0, r1
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  CopyDataInit
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
+/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
+  movs  r3, #0
+  str  r3, [r2]
+  adds r2, r2, #4
+  ldr  r3, = _ebss
+  cmp  r2, r3
+  bcc  FillZerobss
+/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
+  bl  SystemInit
+/* Call static constructors */
+    bl __libc_init_array
+/* Call the application's entry point.*/
+  bl  main
+    b LoopForever
+.size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
+ * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
+ *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
+ *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
+ *
+ * @param  None
+ * @retval : None
+    .section  .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
+  b  Infinite_Loop
+  .size  Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
+* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
+* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
+* 0x0000.0000.
+   .section  .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
+  .type  g_pfnVectors, %object
+  .size  g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
+  .word  _estack
+  .word  Reset_Handler
+  .word  NMI_Handler
+  .word  HardFault_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  SVC_Handler
+  .word  0
+  .word  0
+  .word  PendSV_Handler
+  .word  SysTick_Handler
+  .word     WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
+  .word     PVD_IRQHandler                    /* PVD through EXTI Line detection */
+  .word     RTC_IRQHandler                    /* RTC through the EXTI line     */
+  .word     FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
+  .word     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler                /* RCC and CRS                  */
+  .word     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
+  .word     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
+  .word     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
+  .word     TSC_IRQHandler                     /* TSC                           */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
+  .word     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler    /* DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7*/
+  .word     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler              /* ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2        */
+  .word     LPTIM1_IRQHandler                 /* LPTIM1                       */
+  .word     USART4_5_IRQHandler               /* USART4 and USART 5           */
+  .word     TIM2_IRQHandler                   /* TIM2                         */
+  .word     TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
+  .word     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler               /* TIM6 and DAC                 */
+  .word     TIM7_IRQHandler 				          /* TIM7                         */
+  .word     0              					          /* Reserved                     */
+  .word     TIM21_IRQHandler                  /* TIM21                        */
+  .word     I2C3_IRQHandler                   /* I2C3                         */
+  .word     TIM22_IRQHandler                  /* TIM22                        */
+  .word     I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
+  .word     I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
+  .word     SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
+  .word     SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
+  .word     USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
+  .word     USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
+  .word     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler        /* AES, RNG and LPUART1         */
+  .word     LCD_IRQHandler                    /* LCD                          */
+  .word     USB_IRQHandler                    /* USB                          */
+* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
+* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
+* this definition.
+   .weak      NMI_Handler
+   .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      HardFault_Handler
+   .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SVC_Handler
+   .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PendSV_Handler
+   .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SysTick_Handler
+   .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      PVD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RTC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set RCC_CRS_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TSC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TSC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LPTIM1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART4_5_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART4_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM7_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM21_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM21_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C3_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      TIM22_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set TIM22_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      LCD_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set LCD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+   .weak      USB_IRQHandler
+   .thumb_set USB_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x4_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x4_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71276f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x4_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08003FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x200007FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x6_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x6_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d3007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x6_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08007FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x8_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x8_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28630b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010x8_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010xb_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010xb_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a54fbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l010xb_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0801FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98e8621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08003FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x200007FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da50afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l011xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200004FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000500;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x200007FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98e8621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08003FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x200007FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da50afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l021xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200004FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000500;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x200007FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33707a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08007FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbae660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l031xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200009FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000A00;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33707a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x08007FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbae660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l041xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200009FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20000A00;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l051xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l052xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l053xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l061xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l062xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990f3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0800FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l063xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x200013FF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20001400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20001FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l071xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l072xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l073xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l081xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l082xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_flash.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_flash.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b13211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_flash.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08000000 ;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0802FFFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__    = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_sram.icf b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_sram.icf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be865fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32l083xx_sram.icf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
+/*-Editor annotation file-*/
+/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" */
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x20000000;
+/*-Memory Regions-*/
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x20000000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x20002FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x20003000;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
+define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x200;
+/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/
+define memory mem with size = 4G;
+define region ROM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region RAM_region      = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];
+define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
+define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
+initialize by copy { readwrite };
+do not initialize  { section .noinit };
+place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };
+place in ROM_region   { readonly };
+place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
+                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x4.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x4.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d516d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x4.s
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x4.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L010x4 Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x6.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x6.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388bf70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x6.s
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x6.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L010x6 Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x8.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x8.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03113f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010x8.s
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010x8.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L010x8 Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010xb.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010xb.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2545a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l010xb.s
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l010xb.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L010xB Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler                ; ADC1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l011xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l011xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8417aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l011xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l011xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L011xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l021xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l021xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99c1ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l021xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l021xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L021xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 4 and Channel 5
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved     
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; AES and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =sfe(CSTACK)          ; set stack pointer
+        MSR     MSP, R0 
+;;Check if boot space corresponds to system memory 
+        LDR R0,=0x00000004
+        LDR R1, [R0]
+        LSRS R1, R1, #24
+        LDR R2,=0x1F
+        CMP R1, R2
+        BNE ApplicationStart       
+;; SYSCFG clock enable         
+        LDR R0,=0x40021034 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000001
+        STR R1, [R0]
+;; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0
+        LDR R0,=0x40010000 
+        LDR R1,=0x00000000
+        STR R1, [R0]
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l031xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l031xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6d5f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l031xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l031xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L031xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l041xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l041xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6e61b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l041xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l041xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L041xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved     
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; AES and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l051xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l051xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd8254d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l051xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l051xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L051xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l052xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l052xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..654ab71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l052xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l052xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L052xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l053xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l053xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b4de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l053xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l053xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L053xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler                ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LCD_IRQHandler
+        B LCD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l061xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l061xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2100f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l061xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l061xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L061xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler             ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; AES and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved  
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l062xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l062xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089e532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l062xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l062xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L062xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                  ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler                ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved    
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l063xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l063xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee14e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l063xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l063xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L063xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                  ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler                ; TIM21
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LCD_IRQHandler
+        B LCD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l071xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l071xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efaba46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l071xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l071xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L071xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     LPUART1_IRQHandler             ; LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        B LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l072xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l072xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf5bf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l072xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l072xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L072xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l073xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l073xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbc289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l073xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l073xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L073xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LCD_IRQHandler
+        B LCD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l081xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l081xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6dbe42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l081xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l081xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L081xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_IRQHandler                 ; RCC
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_IRQHandler                ; TIM6
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler         ; AES and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l082xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l082xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7156d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l082xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l082xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L082xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l083xx.s b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l083xx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277712c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32l083xx.s
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+;/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics ********************
+;* File Name          : startup_stm32l083xx.s
+;* Author             : MCD Application Team
+;* Description        : STM32L083xx Ultra Low Power Devices vector 
+;*                      This module performs:
+;*                      - Set the initial SP
+;*                      - Set the initial PC == _iar_program_start,
+;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR 
+;*                        address.
+;*                      - Configure the system clock
+;*                      - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
+;*                        calls main()).
+;*                      After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
+;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
+;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+;* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+;*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+;*      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+;*      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;*   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+;*      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;*      without specific prior written permission.
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit        
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
+        DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+         ; External Interrupts
+                DCD     WWDG_IRQHandler                ; Window Watchdog
+                DCD     PVD_IRQHandler                 ; PVD through EXTI Line detect
+                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler                 ; RTC through EXTI Line
+                DCD     FLASH_IRQHandler               ; FLASH
+                DCD     RCC_CRS_IRQHandler             ; RCC_CRS
+                DCD     EXTI0_1_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 0 and 1
+                DCD     EXTI2_3_IRQHandler             ; EXTI Line 2 and 3
+                DCD     EXTI4_15_IRQHandler            ; EXTI Line 4 to 15
+                DCD     TSC_IRQHandler                 ; TSC
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler       ; DMA1 Channel 1
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler     ; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3
+                DCD     DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6 and Channel 7
+                DCD     ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler           ; ADC1, COMP1 and COMP2 
+                DCD     LPTIM1_IRQHandler              ; LPTIM1
+                DCD     USART4_5_IRQHandler            ; USART4 and USART5
+                DCD     TIM2_IRQHandler                ; TIM2
+                DCD     TIM3_IRQHandler                ; TIM3
+                DCD     TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler            ; TIM6 and DAC
+                DCD     TIM7_IRQHandler                ; TIM7
+                DCD     0                              ; Reserved
+                DCD     TIM21_IRQHandler               ; TIM21
+                DCD     I2C3_IRQHandler                ; I2C3
+                DCD     TIM22_IRQHandler               ; TIM22
+                DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler                ; I2C1
+                DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler                ; I2C2
+                DCD     SPI1_IRQHandler                ; SPI1
+                DCD     SPI2_IRQHandler                ; SPI2
+                DCD     USART1_IRQHandler              ; USART1
+                DCD     USART2_IRQHandler              ; USART2
+                DCD     AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler     ; AES, RNG and LPUART1
+                DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
+                DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+        PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+        B NMI_Handler
+        PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+        B HardFault_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+        B SVC_Handler
+        PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+        B PendSV_Handler
+        PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+        B SysTick_Handler
+        PUBWEAK WWDG_IRQHandler
+        B WWDG_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK PVD_IRQHandler
+        B PVD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RTC_IRQHandler
+        B RTC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK FLASH_IRQHandler
+        B FLASH_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        B RCC_CRS_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        B EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TSC_IRQHandler
+        B TSC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        B DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        B ADC1_COMP_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        B LPTIM1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        B USART4_5_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM2_IRQHandler
+        B TIM2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM3_IRQHandler
+        B TIM3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        B TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM7_IRQHandler
+        B TIM7_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM21_IRQHandler
+        B TIM21_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C3_IRQHandler
+        B I2C3_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK TIM22_IRQHandler
+        B TIM22_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C1_IRQHandler
+        B I2C1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK I2C2_IRQHandler
+        B I2C2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI1_IRQHandler
+        B SPI1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK SPI2_IRQHandler
+        B SPI2_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART1_IRQHandler
+        B USART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USART2_IRQHandler
+        B USART2_IRQHandler
+        B AES_RNG_LPUART1_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK LCD_IRQHandler
+        B LCD_IRQHandler
+        PUBWEAK USB_IRQHandler
+        B USB_IRQHandler
+        END
+;************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****
diff --git a/Source/Templates/system_stm32l0xx.c b/Source/Templates/system_stm32l0xx.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..814b0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Templates/system_stm32l0xx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    system_stm32l0xx.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @brief   CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File.
+  *
+  *   This file provides two functions and one global variable to be called from
+  *   user application:
+  *      - SystemInit(): This function is called at startup just after reset and
+  *                      before branch to main program. This call is made inside
+  *                      the "startup_stm32l0xx.s" file.
+  *
+  *      - SystemCoreClock variable: Contains the core clock (HCLK), it can be used
+  *                                  by the user application to setup the SysTick
+  *                                  timer or configure other parameters.
+  *
+  *      - SystemCoreClockUpdate(): Updates the variable SystemCoreClock and must
+  *                                 be called whenever the core clock is changed
+  *                                 during program execution.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
+  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+  *
+  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+  *              
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup stm32l0xx_system
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_Includes
+  * @{
+  */
+#include "stm32l0xx.h"
+#if !defined  (HSE_VALUE)
+  #define HSE_VALUE    ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
+#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
+#if !defined  (MSI_VALUE)
+  #define MSI_VALUE    ((uint32_t)2097152U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* MSI_VALUE */
+#if !defined  (HSI_VALUE)
+  #define HSI_VALUE    ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */
+/************************* Miscellaneous Configuration ************************/
+/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
+     Internal SRAM. */
+/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
+#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET  0x00U /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
+                                   This value must be a multiple of 0x100. */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */
+  /* This variable is updated in three ways:
+      1) by calling CMSIS function SystemCoreClockUpdate()
+      2) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()
+      3) each time HAL_RCC_ClockConfig() is called to configure the system clock frequency
+         Note: If you use this function to configure the system clock; then there
+               is no need to call the 2 first functions listed above, since SystemCoreClock
+               variable is updated automatically.
+  */
+  uint32_t SystemCoreClock = 2097152U; /* 32.768 kHz * 2^6 */
+  const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16] = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U};
+  const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8] = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U};
+  const uint8_t PLLMulTable[9] = {3U, 4U, 6U, 8U, 12U, 16U, 24U, 32U, 48U};
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_System_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Setup the microcontroller system.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void SystemInit (void)
+/*!< Set MSION bit */
+  RCC->CR |= (uint32_t)0x00000100U;
+  /*!< Reset SW[1:0], HPRE[3:0], PPRE1[2:0], PPRE2[2:0], MCOSEL[2:0] and MCOPRE[2:0] bits */
+  RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t) 0x88FF400CU;
+  /*!< Reset HSION, HSIDIVEN, HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits */
+  RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFEF6FFF6U;
+  /*!< Reset HSI48ON  bit */
+  RCC->CRRCR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFEU;
+  /*!< Reset HSEBYP bit */
+  RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFFU;
+  /*!< Reset PLLSRC, PLLMUL[3:0] and PLLDIV[1:0] bits */
+  RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t)0xFF02FFFFU;
+  /*!< Disable all interrupts */
+  RCC->CIER = 0x00000000U;
+  /* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address ------------------*/
+  SCB->VTOR = SRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */
+  SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */
+  * @brief  Update SystemCoreClock according to Clock Register Values
+  *         The SystemCoreClock variable contains the core clock (HCLK), it can
+  *         be used by the user application to setup the SysTick timer or configure
+  *         other parameters.
+  *
+  * @note   Each time the core clock (HCLK) changes, this function must be called
+  *         to update SystemCoreClock variable value. Otherwise, any configuration
+  *         based on this variable will be incorrect.
+  *
+  * @note   - The system frequency computed by this function is not the real
+  *           frequency in the chip. It is calculated based on the predefined
+  *           constant and the selected clock source:
+  *
+  *           - If SYSCLK source is MSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the MSI
+  *             value as defined by the MSI range.
+  *
+  *           - If SYSCLK source is HSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSI_VALUE(*)
+  *
+  *           - If SYSCLK source is HSE, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSE_VALUE(**)
+  *
+  *           - If SYSCLK source is PLL, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSE_VALUE(**)
+  *             or HSI_VALUE(*) multiplied/divided by the PLL factors.
+  *
+  *         (*) HSI_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32l0xx_hal.h file (default value
+  *             16 MHz) but the real value may vary depending on the variations
+  *             in voltage and temperature.
+  *
+  *         (**) HSE_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32l0xx_hal.h file (default value
+  *              8 MHz), user has to ensure that HSE_VALUE is same as the real
+  *              frequency of the crystal used. Otherwise, this function may
+  *              have wrong result.
+  *
+  *         - The result of this function could be not correct when using fractional
+  *           value for HSE crystal.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
+  uint32_t tmp = 0U, pllmul = 0U, plldiv = 0U, pllsource = 0U, msirange = 0U;
+  /* Get SYSCLK source -------------------------------------------------------*/
+  tmp = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_SWS;
+  switch (tmp)
+  {
+    case 0x00U:  /* MSI used as system clock */
+      SystemCoreClock = (32768U * (1U << (msirange + 1U)));
+      break;
+    case 0x04U:  /* HSI used as system clock */
+      if ((RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSIDIVF) != 0U)
+      {
+        SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE / 4U;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x08U:  /* HSE used as system clock */
+      SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE;
+      break;
+    default:  /* PLL used as system clock */
+      /* Get PLL clock source and multiplication factor ----------------------*/
+      pllmul = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL;
+      plldiv = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV;
+      pllmul = PLLMulTable[(pllmul >> RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_Pos)];
+      plldiv = (plldiv >> RCC_CFGR_PLLDIV_Pos) + 1U;
+      pllsource = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC;
+      if (pllsource == 0x00U)
+      {
+        /* HSI oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry */
+        if ((RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSIDIVF) != 0U)
+        {
+          SystemCoreClock = (((HSI_VALUE / 4U) * pllmul) / plldiv);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          SystemCoreClock = (((HSI_VALUE) * pllmul) / plldiv);
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* HSE selected as PLL clock entry */
+        SystemCoreClock = (((HSE_VALUE) * pllmul) / plldiv);
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  /* Compute HCLK clock frequency --------------------------------------------*/
+  /* Get HCLK prescaler */
+  tmp = AHBPrescTable[((RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos)];
+  /* HCLK clock frequency */
+  SystemCoreClock >>= tmp;
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
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+  Maintainers: Angelos Chalaris
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+  Browsers resets and base typography.
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+    order: -999; }
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+    order: 999; } }
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+  Custom elements for card elements.
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+.card > .sectione.double-padded {
+  padding: calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+  Definitions for forms and input elements.
+/* Input_control module CSS variable definitions */
+:root {
+  --form-back-color: #f0f0f0;
+  --form-fore-color: #111;
+  --form-border-color: #ddd;
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+    .input-group.fluid > input {
+      max-width: 100%;
+      flex-grow: 1;
+      flex-basis: 0px; }
+    @media screen and (max-width: 499px) {
+      .input-group.fluid {
+        align-items: stretch;
+        flex-direction: column; } }
+  .input-group.vertical {
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: stretch;
+    flex-direction: column; }
+    .input-group.vertical > input {
+      max-width: 100%;
+      flex-grow: 1;
+      flex-basis: 0px; }
+[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, [type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+  height: auto; }
+[type="search"] {
+  -webkit-appearance: textfield;
+  outline-offset: -2px; }
+[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+  -webkit-appearance: none; }
+input:not([type]), [type="text"], [type="email"], [type="number"], [type="search"],
+[type="password"], [type="url"], [type="tel"], [type="checkbox"], [type="radio"], textarea, select {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  background: var(--input-back-color);
+  color: var(--input-fore-color);
+  border: 0.0625rem solid var(--input-border-color);
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+  margin: calc(var(--universal-margin) / 2);
+  padding: var(--universal-padding) calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+input:not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):hover, input:not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):focus, textarea:hover, textarea:focus, select:hover, select:focus {
+  border-color: var(--input-focus-color);
+  box-shadow: none; }
+input:not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):invalid, input:not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):focus:invalid, textarea:invalid, textarea:focus:invalid, select:invalid, select:focus:invalid {
+  border-color: var(--input-invalid-color);
+  box-shadow: none; }
+input:not([type="button"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"])[readonly], textarea[readonly], select[readonly] {
+  background: var(--secondary-back-color); }
+select {
+  max-width: 100%; }
+option {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis; }
+[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"] {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+  position: relative;
+  height: calc(1rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+  width: calc(1rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  padding: 0;
+  flex-basis: calc(1rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2) !important;
+  flex-grow: 0 !important; }
+  [type="checkbox"]:checked:before, [type="radio"]:checked:before {
+    position: absolute; }
+[type="checkbox"]:checked:before {
+  content: '\2713';
+  font-family: sans-serif;
+  font-size: calc(1rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+  top: calc(0rem - var(--universal-padding));
+  left: calc(var(--universal-padding) / 4); }
+[type="radio"] {
+  border-radius: 100%; }
+  [type="radio"]:checked:before {
+    border-radius: 100%;
+    content: '';
+    top: calc(0.0625rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+    left: calc(0.0625rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+    background: var(--input-fore-color);
+    width: 0.5rem;
+    height: 0.5rem; }
+:placeholder-shown {
+  color: var(--input-fore-color); }
+::-ms-placeholder {
+  color: var(--input-fore-color);
+  opacity: 0.54; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner, [type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner, [type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner, [type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner {
+  border-style: none;
+  padding: 0; }
+button, html [type="button"], [type="reset"], [type="submit"] {
+  -webkit-appearance: button; }
+button {
+  overflow: visible;
+  text-transform: none; }
+button, [type="button"], [type="submit"], [type="reset"],
+a.button, label.button, .button,
+a[role="button"], label[role="button"], [role="button"] {
+  display: inline-block;
+  background: var(--button-back-color);
+  color: var(--button-fore-color);
+  border: 0.0625rem solid var(--button-border-color);
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+  padding: var(--universal-padding) calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding));
+  margin: var(--universal-margin);
+  text-decoration: none;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  transition: background 0.3s; }
+  button:hover, button:focus, [type="button"]:hover, [type="button"]:focus, [type="submit"]:hover, [type="submit"]:focus, [type="reset"]:hover, [type="reset"]:focus,
+  a.button:hover,
+  a.button:focus, label.button:hover, label.button:focus, .button:hover, .button:focus,
+  a[role="button"]:hover,
+  a[role="button"]:focus, label[role="button"]:hover, label[role="button"]:focus, [role="button"]:hover, [role="button"]:focus {
+    background: var(--button-hover-back-color);
+    border-color: var(--button-hover-border-color); }
+input:disabled, input[disabled], textarea:disabled, textarea[disabled], select:disabled, select[disabled], button:disabled, button[disabled], .button:disabled, .button[disabled], [role="button"]:disabled, [role="button"][disabled] {
+  cursor: not-allowed;
+  opacity: 0.75; }
+.button-group {
+  display: flex;
+  border: 0.0625rem solid var(--button-group-border-color);
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+  margin: var(--universal-margin); }
+  .button-group > button, .button-group [type="button"], .button-group > [type="submit"], .button-group > [type="reset"], .button-group > .button, .button-group > [role="button"] {
+    margin: 0;
+    max-width: 100%;
+    flex: 1 1 auto;
+    text-align: center;
+    border: 0;
+    border-radius: 0;
+    box-shadow: none; }
+  .button-group > :not(:first-child) {
+    border-left: 0.0625rem solid var(--button-group-border-color); }
+  @media screen and (max-width: 499px) {
+    .button-group {
+      flex-direction: column; }
+      .button-group > :not(:first-child) {
+        border: 0;
+        border-top: 0.0625rem solid var(--button-group-border-color); } }
+  Custom elements for forms and input elements.
+button.primary, [type="button"].primary, [type="submit"].primary, [type="reset"].primary, .button.primary, [role="button"].primary {
+  --button-back-color: #1976d2;
+  --button-fore-color: #f8f8f8; }
+  button.primary:hover, button.primary:focus, [type="button"].primary:hover, [type="button"].primary:focus, [type="submit"].primary:hover, [type="submit"].primary:focus, [type="reset"].primary:hover, [type="reset"].primary:focus, .button.primary:hover, .button.primary:focus, [role="button"].primary:hover, [role="button"].primary:focus {
+    --button-hover-back-color: #1565c0; }
+button.secondary, [type="button"].secondary, [type="submit"].secondary, [type="reset"].secondary, .button.secondary, [role="button"].secondary {
+  --button-back-color: #d32f2f;
+  --button-fore-color: #f8f8f8; }
+  button.secondary:hover, button.secondary:focus, [type="button"].secondary:hover, [type="button"].secondary:focus, [type="submit"].secondary:hover, [type="submit"].secondary:focus, [type="reset"].secondary:hover, [type="reset"].secondary:focus, .button.secondary:hover, .button.secondary:focus, [role="button"].secondary:hover, [role="button"].secondary:focus {
+    --button-hover-back-color: #c62828; }
+button.tertiary, [type="button"].tertiary, [type="submit"].tertiary, [type="reset"].tertiary, .button.tertiary, [role="button"].tertiary {
+  --button-back-color: #308732;
+  --button-fore-color: #f8f8f8; }
+  button.tertiary:hover, button.tertiary:focus, [type="button"].tertiary:hover, [type="button"].tertiary:focus, [type="submit"].tertiary:hover, [type="submit"].tertiary:focus, [type="reset"].tertiary:hover, [type="reset"].tertiary:focus, .button.tertiary:hover, .button.tertiary:focus, [role="button"].tertiary:hover, [role="button"].tertiary:focus {
+    --button-hover-back-color: #277529; }
+button.inverse, [type="button"].inverse, [type="submit"].inverse, [type="reset"].inverse, .button.inverse, [role="button"].inverse {
+  --button-back-color: #212121;
+  --button-fore-color: #f8f8f8; }
+  button.inverse:hover, button.inverse:focus, [type="button"].inverse:hover, [type="button"].inverse:focus, [type="submit"].inverse:hover, [type="submit"].inverse:focus, [type="reset"].inverse:hover, [type="reset"].inverse:focus, .button.inverse:hover, .button.inverse:focus, [role="button"].inverse:hover, [role="button"].inverse:focus {
+    --button-hover-back-color: #111; }
+button.small, [type="button"].small, [type="submit"].small, [type="reset"].small, .button.small, [role="button"].small {
+  padding: calc(0.5 * var(--universal-padding)) calc(0.75 * var(--universal-padding));
+  margin: var(--universal-margin); }
+button.large, [type="button"].large, [type="submit"].large, [type="reset"].large, .button.large, [role="button"].large {
+  padding: calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding)) calc(2 * var(--universal-padding));
+  margin: var(--universal-margin); }
+  Definitions for navigation elements.
+/* Navigation module CSS variable definitions */
+:root {
+  --header-back-color: #f8f8f8;
+  --header-hover-back-color: #f0f0f0;
+  --header-fore-color: #444;
+  --header-border-color: #ddd;
+  --nav-back-color: #f8f8f8;
+  --nav-hover-back-color: #f0f0f0;
+  --nav-fore-color: #444;
+  --nav-border-color: #ddd;
+  --nav-link-color: #0277bd;
+  --footer-fore-color: #444;
+  --footer-back-color: #f8f8f8;
+  --footer-border-color: #ddd;
+  --footer-link-color: #0277bd;
+  --drawer-back-color: #f8f8f8;
+  --drawer-hover-back-color: #f0f0f0;
+  --drawer-border-color: #ddd;
+  --drawer-close-color: #444; }
+header {
+  height: 3.1875rem;
+  background: var(--header-back-color);
+  color: var(--header-fore-color);
+  border-bottom: 0.0625rem solid var(--header-border-color);
+  padding: calc(var(--universal-padding) / 4) 0;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  overflow-x: auto;
+  overflow-y: hidden; }
+  header.row {
+    box-sizing: content-box; }
+  header .logo {
+    color: var(--header-fore-color);
+    font-size: 1.75rem;
+    padding: var(--universal-padding) calc(2 * var(--universal-padding));
+    text-decoration: none; }
+  header button, header [type="button"], header .button, header [role="button"] {
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    position: relative;
+    top: calc(0rem - var(--universal-padding) / 4);
+    height: calc(3.1875rem + var(--universal-padding) / 2);
+    background: var(--header-back-color);
+    line-height: calc(3.1875rem - var(--universal-padding) * 1.5);
+    text-align: center;
+    color: var(--header-fore-color);
+    border: 0;
+    border-radius: 0;
+    margin: 0;
+    text-transform: uppercase; }
+    header button:hover, header button:focus, header [type="button"]:hover, header [type="button"]:focus, header .button:hover, header .button:focus, header [role="button"]:hover, header [role="button"]:focus {
+      background: var(--header-hover-back-color); }
+nav {
+  background: var(--nav-back-color);
+  color: var(--nav-fore-color);
+  border: 0.0625rem solid var(--nav-border-color);
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+  margin: var(--universal-margin); }
+  nav * {
+    padding: var(--universal-padding) calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+  nav a, nav a:visited {
+    display: block;
+    color: var(--nav-link-color);
+    border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+    transition: background 0.3s; }
+    nav a:hover, nav a:focus, nav a:visited:hover, nav a:visited:focus {
+      text-decoration: none;
+      background: var(--nav-hover-back-color); }
+  nav .sublink-1 {
+    position: relative;
+    margin-left: calc(2 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+    nav .sublink-1:before {
+      position: absolute;
+      left: calc(var(--universal-padding) - 1 * var(--universal-padding));
+      top: -0.0625rem;
+      content: '';
+      height: 100%;
+      border: 0.0625rem solid var(--nav-border-color);
+      border-left: 0; }
+  nav .sublink-2 {
+    position: relative;
+    margin-left: calc(4 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+    nav .sublink-2:before {
+      position: absolute;
+      left: calc(var(--universal-padding) - 3 * var(--universal-padding));
+      top: -0.0625rem;
+      content: '';
+      height: 100%;
+      border: 0.0625rem solid var(--nav-border-color);
+      border-left: 0; }
+footer {
+  background: var(--footer-back-color);
+  color: var(--footer-fore-color);
+  border-top: 0.0625rem solid var(--footer-border-color);
+  padding: calc(2 * var(--universal-padding)) var(--universal-padding);
+  font-size: 0.875rem; }
+  footer a, footer a:visited {
+    color: var(--footer-link-color); }
+header.sticky {
+  position: -webkit-sticky;
+  position: sticky;
+  z-index: 1101;
+  top: 0; }
+footer.sticky {
+  position: -webkit-sticky;
+  position: sticky;
+  z-index: 1101;
+  bottom: 0; }
+.drawer-toggle:before {
+  display: inline-block;
+  position: relative;
+  vertical-align: bottom;
+  content: '\00a0\2261\00a0';
+  font-family: sans-serif;
+  font-size: 1.5em; }
+@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
+  .drawer-toggle:not(.persistent) {
+    display: none; } }
+[type="checkbox"].drawer {
+  height: 1px;
+  width: 1px;
+  margin: -1px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: absolute;
+  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+  -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+  clip-path: inset(100%); }
+  [type="checkbox"].drawer + * {
+    display: block;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 0;
+    width: 320px;
+    height: 100vh;
+    overflow-y: auto;
+    background: var(--drawer-back-color);
+    border: 0.0625rem solid var(--drawer-border-color);
+    border-radius: 0;
+    margin: 0;
+    z-index: 1110;
+    right: -320px;
+    transition: right 0.3s; }
+    [type="checkbox"].drawer + * .drawer-close {
+      position: absolute;
+      top: var(--universal-margin);
+      right: var(--universal-margin);
+      z-index: 1111;
+      width: 2rem;
+      height: 2rem;
+      border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+      padding: var(--universal-padding);
+      margin: 0;
+      cursor: pointer;
+      transition: background 0.3s; }
+      [type="checkbox"].drawer + * .drawer-close:before {
+        display: block;
+        content: '\00D7';
+        color: var(--drawer-close-color);
+        position: relative;
+        font-family: sans-serif;
+        font-size: 2rem;
+        line-height: 1;
+        text-align: center; }
+      [type="checkbox"].drawer + * .drawer-close:hover, [type="checkbox"].drawer + * .drawer-close:focus {
+        background: var(--drawer-hover-back-color); }
+    @media screen and (max-width: 320px) {
+      [type="checkbox"].drawer + * {
+        width: 100%; } }
+  [type="checkbox"].drawer:checked + * {
+    right: 0; }
+  @media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
+    [type="checkbox"].drawer:not(.persistent) + * {
+      position: static;
+      height: 100%;
+      z-index: 1100; }
+      [type="checkbox"].drawer:not(.persistent) + * .drawer-close {
+        display: none; } }
+  Definitions for the responsive table component.
+/* Table module CSS variable definitions. */
+:root {
+  --table-border-color: #aaa;
+  --table-border-separator-color: #666;
+  --table-head-back-color: #e6e6e6;
+  --table-head-fore-color: #111;
+  --table-body-back-color: #f8f8f8;
+  --table-body-fore-color: #111;
+  --table-body-alt-back-color: #eee; }
+table {
+  border-collapse: separate;
+  border-spacing: 0;
+  : margin: calc(1.5 * var(--universal-margin)) var(--universal-margin);
+  display: flex;
+  flex: 0 1 auto;
+  flex-flow: row wrap;
+  padding: var(--universal-padding);
+  padding-top: 0;
+	margin: calc(1.5 * var(--universal-margin)) var(--universal-margin);	}
+  table caption {
+    font-size: 1.25 * rem;
+    margin: calc(2 * var(--universal-margin)) 0;
+    max-width: 100%;
+    flex: 0 0 100%;
+		text-align: left;}
+  table thead, table tbody {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-flow: row wrap;
+    border: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color); }
+  table thead {
+    z-index: 999;
+    border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius) var(--universal-border-radius) 0 0;
+    border-bottom: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-separator-color); }
+  table tbody {
+    border-top: 0;
+    margin-top: calc(0 - var(--universal-margin));
+    border-radius: 0 0 var(--universal-border-radius) var(--universal-border-radius); }
+  table tr {
+    display: flex;
+    padding: 0; }
+  table th, table td {
+    padding: calc(0.5 * var(--universal-padding));
+		font-size: 0.9rem; }
+  table th {
+    text-align: left;
+    background: var(--table-head-back-color);
+    color: var(--table-head-fore-color); }
+  table td {
+    background: var(--table-body-back-color);
+    color: var(--table-body-fore-color);
+    border-top: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color); }
+table:not(.horizontal) {
+  overflow: auto;
+  max-height: 850px; }
+  table:not(.horizontal) thead, table:not(.horizontal) tbody {
+    max-width: 100%;
+    flex: 0 0 100%; }
+  table:not(.horizontal) tr {
+    flex-flow: row wrap;
+    flex: 0 0 100%; }
+  table:not(.horizontal) th, table:not(.horizontal) td {
+    flex: 1 0 0%;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    text-overflow: ellipsis; }
+  table:not(.horizontal) thead {
+    position: sticky;
+    top: 0; }
+  table:not(.horizontal) tbody tr:first-child td {
+    border-top: 0; }
+table.horizontal {
+  border: 0; }
+  table.horizontal thead, table.horizontal tbody {
+    border: 0;
+    flex-flow: row nowrap; }
+  table.horizontal tbody {
+    overflow: auto;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    flex: 1 0 0;
+    margin-left: calc( 4 * var(--universal-margin));
+    padding-bottom: calc(var(--universal-padding) / 4); }
+  table.horizontal tr {
+    flex-direction: column;
+    flex: 1 0 auto; }
+  table.horizontal th, table.horizontal td {
+    width: 100%;
+    border: 0;
+    border-bottom: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color); }
+    table.horizontal th:not(:first-child), table.horizontal td:not(:first-child) {
+      border-top: 0; }
+  table.horizontal th {
+    text-align: right;
+    border-left: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color);
+    border-right: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-separator-color); }
+  table.horizontal thead tr:first-child {
+    padding-left: 0; }
+  table.horizontal th:first-child, table.horizontal td:first-child {
+    border-top: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color); }
+  table.horizontal tbody tr:last-child td {
+    border-right: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color); }
+    table.horizontal tbody tr:last-child td:first-child {
+      border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; }
+    table.horizontal tbody tr:last-child td:last-child {
+      border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; }
+  table.horizontal thead tr:first-child th:first-child {
+    border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; }
+  table.horizontal thead tr:first-child th:last-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 499px) {
+  table, table.horizontal {
+    border-collapse: collapse;
+    border: 0;
+    width: 100%;
+    display: table; }
+    table thead, table th, table.horizontal thead, table.horizontal th {
+      border: 0;
+      height: 1px;
+      width: 1px;
+      margin: -1px;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      padding: 0;
+      position: absolute;
+      clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+      -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+      clip-path: inset(100%); }
+    table tbody, table.horizontal tbody {
+      border: 0;
+      display: table-row-group; }
+    table tr, table.horizontal tr {
+      display: block;
+      border: 0.0625rem solid var(--table-border-color);
+      border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+      background: #fafafa;
+      padding: var(--universal-padding);
+      margin: var(--universal-margin);
+      margin-bottom: calc(2 * var(--universal-margin)); }
+    table th, table td, table.horizontal th, table.horizontal td {
+      width: auto; }
+    table td, table.horizontal td {
+      display: block;
+      border: 0;
+      text-align: right; }
+    table td:before, table.horizontal td:before {
+      content: attr(data-label);
+      float: left;
+      font-weight: 600; }
+    table th:first-child, table td:first-child, table.horizontal th:first-child, table.horizontal td:first-child {
+      border-top: 0; }
+    table tbody tr:last-child td, table.horizontal tbody tr:last-child td {
+      border-right: 0; } }
+:root {
+  --table-body-alt-back-color: #eee; }
+table tr:nth-of-type(2n) > td {
+  background: var(--table-body-alt-back-color); }
+@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
+  table tr:nth-of-type(2n) {
+    background: var(--table-body-alt-back-color); } }
+:root {
+  --table-body-hover-back-color: #90caf9; }
+table.hoverable tr:hover, table.hoverable tr:hover > td, table.hoverable tr:focus, table.hoverable tr:focus > td {
+  background: var(--table-body-hover-back-color); }
+@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
+  table.hoverable tr:hover, table.hoverable tr:hover > td, table.hoverable tr:focus, table.hoverable tr:focus > td {
+    background: var(--table-body-hover-back-color); } }
+  Definitions for contextual background elements, toasts and tooltips.
+/* Contextual module CSS variable definitions */
+:root {
+  --mark-back-color: #0277bd;
+  --mark-fore-color: #fafafa; }
+mark {
+  background: var(--mark-back-color);
+  color: var(--mark-fore-color);
+  font-size: 0.95em;
+  line-height: 1em;
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+  padding: calc(var(--universal-padding) / 4) calc(var(--universal-padding) / 2); }
+  mark.inline-block {
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 1em;
+    line-height: 1.5;
+    padding: calc(var(--universal-padding) / 2) var(--universal-padding); }
+:root {
+  --toast-back-color: #424242;
+  --toast-fore-color: #fafafa; }
+.toast {
+  position: fixed;
+  bottom: calc(var(--universal-margin) * 3);
+  left: 50%;
+  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+  z-index: 1111;
+  color: var(--toast-fore-color);
+  background: var(--toast-back-color);
+  border-radius: calc(var(--universal-border-radius) * 16);
+  padding: var(--universal-padding) calc(var(--universal-padding) * 3); }
+:root {
+  --tooltip-back-color: #212121;
+  --tooltip-fore-color: #fafafa; }
+.tooltip {
+  position: relative;
+  display: inline-block; }
+  .tooltip:before, .tooltip:after {
+    position: absolute;
+    opacity: 0;
+    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+    -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+    clip-path: inset(100%);
+    transition: all 0.3s;
+    z-index: 1010;
+    left: 50%; }
+  .tooltip:not(.bottom):before, .tooltip:not(.bottom):after {
+    bottom: 75%; }
+  .tooltip.bottom:before, .tooltip.bottom:after {
+    top: 75%; }
+  .tooltip:hover:before, .tooltip:hover:after, .tooltip:focus:before, .tooltip:focus:after {
+    opacity: 1;
+    clip: auto;
+    -webkit-clip-path: inset(0%);
+    clip-path: inset(0%); }
+  .tooltip:before {
+    content: '';
+    background: transparent;
+    border: var(--universal-margin) solid transparent;
+    left: calc(50% - var(--universal-margin)); }
+  .tooltip:not(.bottom):before {
+    border-top-color: #212121; }
+  .tooltip.bottom:before {
+    border-bottom-color: #212121; }
+  .tooltip:after {
+    content: attr(aria-label);
+    color: var(--tooltip-fore-color);
+    background: var(--tooltip-back-color);
+    border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+    padding: var(--universal-padding);
+    white-space: nowrap;
+    transform: translateX(-50%); }
+  .tooltip:not(.bottom):after {
+    margin-bottom: calc(2 * var(--universal-margin)); }
+  .tooltip.bottom:after {
+    margin-top: calc(2 * var(--universal-margin)); }
+:root {
+  --modal-overlay-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
+  --modal-close-color: #444;
+  --modal-close-hover-color: #f0f0f0; }
+[type="checkbox"].modal {
+  height: 1px;
+  width: 1px;
+  margin: -1px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: absolute;
+  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+  -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+  clip-path: inset(100%); }
+  [type="checkbox"].modal + div {
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    display: none;
+    width: 100vw;
+    height: 100vh;
+    background: var(--modal-overlay-color); }
+    [type="checkbox"].modal + div .card {
+      margin: 0 auto;
+      max-height: 50vh;
+      overflow: auto; }
+      [type="checkbox"].modal + div .card .modal-close {
+        position: absolute;
+        top: 0;
+        right: 0;
+        width: 1.75rem;
+        height: 1.75rem;
+        border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius);
+        padding: var(--universal-padding);
+        margin: 0;
+        cursor: pointer;
+        transition: background 0.3s; }
+        [type="checkbox"].modal + div .card .modal-close:before {
+          display: block;
+          content: '\00D7';
+          color: var(--modal-close-color);
+          position: relative;
+          font-family: sans-serif;
+          font-size: 1.75rem;
+          line-height: 1;
+          text-align: center; }
+        [type="checkbox"].modal + div .card .modal-close:hover, [type="checkbox"].modal + div .card .modal-close:focus {
+          background: var(--modal-close-hover-color); }
+  [type="checkbox"].modal:checked + div {
+    display: flex;
+    flex: 0 1 auto;
+    z-index: 1200; }
+    [type="checkbox"].modal:checked + div .card .modal-close {
+      z-index: 1211; }
+:root {
+  --collapse-label-back-color: #e8e8e8;
+  --collapse-label-fore-color: #212121;
+  --collapse-label-hover-back-color: #f0f0f0;
+  --collapse-selected-label-back-color: #ececec;
+  --collapse-border-color: #ddd;
+  --collapse-content-back-color: #fafafa;
+  --collapse-selected-label-border-color: #0277bd; }
+.collapse {
+  width: calc(100% - 2 * var(--universal-margin));
+  opacity: 1;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  margin: var(--universal-margin);
+  border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius); }
+  .collapse > [type="radio"], .collapse > [type="checkbox"] {
+    height: 1px;
+    width: 1px;
+    margin: -1px;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    position: absolute;
+    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+    -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+    clip-path: inset(100%); }
+  .collapse > label {
+    flex-grow: 1;
+    display: inline-block;
+    height: 1.5rem;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    transition: background 0.3s;
+    color: var(--collapse-label-fore-color);
+    background: var(--collapse-label-back-color);
+    border: 0.0625rem solid var(--collapse-border-color);
+    padding: calc(1.5 * var(--universal-padding)); }
+    .collapse > label:hover, .collapse > label:focus {
+      background: var(--collapse-label-hover-back-color); }
+    .collapse > label + div {
+      flex-basis: auto;
+      height: 1px;
+      width: 1px;
+      margin: -1px;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      position: absolute;
+      clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+      -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%);
+      clip-path: inset(100%);
+      transition: max-height 0.3s;
+      max-height: 1px; }
+  .collapse > :checked + label {
+    background: var(--collapse-selected-label-back-color);
+    border-bottom-color: var(--collapse-selected-label-border-color); }
+    .collapse > :checked + label + div {
+      box-sizing: border-box;
+      position: relative;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: auto;
+      overflow: auto;
+      margin: 0;
+      background: var(--collapse-content-back-color);
+      border: 0.0625rem solid var(--collapse-border-color);
+      border-top: 0;
+      padding: var(--universal-padding);
+      clip: auto;
+      -webkit-clip-path: inset(0%);
+      clip-path: inset(0%);
+      max-height: 850px; }
+  .collapse > label:not(:first-of-type) {
+    border-top: 0; }
+  .collapse > label:first-of-type {
+    border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius) var(--universal-border-radius) 0 0; }
+  .collapse > label:last-of-type:not(:first-of-type) {
+    border-radius: 0 0 var(--universal-border-radius) var(--universal-border-radius); }
+  .collapse > label:last-of-type:first-of-type {
+    border-radius: var(--universal-border-radius); }
+  .collapse > :checked:last-of-type:not(:first-of-type) + label {
+    border-radius: 0; }
+  .collapse > :checked:last-of-type + label + div {
+    border-radius: 0 0 var(--universal-border-radius) var(--universal-border-radius); }
+  Custom elements for contextual background elements, toasts and tooltips.
+mark.secondary {
+  --mark-back-color: #d32f2f; }
+mark.tertiary {
+  --mark-back-color: #308732; }
+mark.tag {
+  padding: calc(var(--universal-padding)/2) var(--universal-padding);
+  border-radius: 1em; }
+  Definitions for progress elements and spinners.
+/* Progess module CSS variable definitions */
+:root {
+  --progress-back-color: #ddd;
+  --progress-fore-color: #555; }
+progress {
+  display: block;
+  vertical-align: baseline;
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+  height: 0.75rem;
+  width: calc(100% - 2 * var(--universal-margin));
+  margin: var(--universal-margin);
+  border: 0;
+  border-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius));
+  background: var(--progress-back-color);
+  color: var(--progress-fore-color); }
+  progress::-webkit-progress-value {
+    background: var(--progress-fore-color);
+    border-top-left-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius));
+    border-bottom-left-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius)); }
+  progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
+    background: var(--progress-back-color); }
+  progress::-moz-progress-bar {
+    background: var(--progress-fore-color);
+    border-top-left-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius));
+    border-bottom-left-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius)); }
+  progress[value="1000"]::-webkit-progress-value {
+    border-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius)); }
+  progress[value="1000"]::-moz-progress-bar {
+    border-radius: calc(2 * var(--universal-border-radius)); }
+  progress.inline {
+    display: inline-block;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    width: 60%; }
+:root {
+  --spinner-back-color: #ddd;
+  --spinner-fore-color: #555; }
+@keyframes spinner-donut-anim {
+  0% {
+    transform: rotate(0deg); }
+  100% {
+    transform: rotate(360deg); } }
+.spinner {
+  display: inline-block;
+  margin: var(--universal-margin);
+  border: 0.25rem solid var(--spinner-back-color);
+  border-left: 0.25rem solid var(--spinner-fore-color);
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  width: 1.25rem;
+  height: 1.25rem;
+  animation: spinner-donut-anim 1.2s linear infinite; }
+  Custom elements for progress bars and spinners.
+progress.primary {
+  --progress-fore-color: #1976d2; }
+progress.secondary {
+  --progress-fore-color: #d32f2f; }
+progress.tertiary {
+  --progress-fore-color: #308732; }
+.spinner.primary {
+  --spinner-fore-color: #1976d2; }
+.spinner.secondary {
+  --spinner-fore-color: #d32f2f; }
+.spinner.tertiary {
+  --spinner-fore-color: #308732; }
+  Definitions for icons - powered by Feather (
+span[class^='icon-'] {
+  display: inline-block;
+  height: 1em;
+  width: 1em;
+  vertical-align: -0.125em;
+  background-size: contain;
+  margin: 0 calc(var(--universal-margin) / 4); }
+  span[class^='icon-'].secondary {
+    -webkit-filter: invert(25%);
+    filter: invert(25%); }
+  span[class^='icon-'].inverse {
+    -webkit-filter: invert(100%);
+    filter: invert(100%); }
+span.icon-alert {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='12' r='10'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='8' x2='12' y2='12'%3E%3C/line%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='16' x2='12' y2='16'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-bookmark {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M19 21l-7-5-7 5V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-calendar {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Crect x='3' y='4' width='18' height='18' rx='2' ry='2'%3E%3C/rect%3E%3Cline x1='16' y1='2' x2='16' y2='6'%3E%3C/line%3E%3Cline x1='8' y1='2' x2='8' y2='6'%3E%3C/line%3E%3Cline x1='3' y1='10' x2='21' y2='10'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-credit {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Crect x='1' y='4' width='22' height='16' rx='2' ry='2'%3E%3C/rect%3E%3Cline x1='1' y1='10' x2='23' y2='10'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-edit {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M20 14.66V20a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h5.34'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpolygon points='18 2 22 6 12 16 8 16 8 12 18 2'%3E%3C/polygon%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-link {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M18 13v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpolyline points='15 3 21 3 21 9'%3E%3C/polyline%3E%3Cline x1='10' y1='14' x2='21' y2='3'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-help {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='12' r='10'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='17' x2='12' y2='17'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-home {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M3 9l9-7 9 7v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpolyline points='9 22 9 12 15 12 15 22'%3E%3C/polyline%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-info {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='12' r='10'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='16' x2='12' y2='12'%3E%3C/line%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='8' x2='12' y2='8'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-lock {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Crect x='3' y='11' width='18' height='11' rx='2' ry='2'%3E%3C/rect%3E%3Cpath d='M7 11V7a5 5 0 0 1 10 0v4'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-mail {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M4 4h16c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2v12c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H4c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V6c0-1.1.9-2 2-2z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpolyline points='22,6 12,13 2,6'%3E%3C/polyline%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-location {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M21 10c0 7-9 13-9 13s-9-6-9-13a9 9 0 0 1 18 0z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='10' r='3'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-phone {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-rss {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M4 11a9 9 0 0 1 9 9'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpath d='M4 4a16 16 0 0 1 16 16'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Ccircle cx='5' cy='19' r='1'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-search {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='11' cy='11' r='8'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cline x1='21' y1='21' x2='16.65' y2='16.65'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-settings {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='12' r='3'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cpath d='M19.4 15a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 .33 1.82l.06.06a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.83 2 2 0 0 1-2.83 0l-.06-.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.82-.33 1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1 1.51V21a2 2 0 0 1-2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-.09A1.65 1.65 0 0 0 9 19.4a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.82.33l-.06.06a2 2 0 0 1-2.83 0 2 2 0 0 1 0-2.83l.06-.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 .33-1.82 1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.51-1H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2-2h.09A1.65 1.65 0 0 0 4.6 9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-.33-1.82l-.06-.06a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.83 2 2 0 0 1 2.83 0l.06.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.82.33H9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1-1.51V3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2 2v.09a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1 1.51 1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.82-.33l.06-.06a2 2 0 0 1 2.83 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 2.83l-.06.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-.33 1.82V9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.51 1H21a2 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-.09a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.51 1z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-share {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='18' cy='5' r='3'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Ccircle cx='6' cy='12' r='3'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Ccircle cx='18' cy='19' r='3'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cline x1='8.59' y1='13.51' x2='15.42' y2='17.49'%3E%3C/line%3E%3Cline x1='15.41' y1='6.51' x2='8.59' y2='10.49'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-cart {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Ccircle cx='9' cy='21' r='1'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Ccircle cx='20' cy='21' r='1'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3Cpath d='M1 1h4l2.68 13.39a2 2 0 0 0 2 1.61h9.72a2 2 0 0 0 2-1.61L23 6H6'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-upload {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpolyline points='17 8 12 3 7 8'%3E%3C/polyline%3E%3Cline x1='12' y1='3' x2='12' y2='15'%3E%3C/line%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+span.icon-user {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23111' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='M20 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H8a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Ccircle cx='12' cy='7' r='4'%3E%3C/circle%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }
+  Definitions for utilities and helper classes.
+/* Utility module CSS variable definitions */
+:root {
+  --generic-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+  --generic-box-shadow: 0 0.25rem 0.25rem 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125), 0 0.125rem 0.125rem -0.125rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }
+.hidden {
+  display: none !important; }
+.visually-hidden {
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diff --git a/_htmresc/st_logo.png b/_htmresc/st_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b80057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_htmresc/st_logo.png
Binary files differ